To Love You Again

Chapter 36 - Operation - Seducing Linfeng: the Date (I)

Chapter 36 - Operation - Seducing Linfeng: the Date (I)

The amus.e.m.e.nt park was filled with all kinds of people. More were kids, some were couples, and a lot of group of teenagers.

However, there was a group that stand out in the crowded area. A lot of people could not help but glance in their way.

The group consist of two beautiful teenage girls, a handsome young man, and a smaller cute boy with glasses. Their looks were not the only one that stand out most but they aura and movement.

The lively girl in a red dress and brown wedge shoes look like a model, she was the only one who were talking non-stop in the group. The cold beautiful girl in simple blue dress was like a noble princess that came out from the painting. Every move was graceful. The boy who had the same height with the girl in red were quiet and looked bored. Even he looked weak and not so tall, one could feel that by looking at him felt like they were looking at a prodigy. Probably because of his eye glasses. The other young man was exceptional. He was tall and very handsome. He looked forward but sometimes steal a glance at the girl in blue dress. He also kept his distance. He was behind the girl in blue. Many girls were looking at his way.

"Xiong Zhi...let\'s start our plan now." Song Xuantin whispered to Xiong Zhi.

Xiong Zhi nodded and went closer to Linfeng. At the same time she turned towards Gu Zhen.

"Gu Zhen, can you accompany Xuantin to buy tickets for the play? I will just buy something with Linfeng."

Gu Zhen faced Xiong Zhi with his bored tone he said.

"Why do you need to buy a ticket for the play? What am I doing here?" Gu Zhen was really bored. He was not fun of going outside. He would rather lock himself with his beloved computer in the room.

However, he only got a glare as a reply. Even he did not know why he was here or what they will be doing here he followed Xiong Zhi\'s order . the key yesterday was an unexpected and precious gift for him. When he thought the latest edition disk for virtual reality game that inside his locker he gained his spirits. Besides, Xiong Zhi promised he could stay another week. It means he was free from his father for a week, and could focus on his game. Without looking at his companion ( Xuantin ) he went to some stall with a long line on it. Xuantin followed after him.

Xiong Zhi and Linfeng went to the opposite direction.

Xiong Zhi was in front, Linfeng was on the back. Xiong Zhi tried to slow her steps so Linfeng could catch up. But Linfeng also slowed down. This make Xiong Zhi frustrated.

She turned around and face him. Linfeng was a little bit startled by her sudden movement.

"Let\'s walk together. Side by side. Oh-" she looked around, stepped closer to Linfeng and held his hand.

"-so we will not be separated." She said casually but her mind was focused in their intertwined hands. This move of course, was in their planner.

Linfeng did not say anything. He just let Xiong Zhi lead him.

Song Xuantin and Xiong Zhi step 1 & 2 was accomplished. Step 1. Be alone with your man. Step. 2. Make every move to hold his hand. Now for Step 3. Ice breaker: play any game

Xiong Zhi entered a stall where stuff toys and gun toys was decorated. The stall called \' Hunt Toys \'.g

The name of the store told it. You need to pay for every 3 bullets of toy gun. Then shoot down the stuff animals in the counter, 4 meters away. If you manage to shoot a stuff toy, Then it will be yours.

Xiong Zhi lead Linfeng to that area. She then pointed an elephant stuff toy in the counter.

Linfeng saw it and asked.

"Does young miss, wants it?"

Xiong Zhi nodded.

"Just call me Zhi\'er." She added. Linfeng just smiled and paid for the three bullets. He held the toy gun and aim.


No movement from any stuff animals. He turned around to Xiong Zhi.

"Just the elephant?" He asked still aiming the toy gun.

"Add the blue rabbit as well."

The moment she was finished saying that two bang sounded.

Two stuff animal left the counter. One blue rabbit, the other is an elephant.

The staff was open mouthed. He thought that this handsome boy would take a lot of bullets before he could take down a toy. Since his first try was nowhere near the counter. The staff did not know that Linfeng was testing the toy gun\'s shooting range.

He get the two toys and handed it to the beautiful couple with reluctance.

Xiong Zhi accepted it with glee. Even her face was not capable of showing any strong emotions, she could still smile. She thank Linfeng and went to another stall again.

This next stall was a bowling game.

In the game, the player must pay for every strike of the ball. If the player manage to take down ten pins in one strike, he would get a prize. The prize was a stuff pin.

Still holding Linfeng\'s hand, and the stuff toys in the other, Xiong Zhi paid in the counter. She paid for two try\'s, one for her and the other for Linfeng. When she got the ball she let go Linfeng\'s hand and let him hold the two stuff toys. Linfeng just stand and watch at the side.

Xiong Zhi went to the bowling area and lowered her body a little. She did not play any games aside from board games. And her opponent was always herself. But she still copied the other player\'s stance earlier. With a breath,? she threw the ball with all her strength towards the target pin.

Bang ! Bang !


Xiong Zhi stared wide eyed. The ball she threw earlier did not even manage to strike any pin, nor came near that area, she used all her strength. The ball hit the upper fence and bounce back towards the player\'s area. A boy similar to their age was hit by her ball in the gut.

Linfeng who was watching at the side twitched his mouth. He was holding his laughter in. When he saw how serious his young miss when she threw the ball earlier with all her strength , he thought Xiong Zhi would at least hit three pins. Instead she did not hit one but manage to hit others! He knew the situation was bad. So swallowing his laughter, he took step forward and apologize to the boy.

"We are really sorry. We are not doing it in purpose. We can send you to the clinic right away. " Linfeng said.

When Xiong Zhi heard this she bowed to the boy.

"I\'m really sorry. Its my fault. Do you want us to send you to the clinic right now?"

The boy belonged to a group of teenage boys. The boy that was hit stared blankly at the two deity like couple in front of him.

\'Did I die from the hit? Are they angels?\'

The other boy who was first recovered his wits from the beautiful couple nudge the elbow of the boy who was hit.

The boy was startled a bit but then said.

"It\'s OK, it did not even bruised." He even lifted his shirt to let them look.

His abdomen was a bit red, but it was fine. Before Xiong Zhi could check it more. Linfeng already blocked her vision.

"If that\'s it. You must still need a cold compress. Please wait for us a bit." Linfeng said and then held Xiong Zhi\'s hand. Linfeng went to a nearby food stall and bought an ice. He also bought a face towel and went back to the bowling game. Xiong Zhi was silent with her head bowed. She was guilty. It was her fault. But Linfeng was the one managing it.

"I\'m sorry young miss, I must brought you with me. Are you tired? Am I walking too fast?" Linfeng asked. When he glance at her earlier he saw how dejected she looked like. Linfeng thought Xiong Zhi was tired walking here and there. But he could not left her alone with a group of men. It was safer to be together .

Xiong Zhi was moved. Even she caused trouble, Linfeng did not blame her and even think first of her condition. However this made her guilty more.

"I\'m sorry...I troubled you...are you tired?" Xiong Zhi asked. Her usual cold voice has a tinge worry with them.

This made Linfeng smile a little .

"I\'m not. And don\'t worry young miss . taking care of your problems is my job. Don\'t be troubled. I\'m your aide, so don\'t think too much of it.."

Linfeng said subconsciously. But when he realized what his last sentence means he froze a little.

\'Aide ...\'

Then he steal a glance from Xiong Zhi.

Xiong Zhi relaxed a little but still lowered her head. In Linfengs\' eyes , the Xiong Zhi now looked like a cute little bunny. Not the cold statue that everybody see. He wondered if he left her side and not become her aide, who would take care of her? He knew she was cold and kept everyone outside not letting them in or come closer to her, but somehow he just felt that this girl was not expressionless and unfeeling but actually very soft, sensitive and lonely inside. Thinking that she was alone in her room for sixteen years brought a slight pain in his heart. There was also an indescribable feeling that made him want to protect the girl from any harm. Especially her status could brought harm and might even cost her life . The Xiong family was powerful but there was still a lot of people who wants them be gone, and claim their spot.

However, he suppressed all his feelings, he did not want any distraction right now. He would not be her aide forever.

He must succeed his goals .

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