The Last Primal

Chapter 41 - 41 - Clash

A familiar, mature, female voice shouted inside my mind, snapping me back to reality, and calming my raging mind.


Seeing that Aiden started regaining his consciousness, but it would be too slow, she did something that he didn\'t know she was capable of…

A bright shining light appeared inside his soul space, and with its white light she banished the darkness that was present there, calming the boy\'s raging mind. As the light triumphed over the darkness, the scales, the tail, the wings, and the claws slowly receded.

In a few short moments, the half-dragon-half-human Aiden transformed back to his regular self, and with that, the huge bipedal wolf-like humanoid felt his power level rapidly decreasing. It was still quite strong, but nothing like it was just a moment ago.

Seeing that, it let out howl-like laughter.

"Ahahaha! I thought we would have a nice and interesting battle, but who knew you are just a worthless pup, trying to play adult?"

Then turning its attention towards the elder, who was currently drawing a series of runes in the air, most likely trying to cast some spell. All the completed runes glowed in a different colored light.

"And you, you old sack of bones, what do you think you are doing? I know about you from the reports of my pack. Those symbols… they are magic, right? Well then, let\'s see how you handle my Black Smoke then!" As he finished, he let out a strange howl-like cry, and the grayish thick miasma oozed out of his body and quickly made its way in the air towards Granny.

Gritting her teeth, Granny immediately felt the effects of the smoke on her mind and body. Her thinking became foggy, her vision blurry and breathing started to become challenging. However, she had to finish the last rune and make sure both kids are safe. She couldn\'t be sure that her talk with the spy would be fruitful, but she decided to take the risk. Working together will be better for both sides, she was sure that she will also understand that.

Seeing that the smoke did not stop the chant, the black wolf-like figure growled in anger and went on all fours before it started rushing towards the elderly lady. If tricks don\'t work, the good old method of ripping the target apart would surely do!

Aiden also bolted from where he stood as soon as he saw the creature rushing towards Granny. Sadly, because of his outburst, he didn\'t have much left in his \'tank\' but his pure physical power should still prove more than enough to at least defend her.

The creature who was focused on the elderly lady wasn\'t paying any attention to the small fragile-looking boy. Especially since he lost his dragon-like form and reverted back to this fragile human one instead. Because of this, it didn\'t notice as Aiden, using all his strength, crashed onto him, altering its course, and rocketing it onto the trees with a loud crashing sound.

While standing back up, it growled once again.

"So pup, you really want to be the first one to die, eh? Well, whatever, it\'s not like the hag\'s kitchen magic can hurt me… And it\'s not like she can save you either. Fine then! Let\'s see what you\'re capable of!" as the creature finished, it was already on all-fours once again, and was ready to bolt towards Aiden, however, this small window was enough for Granny to complete her spell.

"Crux Stoix Hor! Banish the darkness, let the light triumph! Begone foul beast!" Granny shouted. The runes in front of her shined brightly in their own colors, before they bolted towards different directions, towards the edges of the glade before vanishing. As they all vanished, a shining bright bubble made of pure, translucent energy started forming and quickly enveloped the entire glade in its protective care.

Seeing the strange magic, the creature jumped backward, outside of the radius of the bubble, and looked at it with a scowl visible on its wolf-like face.

"Tch! Do you really think this can save your lives? It just made my hunt interesting!" Howling once again, the black miasma, soothed out of its body and crept towards the edges of the forest.

This time it couldn\'t enter, the protective barrier blocked the smoke\'s path. In response, the smoke started \'attacking\' the barrier, and like a chemical reaction, sizzling sounds could be heard from the point of impact.

"How long do you think you can keep this barrier up, hag? Unless you have another trick up your sleeve that can save your sorry asses, then it is just a matter of time before I break your shield and crunch on your bones!"

It howled again, and more of the strange, thick miasma oozed out from its body and assaulted the barrier. Sizzling and crackling, the crashing sounds of violent reactions of opposite energies clashing against each other could be heard.

Granny looked towards a point at the edges of the glade, with pleading eyes. She didn\'t say anything but just looked at that particular spot… Where Number 3 could be seen, watching the entire scene enveloping right before her eyes. So far, she did nothing but kept watching as the situation unfolded. When the boy transformed and let out that incredible aura… at that point, she herself wasn\'t sure if she would be his opponent. Sadly, that transformation quickly faded away and the boy returned to his previous fragile self. She just watched as they first clashed against each other, while the red-robed elderly woman finished her strange chant, and this shining energy shield surrounded the entire glade, protecting them all. Well, at least for a time, as the creature continued its assault.

\'That Worgen… is not normal, this smoke it is using... I\'ve never seen it before. Not sure what it does, but based on the reactions, it seems to be clouding their senses. Maybe their mind too… Argh, what should I do, what would be the best course of action?\' she lamented.

She kept lamenting, whether to intervene or not, while the wolf-like creature, that she referred to as a Worgen, kept up its assault.

Watching it from the inside, the usually calm expression of Granny morphed into one of a frown. She looked at Aiden, and she took a deep breath before explaining the next steps.

"Aiden listen to me carefully now. This… monster will break my shield in the next few minutes. When that happens, I\'m not sure if I could keep you all safe. Go to Lily, stay next to her. I will use the last of my reserves to send you two back to the house. Stay there and wait. If I… "she gulped before continuing, swallowing her sorrow, hiding it from Aiden for what she is about to say next "If I will not make it back by morning, then please take care of Lily for me. You can stay at the house, everything there will be yours to use, just, please… please don\'t let Lily get hurt. Don\'t tell her the truth, at least not for now, maybe later, she lost her only family, her mother a while ago, and I don\'t think she managed to move forward from that. You appearing in her life, made her progress more in these last few days then she did in the entire last year… *sob*... Know that I love you both…" at the end she couldn\'t help but shed a few sad tears. Steeling her resolve, she motioned Aiden to go. "Go, get close to your sister, and I will draw out my last bits of energy..."

"Granny… Don\'t…" Aiden tried arguing, but looking at her eyes she saw unwavering resolve. He knew it would be a futile effort to try and argue with her.

However, he wasn\'t ready to just give up on this kind woman, who was ready to give up her life just to make sure both kids she cares about are safe and sound. No, that\'s not something Aiden could ignore.

Quickly coming to a decision, he walked forward instead of walking back to Lily startling Granny who tried grabbing his shoulders.

"Aiden, no. Please, don\'t do this, let me save you both…"

Shaking his head, without looking back, he continued forward towards the Worgen, as he said his final words…

"Granny, I thank you for everything you did for me. While our time together was short, know this: You and that little girl finding me, and taking me in was the best thing that happened to me in my short life. I\'m not sure how to say this but know that you 2 are the closest thing I can consider as a family. Thank you."

As he finished his words, without waiting for a response, Aiden started running towards the edges of the glade. The Worgen was currently focused on breaking the barrier. Seeing how the boy decided to throw away his life, it snickered, waiting for him to come and meet his own demise…

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