Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 124 124.

Chapter 124 124.

The grey wolf king soon? snapped out of its fearful trance and released a low guttural growl instructing its wolf subordinates to swarm Lucius once again, but after realising that it\'s subordinates were? blatantly? ignoring his instructions from sheer fear the old king was left furious!

The wolf king let off a roar once more, but after continuing to see no visible change in the attitude of his subordinates the wolf king new he was left with no choice.

The wolf king raised its head high toward the sky as the muscles around its neck swelled.

The grey wolf king then opened his mouth just? as Lucius had been bracing himself for a devastating roar, but he was soon surprised to hear absolutely nothing.

Despite Lucius being unaffected and feeling? no audible change, the same could not be said about the surrounding grey wolves.

As soon as the wolf king opened its mouth the surrounding grey wolves all froze solid creating an eerie sight.

Their frozen state only lasted shortly however as not too long after that they began to twitch and spasm with some of the grey wolves even frothing at the mouth.

A berserk red light rapidly grew? within their eyes? as the wolves seemed to grow more and more furious

"Howl! Howl! Howl!"

All of a sudden the wolves simultaneously let off? a collective howl as they rushed towards Lucius at once!

This was the true power of the Grey Wolf King.

His magical ability wasn\'t something too showy or mind blowing but it was something terrifyingly powerful.

It was the psychic power to implement dominate and control the weaker members of his race to the point that they would willingly kill themselves for him.

After all, it was only with such a power bag he could be deemed truly worthy of the title of the Grey wolf king!

The wolves had changed completely.

If before they could be deemed as a group of individuals, now they had truly become one singular swarm!

The Life? of its subrodinates was not considered by any? metric by king grey wolf instead its only thought was just how to overcome Lucius with sheer numbers.

But even if the wolves had lost all sense of survival instincts, Lucius was no pushover.

He tore apart the wolves like they were pieces of paper.

He had lost his sword a while ago so he used his scaled hands to tear them to shreds.

But Lucius was still human after all, even if he was not defeated there more wolf bodies piling up, faster than he could move his arms.

The wolves seemed to be in endless supply constantly pouring out of the forest just to jump on Lucius even if they were almost instantly Beheaded in the process.

Such a mindless and reckless abdomen of the wolves lives would have a devastating effect on the long time survivability of the grey wolf species as a whole but the king was so blinded by rage and anger he didn\'t even care!

The reckless waste of wolf lives Continued until Lucius? was quite literally buried alive under the mountain of feral wolves!

By now the wolves had bit into every available gap in his body, finally cracking through his scales and spilling so I h blood over Lucius

But they were forgetting one important detail

Just as much as Lucius\'s blood was part dragon it was the same as the barbarian high king!

Barbarians, a race forged and born in violence and battle how could they fear bloodshed

The more blood spilled, the more his mind was left? blank? with pain, the more rage that built up in his heart, and the stronger Lucius became!

Glug! Glug! Glug!

The blood in Lucius\' body was pouring from his brutal wounds and was leaving his damaged body as a truly terrifying sight, but all this while,? Lucius\'s heart didn\'t stop working, pumping blood around his body like a raging river sending it roaring through his veins

Badum! Badum! Badum!

His heart beating hard already started beating even harder to the point it almost jumpers out of Lucius heat.

At first, it was like the sound of a bass but it continued until it was no different than thunder roaring in the sky causing even the mountain of vicious wolves to shake under the heartbeat until...


An explosion of red bio electricity, shook the earth blinding the world in a deep

Crimson red!

If you were paying attention you could see the red electric tendrils snake down his back forming a massive rage? lightning tail

But Lucius\'s fury couldn\'t just end there!


The air screamed as a set? of giant lightning wings unfurled sending the pile of wolves swirling in a storm fully revealing the monster beneath

A giant figure covered in scales with a long tail and giant wings each one composed of flicking red lightning.

Suddenly the Grey wolf king rushed over to Lucius and that\'s when Grey Wolf King realised he had truly fucked up

The person he was facing was not the same one he had started the fight with

Ignoring the obvious change in physical appearance, the change he felt was deeper, more psychological

The whites in Lucius\'s eyes evaporated, leaving them completely red flickering with the overflowing sparks of rage lightning

The wolf king opened its mouth to bite down, but? that\'s when Lucius arms shot out like thunder


His hand flew out like a hammer shattering the wolf kings? teeth causing it to yell in pain, but before it\'s cries could completely come out,? Lucius\'s other scaled? Hand grabbed the wolf king by the jaw as it helplessly squirmed.

The wolf king was held completely in place by Lucius\'s hands almost like a helpless rabbit

But even with this, Lucius wasn\'t done yet.

His wings flapped as he soared into the sky, with the giant body of the wolf king in tow.

It was only when Lucius was at least hundreds of meters in the air that Lucius twisted and spun his body hurling the giant body of the wolf king back onto the floor.

But as the wolf king crashed down,? Lucius smirked evilly as coating of terrible flames flickered all over his body as flew back? down smashing into the body of the Grey wolf King!


The giant flaming monstrosity crashed into the floor like a raging meteor sending a raging dust wave exploding out as the grass surrounding the greenery burst into flames.

From the ruined hell scape , a giant monster wrapped in crimson lightning slowly crawled out.

With an aura so berserk and crazed it could make even the most ferocious demons shiver. Lucius scanned the surrounding group of wolves as a vicious smile appeared on his face.

With his current strength numbers were useless!

But before Lucius could act he suddenly froze as he looked up into the sky

Suddenly the terrifying shrieking sound erupted in the sky sounding the like needless cries of countless torture ghosts.

It wasn\'t long before a terrifying black swarm of arrows appeared in the sky and blotting out the sun before crashing down.

It was horrific.

The sight seemed almost apocalyptic.

Everyone under the sky was helpless in front of this arrow rain.

Soon the endless shrieks? of wolves sounded out as downs of arrows all pierced through every wolf present

Eyes, nose, head, each weak point was hit, filling up each wolf with enough arrows that they looked more like porcupines.

Even Lucius remained stunned for a while.

Such a display of power was different from his terrifying and crushing? brute force show by Lucius, it was a Swift and quick death.

Like the kiss of the grim reaper that would send you to the after life cleanly with stunning swiftness

A fire that makes tens of wolves a fall on the floor at the same time dying instantly!

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