The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 40 - Consequence

Inside the city of Nexvarres.

Several merchant\'s carriages were in the hurry to leave the city.

Some were even panicking.

"Why haven´t we moved yet! Don´t they know that I am the great Dominicleas from the merchant union!"

And he wasn´t the only one.

If someone were to see such a sight, they might have thought that a plague hit the city overnight.

Nexvarres was a fairly popular city among the merchants.

With a nearby Dungeon that brings a monthly income of freshly mined elemental crystals and a huge forest right outside the city that provided all kinds of natural resources and meat.

Naturally many merchants would get drawn upon the available resources to trade and sell.

Cause of the city\'s popularity they were lots of high-quality inns for those who could effort them.

And with a place where meat was easy to come by, a comfortable place to sleep the night, and even being a profitable place for their business.

All those points made the city a perfect place for the merchants to flock in and create profit.

But such heaven was destroyed overnight without any hint of notice!

Thus resulting in the merchants panicking.

The news of the guard post being wiped out and the forest catching up fire resulted in setting off all kinds of alarms inside the merchant\'s minds.

At least on those who had a higher IQ than of children.

With the forest burned down.

All the previous natural resources and animals that were previously available are now all gone.

But what bought the merchants the most anxiety was the fact that a monster had done all of this.

Although the information that those merchants had was that the monster was simple a Draugr and nothing to worry about.

Those merchants all had the same thought inside their heads.


Everyone single person who lived inside Nexvarres knew what had happened a whole decade ago.

Be it, children or foreigners.

Once stepped inside the city of Nexvarres they all will get to hear about the accident from a whole decade ago.

On how a monster abnormally completely eradicated the whole city!

But that´s a story for another time.

Looking at the current situation, a soldier brought out of this pocket a communications device, and with a pale expression on this face, he activated the devices.

"My lord..."


In the forest of Nexvarres.

Withered trees were everywhere to see.

Trees that were burned down turned into a mass of broken charcoal and ashes, without any vitality to be seen in the trees.

And that wasn´t all.

Animals and beast corpses were shattered all around the forest with no living creature remaining.

Currently in the middle of the forest.

A man wearing crimson robes and armor pieces covered this chest area until this neck was standing in front of a pile of ashes.

Raising this staff in the air, he accepted the receiving call of this subordinate.

Hearing the report of the subordinate this browns twitched.

"I see...good work soldier. Continue your duties as were given"

"Yes, Lord Darius!"

After giving this salute to this lord, the communication spell has ended, resulting in the light of the staff going away.

"As expected they started to leave...And here I wanted to delay it for a whole week, but to think that I only managed 2 days. It seems like I have grown old, haven´t I? For me to miss calculate..."

With a bitter look on this face, Darius started chanting another communication spell.

"Nothing to be done about it I guess. At least I sent Allen to the capital before all this happened..."

After finishing casting this communication spell, he started cleaning up the mess.

"How is your situation from over there?"

"My lord, we just finished putting the last bits of flames out. Should we continue searching the area?"

"No, if the flames are extinguished go imminently back to your post before something else happens".

"Understood, my lord."

Finishing giving this last order, Darius sighed out loudly.

" did such a occurred mess now of all times? I will even have to request help from the capital..." Just thinking of contacting of all the stuff that is needed to be done brought him a headache.

"That isn´t even the worst part..."

Looking in front of a burned-down corpse this face darkened.

"How did you lose by a Draugr Rapha! What am I suppose to tell excellency, Selina, now! Tell me!"

A corpse that was completely charred black from the flames and had several gray veins through this body.

Of course, that corpse was the man Rapha Bloodmane.

"Dammit, look at the mess you have created! And what am I suppose to tell Allen now!? Take a damn responsibility before you kick the bucket!"

Even though Darius was angry from the outside, inside of him he was secretly saddened by the loss of Rapha.

Even though he never showed it to Rapha, he sincerely cared for him.

Cause of him being a mage and a lord of a whole territory he never had the time to spend with this family.

And Rapha being similar to an elder brother to this son Allen felt grateful towards him.

But that also makes it so more painful...


In the northeast where the forest of Nexvarres ends.

There was a small village named Fera.

Although the village was quite small. which supported a little more than 100 people. The people there didn´t have any difficulties living their daily lives.

With the wooden towers around the city and the soldiers of the city of Nexvarres, there was no danger be it from beast attacks of bandits. And since there are around 100 living together there hasn´t been any conflict for several years amongst the villagers.

At most the conflict would be either for some guys wanting to get the hand of a girl or children being what they are best at.

Making trouble.

And currently, the village chief was feeling uneasy.

In the middle of the village where this house. He saw several young people arguing in front of him...

"Chief Baum! The soldiers that left 2 days ago still haven´t returned to their post!"

"Well, you see..."

"Chief Baum! I saw smoke coming out of the forest! Shouldn´t we go and take a look!"

"No, that isn´t...."

"Chief Baum! Have any news come from the city!"

"Everyone, please...."

"Chief Baum! When will~"

"Cheif Baum! I lately saw~"

"Chief Baum! Isn´t the weather nice today!"

"Chief Baum!~"


Seeing that no one is willing to let him speak. The village chief Baum was currently feeling kind of helpless.

"Everyone, please calm down and..." Baum tried to calm the small group of the young people that formed this house but to no avail.

Ever since he grew old, not only has he turned physically but so did this voice. Which made him quite depressed innerly.

Back to when he started leading this village and was in this prime, he was known as the `Baum Thunder Roar´ through this loud voice and charisma.

And he was proud of this title!

But now...

As he was trying to think of how to calm this bunch in front of this house.

A thunder-like voice appeared from behind chief Baum.

"What the hell are you guys even doing here! Don´t be so loud this early on the morning!"

The voice was loud enough to get the attention of those young men and the rest of the village.

Startled by the sudden voice, all the young men turned around only to be shocked.

A woman with bright brown hair appeared behind the chief Baum.

With her oily-looking brown hair which even reflected the sun. With her hair reaching until the shoulders and the louse tight clothing which resembled a T-shirt, which resulted in showing her huge F-sized melons just enough for the young man to subconsciously get aroused.

With her curved body and fat being in all the right places. Together with her smooth skin and the sweat she had all over her body made her look like the incarnation of sexual arousal.

"Hey, Grandpa! Why are those guys here!?"

"Mia..." Seeing her sweet grandchild calming this bunch for this stead he secretly felt proud.

`She is indeed my granddaughter!´

"Grandpa! I told you again and again that you should be harsher with those guys!" Melina crossed her arms between her melons and pouted cutely, which created reinforced her previews charm through a whole another level!

Upon seeing that, the virgins in front of chief Baum\'s house felt light-headed and had a strong urge to jump at her.

Differently from these animals over there, chief Baum was only seeing her cute granddaughter being cute.

"Hohoho, Mia, don´t be so harsh on them. Otherwise, you never will get married"


After teasing her adorable granddaughter and feels that things calmed down a bit.

He gathers everyone\'s attention and with a serious tone, he started explaining the things that happened lately.

With this explanation done.

One among the young bunch named Troy raised this hand in question.

"Chief, you told us that the soldiers went out to help put out the fire, but you didn´t tell us when they will return."

"Oh, you\'re right Troy, it seems like old age is getting ahead of me haha. And as for your question, they should come late in the night or at least by tomorrow morning."

Seeing that no one having anymore question left. He was about to end this day gathering.

"Now that everyone has no more question I..."

"Chief Baum!"


As Baum was about to curse out loud at the one that interrupted him with all this remaining strength.

The moment he turned and saw the man running at him he froze.


The young man running at the chief\'s house had a look of horror.

The man\'s clothes had scratches all over the place and were full of bloodstains.

The blood coming from this head covered this eye while one of these hands was a bend in ways it shouldn´t.

Everyone was shocked upon seeing him in such a state.

As everyone was about to ask what happened and help him. The injured man was faster than them.

"Everyone run! Slavers are here!"

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