The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 362 Into The Tower

The archmage, who held the second highest title in the whole Arcana was considered to be demigods in the eyes of commoners and soldiers. Beings capable of powers that could destroy a whole city if they ever wished to do so.

So when 6 Archmages arrived to support the army, the soldiers of arcana were confident that victory was in their hands.

Alas, they were severely wrong.

Only a single enemy of the same tier of the Archmages had easily killed most of them and annihilated 1/3 of their soldiers, who were already facing thousands of fully equipped undead.

Worst of all, the soldiers who died were raised into similar undead, albeit weaker, they still had the strength of a 3rd-tier.

Not to forget that they had to deal with a rampaging troll who killed one of the archmages and a death knight who killed another archmage, even one fairly well-known from joining hundreds of battlefields and coming victorious.

The army outside the walls was through them completely destroyed to the point that they didn\'t even pose a threat to the undead army and their generals.

The magic caster on top of the walls tried to inflict as much damage as they could, but though means unknown, they all suddenly dropped dead to the ground. Only two magic casters were standing there, them being a small girl with exotic clothes and a dark-skinned man with tattoos on his head.

Soon after, the whole gate exploded in black flames, disintegrating a large portion of the gate.

Bursting through the flames was an old man with an amigasa hat and a silver mask, wielding a scythe sword in his hand.

The soldiers who prepared to make their stand in front then felt the wraith of Agare\'s swordsmanship.

Wherever far or close, be it from behind him or above him, Agares cut through everything around him without only swinging his sword. Though the soldiers cut down by him could swear that this old man swung more than once at the same time.

Of course, that was quite impossible as every cut made by Agares brought someone to death\'s door.

Then from the gate the thousands of undead rushed inside and spread through, killing everyone that went against their instincts.

Only a group of undead was organized and continued pushing forward, with the front of them being the supposed general.

To the left were a High Troll covered with blood from top to bottom, one of his hand holding his halbert and his other hand holding a headless corpse of someone wearing robes. The High Troll was also munching something in his mouth, as what it was was a mystery on its own.

To the right was a death knight with ethereal dark green flaring eyes, wearing dark armor and wielding a shield with a skull shape in front and an ominous sword that radiated a death aura on its togetether with a cold aura.

In the front was a being that could be considered beautiful and horrifying at the same time. A black-winged blood angel with 8 similar-looking retainers hovering above him.

And behind the leader of the demonic angels, was a woman covered with black bandages toucher that steel, allowing others to see her figure. Also, her long white hair and purple eyes attracted others mostly to her face despite her body.

All of them walked towards the tower.

"Though I already knew that, you were an undead Danzel. " Vannesa said while staring at Danzel.

Turning to look at Vanessa with his flaring eyes, Danzel answered.

"You got a problem with me being an undead?" Danzel said with a cold tone.

"Not at all. But I will be lying if I say I wasn\'t disappointed. We could had~ lots~of~fun~together. If you get what I mean."

"Vanessa!!!" Azrael yelled back at his sister.

"Ugh." Vannesa groaned in annoyance as she started pickering with Azrael.

Danzel quickly lost interest in the two siblings fighting and instead focused on the path in front of him.

He had already killed a few hundred soldiers and fully regenerated himself to peak strength full of mana.

Though he couldn\'t revive anymore for today.

\'I also gained lots of XP through all of this fighting. At least enough to evolve my main class and find some interesting skills.\' He thought to himself.

After fighting with Nevvan, Danzel realized that despite his belief of not getting more skills, he lacked a large number of options in a fight.

Although he had a nice base with skills that cover all the needed areas, he decided to look for alternative options by getting other skills.

He wasn\'t sure what to get, but after upgrading his class and his other skills, he was sure something useful would come out of it.

While Danzel was thinking of future investments, Agares who finished the small fries came to join them.

Then he gazed at Danzel.

"Hmm, you definitely reached the 4th-tier. I can see you became quite powerful." Agares said with his hand on the chin area of the mask.

"Mhm, would you like to spar after we are done with this mission? The difference in strength is so overwhelming that I find it hard to control. In fact, I believe I might have an actual chance of beating you." Danzel said with a grin.

"Hahaha~I don\'t mind, I don\'t mind. I still owe you for your work and I find our spar quite enjoyed myself. Though don\'t expect me to go easy on you." Agares laughed before in the end his tone becoming serious.

If one saw the relationship between Agares and Danzel when they first met and now. It would practically be a difference between night and day.

Although mostly transactional, the spars that they had reminded Agares back when he was teaching the way of the sword. Also, Danzel\'s willingness to carve runes made Agares see Danzel in a better light.

The only thing that kept Agares from building a complete friendship was the fact that Danzel was undead.

On Danzel\'s side, the fact that he was saved and was willing to teach him some tips made him warm up a bit, but not to the level of a friend.

They each see the other as allies.

Hearing the small talk of Agares and Danzel, Sartan decided to step up.

"If you guys are planning to fight, then count me in." He talked while swallowing what he was chewing.

Danzel nodded after a bit of delay.

He wasn\'t sure if Sartan could hold back, but if he were to spar with him, it would be with both his revives up and ready.

As they were walking, suddenly shadows started to rise in front of the group, becoming the figures of a small girl and a robed figure.

"Grandpa!" Shiro shouts in excitement as she runs towards Agares.

Agares bent his knees and picked up Shiro with one hand up to his chest.

Ignoring the duo, Velkir walked in front of Danzel.

"Congratulation, I see you became a Death Knight, huh? Suits you well." Velkir said as he started scanning Danzel from bottom to top.

"Thanks." Danzel said as he suddenly remember the corpse of Nevvan.

"By the way, are you interested in that body? It was of a 4th-tier and I ain\'t planning to use it." Danzel asked as he brought out the corpse of Nevvan from his storage ring.

"Hmm, who was this guy again..." Velkir mumbled before making the corpse disappear.

"Though damaged...I could figure something out. As for the payment, I will put it in the next enchantment of the shield." Velkir said while looking at the corpse that Sartan holds.

Looking back at Velkir, Spartan made an "oh" expression.

"Here is a gift from me, Death Caller." Spartan said as he dropped the headless and crashed corpse to the ground.

Velkir stared at the corpse for a full 2 seconds before making it disappear.

"I have the rest of the bodies, but would it be alright to give them to you after I do some...experiments?"

Velkir simply nodded at Azrael without saying anything.

They knew each other work and Azrael knew not to damage the bodies before giving them.

"We don\'t have much time, let\'s go." Velkir urged.

They met some resistance through the road, but against a group of 6 4th-tiers, it was a hopeless attempt.

The tower had a large flat gate with various magic circles carved as designed into the gate.

Putting his hand on the gate, dark gray mana started to sip in the gate.

"As we don\'t have much time, Vanessa and Agares, you go and pick the core of the tower. If stealing it is impossible...break the core." Velkir said as his mana sipped inside the gate.

Danzel hearing that fell into deep thoughts.

He was thinking about whether he should join them or not.

Originally he took that as an already-decided option, but now Velkir saying that we don\'t have much time, and he started thinking of joining.

It wasn\'t a guarantee, but Vanessa and Agares will be with him if he joins. Both owning him a favor.

And based on Velkir\'s information, they were no 5th-tiers inside the tower.

\'I technically still own Velkir and making me enchantments for the shield.\'

He worried that it was too dangerous without being able to revive, but with the ability to turn into mist, he decided to join.

"If we are so pressed for time, I could join them. After all, I also became a 4th-tier."

Just as he finished, Sartan was the next to speak.

"Death Caller, I also want to go into that tower inside."

Velkir turned his head to look at the two of them confused.

"Danzel, honestly, I don\'t want to risk you going in the tower. A craft is something rare, risking it and losing it here would weigh my phylactery I regret for a few centuries. As for you Sartan...why?"

"Hmpf, as far as I heard, this tower is the home of the king of this kingdom. And a as future king, I got to see the standards of other places. Nonetheless, I hadn\'t enough with from my fight."

Velkir wanted to explain that Arcana doesn\'t have a sole king but several magus ruling the kingdom. But he stopped himself from doing so.

"Alright, but don\'t forget our mission. As for you Danzel..."

Before Velkir could finish, Danzel tuned to most and traveled in front of Velkir almost instantly, receiving Vannesa\'s whistle.

"Don\'t worry, I have the ability to escape if push comes to shove.

Velkir\'s eyes frown just as he opened the gate of the tower, revealing some kind of blue portal.

The speed of Danzel somewhat impressed Velkir.

"Is that so...? Then alright. But keep in mind that you got to survive." Velkir said while glaring at Agares long enough to send him a message.

Agares simply nodded his head.

"Alright, once you are inside, search for the highest concentrated mana place in this tower. There will be the core. Azrael and I will prevent the arcanas support from disturbing you. Shiro, you stay by my side."

"Now go."

With Velkir urging them, the others knew they had to hurry.

All 4 of them entered at the same time inside the portal.

Transporting them into an extremely spacious place made of marble-like material.

Before they could get acquainted with their surroundings, almost immediately a red magic circle expanded under their feet and lit up.

Notice the magic circle, Agares, Vanessa and Danzel moved like a ghost and moved out of the magic circle.

Only Sartan stayed and watched the magic circle under his feet.

"What is that?"

Before anyone could answer his question, the magic circle released its magic.

*Booom! Booom! Booom! Booom! Boom!!!

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