The Last Primal

Chapter 299 - 299 - Going After

Finally, after descending for almost half an hour, there were some changes in the scenery in this never-ending tunnel. By this point, the seemingly nature-carved cavern\'s walls were fully covered with dark green damp moss. Only a few protrusions could be seen every now and then, which more often than not were done by sizable crystalline chunks of various minerals.

On another note, as Aiden continued to relentlessly venture forth, descending deeper and deeper into the abyss the air around him gradually turned thicker. The previously faint, lingering traces of [Soul Power] changed, now the atmosphere was rich in this high-tiered energy. So rich in fact, that if one would have focused and squinted his or her eyes, he or she could see the opaque, transparent clouds of dust-like energy. A magical fog permeated the air, rejuvenating and rapidly refilling Aiden\'s used-up reserves. 

Even before the system notified him, Aiden was already aware of this revitalizing characteristic.

[Note: Due to the abundant and active [Soul Power] in the surrounding air, the host\'s reserves are being gradually restored. Current rate: 2 SP / 5 seconds. Estimated time before reserves restored to peak state: 00 hours 22 minutes 05 seconds.]

Before Aiden could fully process what he had just read, Enya\'s voice added another important note.

\'[You should continue progressing forward rather than turning complacent. The air will turn increasingly denser as you continue forward, eventually reaching its peak as you find what was left here for you. Once you get there, you will learn and understand more about your past, present and hopefully, your potential future.]

At this point, Aiden was aware that no matter how hard he would try, he would be unable to pry anything out from Enya unless she herself would be willing to explain further. Either some unknown \'limitation\' reinforced on her by the System or just some of her quirks, Aiden wasn\'t entirely sure, but in the end, there would be no use trying to waste time and energy on this futile endeavor. 

With that knowledge in mind, Aiden simply smiled and nodded, confirming her words, before continuing his descent, unaware and oblivious to the events taking place by the gate on the surface…


After plunging the sword into the marble tileset on the tower\'s ground floor, the mysterious jewel, the rainbow-colored gemstone etched into the pommel of Drake\'s ornate and sentient sword, suddenly lit up, glowing with a radiant blue hue.

Along with the light, a faint buzzing sound could be heard from its core. In the next moment, the four servants could feel a new presence as it tried creating a new mental link, a connection to their minds.

This new presence seemed ancient, incredibly deep, and powerful. An aged, archaic voice echoed in their minds as the feeble connection was established. Strangely, even though they couldn\'t discern its origins, they could still understand each and every word this new presence was speaking.

"Servants of the departed youth! Do not be obstinate! Do not block the way, you should help your Master, he is in trouble! He is deep inside in enemy territory, potentially already surrounded by the very same beings that corrupted the orcs and goblins alike! Let my inheritor pass through and help the youngling! Instead of blind devotion, let your care and love guide you in your path!"

A powerful aura suddenly erupted from the gemstone, pushing the four servants down on their knees. Following the show of force, the archaic presence spoke to their minds once again, this time with a much more threatening, authoritative tone.

"Think carefully before you answer rashly! If the need arises, we will do not hesitate to cut our way through and make a path through your bodies! Although you are the boy\'s servants, we will not hesitate if you force us!"

Having said its piece, the faint connections that were established were severed and the powerful presence faded. The brightly brimming gemstone returned to its dim, original state, the pressure they suddenly felt vanished.

His words continued to echo in their minds long after the connection was cut, and the presence was gone. Even though the words were harsh, they weren\'t wrong. The Young Master was adamant about going alone, and leaving all of them behind, even as they tried to argue that they are still in dangerous territory. What was worse, is that their usually strong connection began to weaken. By now it was at the point that they couldn\'t even contact him, and could only faintly, vaguely sense his presence. Even now, it continued to gradually fade, turned ever-so feeble.

At this rate, all four of them were worried that they would lose their shared connection and wouldn\'t be able to tell if he was all right or not.

Still, the Young Master has strictly forbidden them to step through the gate. They were warmed that whatever was behind, he himself would be okay, but he couldn\'t protect them.

Thinking through his words once again, a new realization hit Glohn, the eldest and wisest of the Primal Goblins. With brightened eyes, he turned towards Roas and sent him a mental note.

"[Orc] We can\'t go against the Young Master\'s command, however, this human could. We weren\'t told to hold him back, we were only ordered to stay outside and guard the entrance. We could let him through… Worst case, he just perishes to the dangers behind."

Listening through Glohn\'s suggestion, Roas contemplated for a while, before shifting his cold eyes to the silver-haired human youth in front of them. By this time, he had already taken the sword back to its sheath, gently caressing the gemstone at its pommel.

Roas\'s thick, dry lips parted, squeezing only a single word out with his raspy voice. He had a cold, indifferent look on his face as his dark eyes scrutinized Drake\'s fragile build.


He stepped to the side, followed by the others, giving way to him to pass through. Although it was clear that they were not intending to go against the Young Master\'s words, they would at the very least allow him to venture forward and brave the dangers alone. 

Whatever would happen to him, it would be the result of his decision alone, nobody would be willing to provide any assistance.

Naturally, Drake understood the true meaning behind the stoic outlook of the bulky giant. He knew that behind that rough exterior, and that mask of indifference, there were deeply-seated worry and concern. For them to acquiesce and give way, it must have meant that they were also worried about Aiden.

Not wanting to waste time, as Aiden could already be in danger, Drake gave an understanding nod to them, and with his left hand resting on the hilt on Mort, he passed through them, entering the dark, eerie-looking descending tunnel. 

Pausing at the entrance for a second longer, he heaved a sigh, his eyes shined with determination as he stepped through and began his descent, going after his friend.


Meanwhile unbeknownst to him that despite his warning he was now being followed after, Aiden reached the end of his descent. He stood at the entrance to a larger chamber.

Large, beautiful multi-colored stalactites were hanging from the ceiling and protruded from the ground. The air was thick and dense, rich with the familiar [Soul Power]. The rate of his restoration has tripled since the first notification, almost completely restoring his used-up reserves.

What was more interesting, however, was that other than refilling his half-empty tanks, it also restored his weary, tired mind. Just by standing at the entrance of this place, this large cave, this hollow chamber, he was rapidly being healed. 

He felt like that every minute he stood here and embraced the energy in the air, which was akin to an hour of sleep on the surface.

\'Just what is this place? Why do I feel so… comfortable? It feels strange, almost familiar…\'

Although he didn\'t mean an answer to his question, Enya\'s gentle tone of voice came shortly after.

\'[Yes. This is something you could probably consider the closest thing to a true home. Don\'t be afraid, everything that you can feel and will find here is meant for you and you alone, Aiden.]\'

Besides the colorful stalagmites, the cave itself was empty, there was nothing of note to be found here. Still, the richness of the air was quite refreshing, if he could Aiden had the urge to sit down to meditate. He wanted to engorge and take in everything he could. He was certain that an hour spent here meditating would probably benefit him more than multiple hours spent doing the same on the surface. 

As there were no sources of light this far down and the faintly glowing moss didn\'t reach into the cavern, he had to utilize his [Dark Sense] ability constantly to be able to navigate. The obscure, dim lightning could only get him through so far, from this point on, he had to return to the basics and utilize the first ability he gained to its fullest potential.

Soon, as his invisible pulses reverberated in the wide chamber, a map of its structure was slowly created in his mind with the System\'s Map. 

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