The Last Primal

Chapter 311 - 311 - Titanic Clash

A loud explosion of sound sent rings of energy rippling across the air. Two forces collided against each other, releasing such a tremendous force causing further damages to the surrounding walls.

At one side, a tall, armored figure donning an exotic-looking armor shining with a bronze sheen. Standing against him, a young half-naked, colorful-looking young man. Colorful due to the fact that whilst most of his body had a dark golden tone that could only be seen as the bright blinding light in the small room reached under his thick layer of golden scales above it, giving it an interesting mixture. He had a set of thick, slightly curved set of ebony claws at the end of his fingertips.

Just as the tall figure, the guardian\'s punch hit him, the youngster, Aiden raised his arms, blocking the strike with his forearms. The attack carried a huge surge of the assailant\'s momentum, hence being the cause of such a violent outburst.

Still, this was not the end of their clash. Following up his averted first strike, the large figure raised his right leg, launching a right-winged arching kick towards the boy\'s temple. 

Already expecting such a follow-up, Aiden thrust his opposing fist towards the rapidly approaching leg, thwarting it, whilst also sending a sliver of energy to reverberate on the guardian\'s leg guards, pushing his leg back as a consequence.

At the same time, as if having a mind of its own, the dark gaseous substance, named as the [King\'s Grip] by the system, slowly crept towards the figure\'s left leg that was implanted in the marble tileset. A shadowy tendril sneaked towards the shielded ankle and gently wrapped itself around it. Searching for thin cracks upon the metallic surface, it soon found a barely visible perforation between the two elements, the sabatons, and the greaves.

The energy founding its way towards the guardian\'s skin, it began to slowly seep into it, slowly corrupting its flow of energy, slowly causing chaos in the stream.

Although it was only for a few moments, the damage has still been done. Not expecting such a strange method of reprisal, the guardian was caught off-guard. Noticing the disruptive intruding source of chaotic energy, he immediately broke the contact and jumped back a few steps, creating a bit of distance between himself and the youngster.

The same hurricane, the gust of wind appeared once more as it blew much colder, refreshing air between the two. Golden light shined through from behind the thin cracks in the armor as the guardian focused his energy in quelling the raging chaos inside his body.

A moment later a dark puff of smoke was expelled from his body, picked up by the whirlwind around him, dissipating it into the atmosphere.

"Not bad, Aiden! I wasn\'t expecting something like that!" He exclaimed with unmasked proudness in his voice. "Looks like I do need to take this a bit more seriously, otherwise I would bring shame to our family name!" 

He exclaimed and though his face was still hidden behind the visor of his dragon\'s head helmet, the wide, expectant grin could be clearly made out. He was obviously happy that his descendant that they sacrificed so much for just so he could escape the traitorous gods have already made such progress!

The boy still hasn\'t responded since the start of their clash. His mind a bit clearer than at the start, he was still under great pressure due to the many conflicting emotions swirling and raging inside him. 

With a raging shout, his figure vanished from its place, appearing in front of the armored figure in the next instant. His claws already high above his head, he swiped downwards with both hands. His mind still slightly clouded in a chaotic mess there was no technique behind the attack, only a sheer display of force.

However even then, with all of his most powerful abilities running at its maximum efficiency even such a simplistic, animalistic attack were much deadlier than anything else. The attack itself warped the air as it traveled with a threatening momentum. Distorted sounds were released as the very fabric of space was being attacked by the sheer power behind the chaotic attack.

Before they could connect and rip through metal, skin, flesh, and the bones of its target, the terrifying set of flying claws were abruptly put to a stop. A black, obsidian blade blocked the path for both hands, although there was no shaking from the other side, the attack was something that had to be taken seriously, the guardian had to display some of his true might to overcome such a hurled assault.

At the next moment, the fuller of the blade, its spine turned to a darker shade of red, something similar to the vermillion colored skies as more energy was injected into it. The small gemstones in the pommel, the dragon\'s eyes lit up with a similar color. The weapon has awakened from its millennial slumber, thirsting for an attack of this caliber once more.

"That\'s it, Aiden! Show us more!" Elated about such an outcome, the guardian urged the boy to continue. This was it! This is what he was truly hoping for.

The point of their duel wasn\'t for his defeat. No, that wouldn\'t be possible, after all, he was at the top of the world, he was the strongest of his generation, the Grand Protector, the leader of his race.

He stood against the tide of darkness, he spat in the face of those treacherous gods, utterly destroyed their champions.

He needed to be sure that his descendant would have the potential to surpass him and could make his wish come true. True, it would be even better if the boy could ditch out a victory even if by just some stroke of luck, but that wasn\'t required. 

As long as the blade accepted him, it would be okay…

As his first attack failed, Aiden pulled his arms to the side, raising at his sides, cocking them back.


He snarled the words, for the first time, a clear display of his clouded mind being slowly being cleared as the battle went on.

Gathering a large amount of energy, Aiden\'s arms began to emit a slightly stronger, brighter glow. His [Mystic Martial Arts] was doing its best in circulating his depleting reserves, ensuring that it was used as efficiently as possible to its very last drop.

When he felt that he gathered enough power, he launched his second attack. Both of his stretched-out arms moved at the same time. Afterimages, a feat that showed his incredible speed, have lingered behind as a clear indicator of the routes both limbs have sailed through in the air.

His hands contorted into a stretched-out pose, both hands surged through the air a mirrored arch against each other. Like a large gaping jaw, both arms clashed against each other, closing the illusionary monster\'s jaw shut.

However, the attack was not meant to tear into flesh. With the loud clap, a thunderous, rambunctious sound was released. The visible coat of energy exploded with violent momentum, throwing both sides back in the air several feet.

Being the more prepared of the two, Aiden managed to remain standing on his feet and was only pushed back a couple of steps before he could stabilize himself. On the other hand, the guardian wasn\'t expecting such a clever use of energy, his feet weren\'t planted steadily in the ground. He was grabbed by the blast, thrown back in the end. 

Still, he wasn\'t the mightiest of his generation for nothing. With a flip, he landed on his feet on the ground after flying in the air for a bit, re-creating almost the same distance that they had initially. 

Apart from a small black discoloration on the center of his chest plate, there was no visible damage on him. The only visual difference was the fact that the dragon\'s eyes of his sword\'s hilt were glowing even brighter, humming a strange tune. A strong will could be felt coming from it, slowly engulfing the two combatants.

Feeling the newly emerged presence, the guardian suddenly burst into a peal of elated laughter. He boisterously guffawed, happy that his friend has found an interest in his sole kin.

"Aahahaha, good one, son! You have finally made it! You are indeed worthy!"

Raising his head towards the ceiling, the guardian heaved a heavy sigh, replacing the previously cheerful laugh with sorrow. However, this time there was a tinge of happiness mixed in, creating a weird contrast as his breath carried his whispers around the room.

"Her sacrifice was not in vain. Just as she foretold, our son is truly special!"

A moment later his gaze returned to the boy.  He reached for his helmet with his empty left hand, slowly pulling it off from his head, revealing that chiseled, handsome, and battle-hardened expression that although ruined by the large scar that went across his face was still very similar to Aiden\'s.

A gentle smile stretched across his lips, as he looked at the boy. He fixed his grip on his sword, raising it in front of his body once more.

"I can tell you that you have already passed the trial, son. However, I just can\'t help myself! I know that your current state can\'t be kept up for much longer, son. So, let\'s have one last clash, let\'s enjoy this battle to the fullest!"

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