The Last Primal

Chapter 63 - 63 - The Banquet

"Seriously bro, what is wrong with you today? You act like you don\'t remember any of us. Did you hit your head this morning or something? You were like a lost chicken this morning as well! *Sigh*..." Andrew kept grumbling as he was pulling Aiden along the hallway towards Jake\'s room.

"You are lucky, I have expected you to miss your messages, and called Jake before coming here. Make sure you thank him AND don\'t act like you don\'t know your own friends!"

Scratching his head, Aiden embarrassedly nodded his head.

"S-sure… I think it\'s just I\'m still tired. I haven\'t slept that well last night." he said. While it was a lie, it was still the most believable scenario. The fact that he had no memory at all about any of these events and the people made the whole situation just that much harder.

Arriving in front of Jake\'s door, Andrew turned around and turned serious.

"Look, man, I don\'t know what happened to you, and I really hope it\'s just exhaustion and your cluttered mind because of the finals. However, just to be sure... Tomorrow, you will come with me, and we will get you examined, ok?"

\'Tomorrow? I\'m not gonna be here by then.\' Aiden smirked inwardly.

Matching Andrew\'s gaze, Aiden smiled and nodded.

"Sure, I will go with you, tomorrow."

"No bro, listen, you have to have it checked out! It could be something seri- Wait, you will?!" Andrew was not expecting that Aiden will agree on the spot and was prepared a long rant to try to convince him. In fact, all the way on the bus everyone was discussing how to get Aiden to agree to it.

"Yes. Why wouldn\'t I? If you guys really think this could be a problem, it\'s better to have it checked out. Maybe it\'s nothing." Aiden casually remarked. He really didn\'t have any problem with the suggestion, this whole illusion should end in a couple of hours anyway.

"Well, that\'s f-fine then! Glad you agree! *Khm* Anyways, let\'s move on!" With that, he turned around and knocked on Jake\'s door.


"What takes them so long?!" groaned Kat in annoyance. "They have been there for like 15 minutes now. And people say we, women take a long time to get ready!"

"It might be your brother is talking to him about the hospital tomorrow. You know how stubborn Aiden can get."

"*Sigh* I know, I know… Not just stubborn either…" As Kat said, her cheeks turned red. Noticing her embarrassment, both of her roommates smiled.

"Hehehe! You want to get together with him tonight, are you? Do you think he will finally notice you Kat?"

"I will do my best! I\'ve been trying to get his attention ever since we were kids, but that doofus just never notices me! What should I do girls?" she replied.

"You look gorgeous tonight Kat, don\'t you worry! Once we get in and sit down, we will sneak away and pull your brother with us as well. You will have your alone time with Aiden, work your magic!"

As they were talking about tonight\'s dates, the boys finally got back. Aiden was also changed, dressed up, ready for tonight. Jake\'s suit was a perfect match. All 3 girls gazes were on him as soon as he appeared, they couldn\'t utter a single word. The negligent loafer, that always looked like some street vagrant… now looked like a real man.

To Kat, it was even more shocking. He looked like a modern prince from a fairytale, coming to pick her up, and ride to their new castle! Her face turned bright red, and as she met his gaze she immediately looked down to the ground, not daring to look up anymore.

Aiden smiled and walked close to Kat. Offering his right hand, he said.

"Kat, you look absolutely gorgeous today! Would you allow me to be your partner for the evening?"

"I w-would l-love that!" Kat stuttered, unable to form normal sentences. She accepted his hand, and as they clasped their hands, they looked at the others. All of them were looking and smiling at them.

"That was fast Kat! Way to go girl!" One of the girls exclaimed.

"S-stop it!"

"*Khm* Shall we head to the event? Andrew, could you guide us there, you\'re the one that actually knows where to go and how to get in." Aiden said changing the subject. They have already wasted enough time as it is.

"Yeah, follow me!" Andrew replied, then turning around, he started going towards the direction of the main building.

Along the way, Andrew got closer to Aiden, and while the others weren\'t paying attention he whispered into Aiden\'s ears.

"Protect her for me, will you? She really wanted to spend the night with you."

Aiden looked at Andrew, and with an honest smile on his face, he simply nodded.

Soon, they arrived in front of the main building, that was completely transformed for tonight\'s event. The main entrance was lavishly decorated, and not just the entrance, but the whole area reeked of elegance.

There were 2 bulky men standing guard at the entrance. They looked at their group, and the left one curtly asked.


The group looked at Andrew who in turn knowingly smiled. He walked to the guard and whispered something into his ears. The guard\'s face changed in shock, and as he looked at Andrew he asked.

"Are you sure? Would you mind if I verify that?"

Andrew smiled and nodded.

"Sure, go ahead, call him. Tell him Andrew is here to claim that favor he owes me."

The guard turned away and whispered something into his earpiece. While the group couldn\'t hear anything, Aiden could clearly listen in to their conversation.

"Boss, here\'s this kid, he says he knows you, he is called Andrew. He said that he saved you a few months ago and that you owe him. He said he is here to claim that favor and wants to get into the banquet. Shall we let him and his group through?"

The reply was distorted and barely audible, but thanks to Aiden\'s superhuman abilities and the system, he was able to get the answer out.

"Damn, why did he come today of all days! This will affect our plans! Argh! *Sigh* Well, there\'s no helping it, let them inside, it\'s not our problem anymore. Stick to the plan!"

"Are you sure boss? You know what will happen tonight, if they are your friends, we should turn them ar-"

"Don\'t argue with me! Let them in. It\'s their problem, not ours. You just do your job and stick to the plan."

"Yes, boss!" With the conversation finished, the muscle head turned around and looked at Andrew. He nodded his head towards the other guard.

"Let them in! They are clear."

The other guard stepped to the side, giving them a way to get inside.

Both guards bowed to them and as they motioned for them to get in, they greeted them.

"Welcome to the Grand Banquet!"

Stepping inside, they were stunned at the luxury that greeted them. Lavishly decorated tables, with all kinds of drinks, waiter\'s walking around with trays with glasses full of champagne.

The people that were invited were top of the cream, the upper echelons of society. They could recognize a lot of faces, they were celebrities, or high-profile businessmen and politicians. This whole event was so extravagant, so out of their league, they didn\'t know what to do.

Aiden looked at Kat who was stunned beyond belief. Smiling, he nudged her hand lightly, causing her to look at him.

"Would you like to drink something with me, Kat?"

Red as a tomato, Kat was unable to reply, instead, she shyly nodded. Smiling, Aiden looked at the group, as he said.

"Guys, we will get something to drink. Would you like to come as well? It\'s not the best idea to stand here in the hallway."

"Yeah, let\'s go get something to dri-"

"No, we will go a bit later, you guys just go ahead without us. Have fun!" Andrew wanted to reply but was silenced when both girls\' hands covered his mouth. They both smiled at Aiden and Kat and waved them to go away.

Walking into the crowd, Aiden agilely picked up 2 glasses of champagne from a waiter\'s tray, giving one to Kat.

"To us!" he exclaimed as they clinked their glasses.

"T-to us!" Kat stutteringly answered.

Both of them drank it in one gulp.

Kat took a deep breath to calm herself down, then looking into Aiden\'s mesmerizing eyes, she took a leap and started what she wanted to say for years now.

"Aiden, I.. I really want to tell you something. *Sigh* Look, it\'s really hard for me. I… I... "


"No Aiden, let me say it, please let me say this! Okay, calm down Kat, you can do it! *Sigh* Okay, so! Aiden, I really, really like you. Ugh, that sounds like we\'re in Kindergarten! I love you! I\'ve been in love with you for a while. I would like you to give us a chance, and not look at me as Andrew\'s little sister, but as a woman that is totally, hopelessly in love with you." As she reached the end of her speech, she was already in tears. It was hard, but finally, she managed to say it out loud. She finally said it!

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