To Love You Again

Chapter 286 - 286 Visiting a shrine (II)

Chapter 286 - 286 Visiting a shrine (II)

The couple continued to explore the stalls in the town square.

After they bought various trinkets and souvenirs, their next destination was the shrines and temples.

Since her rebirth, Xiong Zhi now believed in karma and some supernatural beliefs which the modern people called superstitions. Thus, she asked Linfeng to visit the most desolate shrine in the vicinity to pray.

A shrine least undisturbed by people should be able to retain its most spiritual aura.

Linfeng and Xiong Zhi walked while holding hands, and their intertwined hands were also inside Linfeng\'s pocket. It was summer, but perhaps because of the verdant plants and lush trees in the surroundings, in addition to the cool wind coming from the nearby mountains, the afternoon air in this town was refreshing.

Being near to each other while walking slowly gave them so much comfort and enjoyment. They were both the kind of people who did not like to talk, so aside from a few spontaneous random sweet nothings, they spent most of the time enjoying the peaceful moment and occasional affectionate glances thrown to each other.

There was a relatively unknown shrine which they happened to hear in passing from a local person. The local person said that there was a hearsay long ago that a person could make a wish in that shrine and it will be granted.

However, the shrine was not very popular because it was not well maintained. Not to mention, it did not look like a safe place to visit. Eventually, it was left alone in its old and isolated state.

Xiong Zhi and Linfeng arrived at the place. They were stunned to see a wooden old bridge between two crags and under it was a trench. The trench under the rickety old bridge was quite deep, with a shallow, rocky stream several feet below. At the end of the bridge was the isolated shrine.

There was an old sign board before the bridge.

\'Whoever crosses the bridge and overcomes the strong winds, can make a wish which shall be granted.\'

This was clearly the gimmick of the town for tourism. But even knowing that, the pair\'s interest was piqued and they wanted to try crossing the bridge.

Challenges always made the hot blooded youths livelier.

Linfeng first tried to check the quality of the bridge. Although the bridge was old, with every step producing a rickety sound, and how every movement made on top of the bridge would let it sway in the air, he was surprised to see that the bridge was actually intact, with every floorboard made of strong wood. The ropes also looked old and gray, but they were very thick and sturdy.

The bridge could definitely support more than twice his own weight.

However, the blowing wind above the trench and the swaying movements of the bridge, plus its deceptive appearance, probably scared off a lot tourists.

Linfeng suddenly had a mischievous idea.

He turned and smiled at Xiong Zhi, there was a glint of playfulness in his eyes, "Young Miss, do you want to try?"

His tone was faintly challenging Xiong Zhi.

If his Young Miss felt scared to cross the bridge but still insisted to go over, then he would happily recommend himself as \'the hugging buddy\' of his Young Miss, until they reach the other side.

Xiong Zhi nodded. "I\'m not afraid of heights."

"..." Linfeng who was looking forward to his Young Miss\'s hugs froze.

Ah, how could he forget, his Young Miss was different from the usual young misses of other families.

The embarrassment he felt rose to his ears. He then laughed it off. "Neither am I. We can certainly pass this bridge with flying colors," he said and held Xiong Zhi\'s hand in a firm yet gentle grip.

Xiong Zhi stared at Linfeng, feeling that she missed something.

The couple took one step onto the shaking bridge.

As the welcoming board stated, the strong winds could truly make people hesitate to cross the bridge. If one looked down, they could see the rampaging waves on the rocky stream below. The gaps between the wooden boards could make one tremble. However, neither of the two was afraid.

The pair slowly but steadily moved forward.

Linfeng was watching his Young Miss this whole time. He was truly impressed. If it was another girl, that person might have started screaming and clinging to him by now, begging to go back. But his Young Miss surprisingly had a slight smile on her face.

Linfeng could not help but comment.

"It seems like nothing can faze you, Zhi\'er. Is there anything you are afraid of?"

Xiong Zhi paused and glanced up at him. Likewise, Linfeng also paused to synchronize with her movements. It was in order to lessen the shaking of the bridge.

The girl thought to herself, \'No, that was not true\'.

She was afraid of a lot of things. But she did not let them overwhelm her. She made them her reason to improve herself in this lifetime, to make herself stronger.

"No, I am also human. I have weaknesses. I get afraid easily by a lot of things. But... the number one thing I am most afraid of—" Xiong Zhi\'s dark eyes looked straight at the man whom she held dear in her heart.

"—is losing you."


A strong breeze passed by. Linfeng\'s heart was swept by it. He felt a pleasant numbness spread over his body, warming him up.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Again, his heart raced wildly with just her words.

He gripped her hand tightly.

"If that is your greatest fear, then you don\'t need to worry." Linfeng touched the corner of her eyes. Those eyes that sometimes gave off inexplicable sadness. "You won\'t lose me. I promise you this, my dearest Zhi\'er..."

He continued to speak with conviction. "I am strong, I don\'t easily get scared. If you are afraid, then you can count on me. I will face what you can\'t overcome. Zhi\'er, I have long promised to myself that even if you no longer wanted me, I will stay behind you in the shadows, forever protecting you."

Linfeng\'s eyelashes trembled. He seemed to want to say more but changed his mind and said these words instead, "I am not able to stay at your side for some time, but please remember that leaving you is the only thing I could never do."

Yes, this moment might not last forever. This sweet moment would only last for one day. But he was prepared to do some sacrifices in order to have a future with her.

And even his beloved girl might have secrets... he was willing to wait for her to trust him and rely on him.

Xiong Zhi felt tears well up in her eyes. She forced them down and held the warm hand that was on her face. She pressed her face against it.

"I know. You are always reliable," she said in a hoarse voice.

In the past and even now.

The two stood still in the middle of the bridge, saying their deepest confessions to each other.

...The eyes of someone in the distance turned dangerously frigid, seeing the intimate closeness of the pair.

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