To Love You Again

Chapter 90 - Name (II)

Chapter 90 - Name (II)

The moon hanged above on the night sky. It should be a slumbering moment for every youth but there was an exception in the four villas.

In the East wing of Xiong\'s main mansion, Xiong Zhi was facing her laptop.

She was wearing her robe. Underneath it was her nightgown. She was supposedly sleeping but because of a certain someone and a certain reason that her plan changed.

Now she was facing four faces on her laptop.

One was hers, in the upper right corner. Two were Gu Zhen\'s face who was wearing his headphones. Third, was Song Xuantin\'s face who even wear her glasses- just to look cool, and lastly, was Lu Yin Ze\'s face, who was wearing a white long sleeve pajama and leaning at the headboard. Like Xiong Zhi, he had just taken a bath.

"Since everyone is present, I will start the meeting." Song Xuantin breaks the silence.

She was staring at one of the faces on her laptop. Of course, she did not forget to screenshot every ten seconds.

"The urgent matter is our group\'s name. We haven\'t decided on a name yet."

The three who got disturbed sighed inwardly.

\'Just for the sake of this freaking name.\'

"You might think it\'s not important. But it is really important! How can I make the script without our group name?! Like, hello everyone. The next presenter is BLANK. Please give a round of applause. " Song Xuantin gave them roll eyes.

Well, she knew that these three might not like the urgent meeting at this time. But she can\'t really make a script without their group name. How could she start the script?

"So, let\'s decide on our name. Any suggestions?"


"Fine. I\'ll give a suggestion and just give me your consent." Song Xuantin started.

"Mhmm...The Best Group."


"Majestic Four."


Gu Zhen even yawned.

"How about...The Four Great Ones."


Lu Yin Ze reached out for his milk and drank a little.

"Mmm.Fantastic Four."


Xiong Zhi just stared at her laptop unblinking. Thinking how was this connected to their Operation 2.

"Agh." Song Xuantin sighed with frustration.

"Fine. Fantastic Four. Silence means yes. Going once. Going twice-" Song Xuantin put her face in front of the camera.

"Guys! It will be going thrice! Are you sure about Fantastic Four?!"


But this time the three faces turned to her.

"G-O-I-N-G T-H-R-I--" Song Xuantin purposely slows it down. Hoping someone stopped her from making their group having a very corny name.

"How about we put our names together?" Finally, hearing her prayer. Gu Zhen spoke.

Song Xuantin was happy and her love level to Gu Zhen raised once more.

"Okay. Let\'s do that."

"GuSongLuXiong." Lu Yin Zen finally speaks. He seems to accept the idea of putting their surnames together.

"Too long." Gu Zhen and Song Xuantin spoke at the same time.

"Then...Ahm...GSLX?" Lu Yin Ze cannot think of anything but this.

Song Xuantin thinks hard about this.

\'It sounds fine. But...\'

Song Xuantin looked at Gu Zhen. She was thinking if Gu Zhen liked it. Maybe they will have this name.

Lu Yin Ze\'s eyes just stayed on Xiong Zhi who seemed to be like in a deep thought. He wanted to ask her opinion but he was shy.

"Hmmm. It does not sound bad. But too plain. Let\'s think of a name that will have a good impact." Gu Zhen gave his opinion.

Song Xuantin praised Gu Zhen in her heart.

\'Thumbs up, my dear!\'

"It\'s good! Let\'s think of a name that once they heard of it they will know it is us! A name that will rock them to the core!" Song Xuantin proclaimed proudly.

\'Hmmm..Name Name Name.\'

Song Xuantin was so excited.

Then her eyes grazed at the two faces on the laptop. One was just silent and the other was staring hard at the screen.


"I know guys! Our team will be called the LuXiong group! What do you think?!"

Xiong Zhi finally brought her attention to the screen. Did she hear her surname?

Lu Yin Ze\'s attention was captured as well.

"LuXiong? Lu and Xiong. Two legendary families combined together. Surely, they will rock the world." Gu Zhen seems to support Song Xuantin\'s idea.

Lu Yin Ze thinks hard about it. He liked the sound of the name. But...

He looked to Xiong Zhi\'s face who has a serious expression now.

\'Maybe she won\'t like it? It might affect her reputation.\'

He was about to disagree when Xiong Zhi spoke.

"That\'s a good idea."

Lu Yin Ze swallowed down his complaints.

His heart warmed up and he was sure he did like it.

\'I think it\'s good too.\' He thought.

Xiong Zhi stared back at the screen. In particular, at the bottom of the screen.

She was reading Song Xuantin\'s message to her.

[ Just say \'It\'s a good idea\'. It\'s related to Operation 2 ]

This was the one she was waiting for.

But how this group name would be related to Operation 2?

Xiong Zhi got curious.

\'How Operation 2 will look like?\'

So she replied back.

[ How and When ]

A ting sounded.

[ You\'ll know it after a week.]

Xiong Zhi typed once again.

[ Tell me now ]

[So I can prepare ] Xiong Zhi added.

[ I just thought about it now. I haven\'t finished all the details. ]

[But for sure. Next week, all will be settled.] Song Xuantin replied.

Xiong Zhi finally got the clue. Song Xuantin doesn\'t really have an initial plan. Nor Operation 2. She just used it so that she could lure Xiong Zhi to attend the urgent meeting.

Xiong Zhi typed with irritation.

[ SCAM ]

And she logs off.

Seeing the four faces become three, Lu Yin Ze says goodbye and log off as well.

Now two faces were left.

Gu Zhen\'s face got bigger on the screen. And of course, Song Xuantin was the happiest. So she did not say goodbye and stared at Gu Zhen\'s face.

This was a good chance. Because facing him in real life makes her a love-struck fool. At least here she can stare freely without creeping out Gu Zhen.

"Are you-"

"I have-"

The two spoke at the same time.

Song Xuantin was scared that Gu Zhen would log off. So she starts asking something to not let him speak the words \'I have to go. \'

"I-is y-your shoulders healing fine?"

Gu Zhen was a little bit stunned by the question. His shoulder healed a week ago.

"Yeah. It\'s healed now. There are no bruises, don\'t worry."

"I-I\'m sorry. I don\'t get a chance to ask you in the past few weeks so I only ask now..."

Song Xuantin said hesitantly. She could not ask him since she always got star-struck whenever she saw him. And she was shy to ask him out of the blue. Now, she was a little bit courageous since Gu Zhen was not totally in front of her.

"It\'s okay. You don\'t have to be responsible for it."

"Ahh.Thank you."

"No problem."



The two got eaten by silence.

Song Xuantin was thinking hard for a topic. She doesn\'t want to end the call.

"Are you-"

"Are you-"

They both said at the same time.

Song Xuantin laughed.

"You can speak first."

"No. You speak first."

"There\'s no \'lady first here\'. Go on."

"Okay. I just want to ask if you\'re free this weekend."


Song Xuantin felt her world stopped for a moment. Suddenly, she could not properly comprehend things.

"Ahh- again?"

Gu Zhen adjusts his eyeglasses.

"Ahm. I just want to test my new website. I need a beta player. A volunteer. Something like that..."

"Ohhhh. Y-yeah. Of course, haha. I\'m free. I\'m free." Song Xuantin laughed at the feeling of nervousness and excitement.

Gu Zhen adjusts his eyeglasses again. But this time he was smiling.

"Then see you this weekend?"

"Sure." Song Xuantin happily smiled.

\'It\'s a date then. Bwahaha\'

And the night ended glamorously for Song Xuantin.

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