The Last Primal

Chapter 337 - 337 - Growing Stronger

Eventually, Aiden regained his composure just enough to ask another question from his system guide.

\'One more question… You mentioned that the system will be unavailable for this upcoming update for a bit more than 2 full days… Does that include you as well?\' 

Although he tried to mask it, hide it from her, it was completely pointless. Enya was an intangible existence, living inside his Soul Space, they shared a connection that ran much deeper than anything else in his life. She was very clear about her feelings and what she was worried about. 

Still, like many times before, she decided not to speak up against it and acted as if she was unaware.

\'[No, I will be available. While my existence is connected to the System, I have my own will. The only downside will be that I will not be able to provide you information other than my own thoughts and I will not have access to any of the system\'s… ehrm… skills for the time being.]\' She answered.

\'Huah… That\'s good. I was-\'

Taking a sigh of relief, Aiden just noticed the faint giggling that came from behind him. He opened his eyes only to be a witness to an incredibly heartwarming sight. His little servant, the shy girl Galina was finally enjoying herself, acting like a girl she deep inside was. 

She was rolling around the bed, giggling to herself, enjoying the comfort that she found herself in for the first time in her life.

Aiden simply smiled at this scene, before turning around and returning his focus to the matters at hand. Exhaling slowly, he cleared his head from all the disturbing thoughts, he closed his eyes, diving deeper and deeper into his own subconscious. 

Before bringing up the system\'s screen, he decided to once again try to enter his Soul Space, from which he was somehow forcefully expelled the last time. 

However, to his surprise, he felt a new barrier, an invisible wall blocking him. He himself could not enter, but luckily his thoughts could still reach its residents. He could feel the connection he shared with Enya, and the newest resident, the red-haired little girl, Rygintarth. 

\'Master, are you looking for me?\' Feeling his master\'s presence, Ryg reached out, her bell-like child-like voice resounding in Aiden\'s mind.

\'No, I was just checking something… Seems like I can\'t visit you personally for the time being…\' Aiden sighed. He wasn\'t sure what would happen if he would try to force his way in, and he felt it wouldn\'t be the best time to experiment anyway. He was about to launch an important change and update the system. 

Who knows, maybe with the update, this barrier, this blockade would vanish as well. 

\'Rygintarth understands. If Master finds himself in trouble, please do not hesitate to call out for me. Remember the promise we made! I have vowed to serve and guide you, protect you from the dangers of this world! Please allow me to fulfill my purpose!\' Ryg\'s plea-like response came once more before Aiden felt the connection closing. 

He decided to let it go and just left his inner space, returning to the real world. Shaking his head lightly, he focused his mind and called out for her trusted guide.


A moment later he felt her presence appear, her already expected question arrived.

\'[Are you ready Aiden? Would you like me to start the Upgrade?]\'

A brief moment passed again in silence, as Aiden reaffirmed his decision. With his eyes still closed, he gave a slight nod, responding mentally to the \'voiced\' question.

\'Yes. Start it. Let\'s get it over with. However, before you do, could I ask you to let me know when I can freely change my appearance once again?\'

\'[Certainly, Aiden. Starting the Upgrade Process in 3… 2…]\' Enya\'s mature voice came in the next moment, along with the system\'s screen showing the message for the upgrade.

\'Wait! One more question! Will I be able to use my skills, or will they be locked?\'

\'[While none of your skills be locked, there will be slight changes to some of its effects. For example, although you will be able to use [Meditation] and restore your spent [Soul Power], you will not be able to gain experience without the system\'s assistance. You will also not be able to reach out to your Minions in the other world, nor would you be able to open the portal to it. As for Galina, your currently active minion, she will be forced to stay in the real world for the duration of the upgrade.]\' She explained.

\'Thanks… That is fine. Sorry, you can resume the countdown.\' Aiden thanked her, returning his attention to the screen floating in front of him.

[System Upgrade Process is starting in 3… 2… 1…]

[Warning! The System will be unavailable for the duration of the upgrade process.

Estimated Total Upgrade Time: 49 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds]

With that, the system turned silent, only the count down remained at the top right corner of his vision, slowly pacing, ticking down.

As the Upgrade began, and the System seemingly turned offline, Aiden felt a strange emptiness inside him. As if a part of him suddenly vanished, leaving behind nothing but the void. It was a strange, slightly uncomfortable feeling, he felt exposed. 

To his great surprise, he felt a sense of loneliness as if someone important suddenly went away. It was vaguely similar to when Enya turned silent and was forced to leave him to recuperate. Even though he knew that this time, there was a strict, defined time when he would be without the mysterious magical construct, he couldn\'t help but feel this way.

Knowing he had to calm down and clear his head if he wished to enter the meditative state he was taught, he heaved a large gasp of air before keeping it down for a couple of moments. 

Taking a bit of time, he slowly began exhaling, whilst focusing on the teachings of his Master. Now without the aid of the system, he had to do his session the normal way. A couple of seconds passed without much success. 

He smirked at himself, remembering the words of his Master that she gave to Lily back then.

"Breathe in… and breathe out. Focus on your breathing, feel as the air enters your lungs. Feel as it circulates, focus on the energies surrounding you. Feel their echo in your heart…" He mumbled the teaching, following along. 

Taking in large gasps, and slowly exhaling it a couple of times, he eventually felt as the rhythmic, rapid beating became a slower, much more majestic thumping sound, his heart entered that perfect, calm state he needed.

With it, he himself calmed down, he felt tranquil, as if nothing could shake him at that moment. Once again felt that familiar peace, that once managed to calm his raging emotions, and enabled him to reach this profoundness. 

He could feel the strange intangible, hollow tubes, the channels where the energy continuously flowed and coursed around his body. It was similar to the venous, the cardiovascular system in his body, but at the same time, it was vastly different.

Unlike those, this was for his soul only. It could be referred to as the Spiritual System if we were forced to label it. It was something that according to Master\'s teaching should be present to every living being, but it was dormant. At its center, acting as its \'brain\' was the same Monster Core, the crystallized organ. 

As his will consciousness continued descending deeper, he focused on his incomprehensible, intangible pool, the source of his power, the [Soul Power]. Exhaling once, his will followed along with the flow, like if he was riding a current in a torrential river. In the span of a few seconds, his will traveled with this river to all ends, nooks, and crannies in his body, just like before.

His Master\'s teaching rang inside his mind once again. He focused on this energy, the source of life, the base of his power, slowly diving into it, letting his consciousness submerge in its magical energies.

While inwardly he was reaching the same profound, perfect state that he reached once before, on the outside a faint, golden hue slowly covered his body, surrounded him. A high-pitched buzzing sound accompanied this glow as if his glowing coat of energy reacted to the various particles in the air. 

Unlike the first time, however, the light didn\'t intensify, and the sound also gradually calmed down. He continued on, retaining this perfect state, feeling the energies coursing through and enriching, revitalizing his body and flesh. The spent stamina and energy were continuously restored, whilst his understanding in the profanities of these strange laws slowly deepened.

Behind him, the giggling has already died down, Galina was sitting with a wondrous gaze on the bed, looking at his Young Master. As she kept looking at his Young Master\'s glowing body, her stun slowly transformed into a determined expression, she began to focus on his action with keen interest.

She wanted to grow stronger, and not be a burden, she wanted to follow in his footsteps and learn everything.

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