The Last Primal

Chapter 399 - 399 - Problems In Paradise

"Saronite Mountains again? Huh, interesting…" Aiden muttered, after listening to the Orc Elder. The threads of fate seemed to be converging around that area lately.

From the supposed underground maze that may or may not house another Primal Altar, to the threat of the encroaching forces of the Empire now to even a hidden village of mostly defenseless orcs…

Thinking it through, Aiden couldn\'t help but slightly frown, causing the orc elder to grow worried upon noticing his reaction. 

\'[Orc] Did I offend him somehow?\' He wondered, looking anxious and worried at the same time.

"[Orc] Uhm… Honored Lord…" With dread, he meekly voiced his growing concern, focusing his gaze on the wrinkles on the young man\'s forehead.

"[Orc] Huh?" Jolted awake from his sudden reverie, Aiden turned at the source of the voice, only to suddenly realize that he suddenly wandered off. A wry look curved his lips, he looked slightly abashed as he matched the elder\'s distressed gaze.

"[Orc] Ah, I apologize, it\'s just…" He shook his head, forcing his usual calm smile to emerge once again on his expression. "[Orc] Doesn\'t matter I suppose. So, we have a group of stranded, forgotten, or just simply left behind a group of orcs, mostly wives, elderlies, and children that are still waiting for your return?"

"[Orc] Yes, Honored Lord. We have left behind a single group of warriors as guards, but that\'s it. While the mountains are mostly peaceful, there are some occasional dangers lurking in the depths. They should probably be fine, but they won\'t last by themselves forever."

The second elder stepped forward, caressing his own knuckles in his nervousness, he asked.

"[Orc] Young Lord, no… Honored Lord, may I… may we request to bring them to this place?"

Aiden shook his head, but before they could ask about his decision he explained.

"[Orc] There is no need. I will have business in that region relatively soon… Maybe in 2-3 weeks. Then, once I get there I will bring you guys back, to help me locate your missing people. Would that work?"

The eyes of both elders instantly lit up, they nodded with fervent passion.

"[Orc] Y-yes, Honored Lord! That should be perfect! Thank you for your boundless kindness!"

"[Orc] It\'s okay, just… stop calling me that." Aiden sighed, turning his gaze once again on his still quite downtrodden servant. "Roas, this would solve the issue for the time being. I know that it\'s still not the best as that\'s only a small amount of females, but we can work on this issue more." 

"[Orc] Yes, Young Master." Roas nodded, with a bit of lingering melancholy. The memories of all those that they lost still seemed to weigh heavily on his mind, despite being exiled and shunned by the very same people before. 

"[Orc] Anyway… that\'s for the most pressing matter…" Seeing that there was nothing he could do for his friend-slash-servant for the time being, he returned his attention to the list in front of him once more.

"[Orc] So what\'s next… Conflicts between goblins and orcs… Bowyers, Blacksmith\'s needing more manpower… hmm… Ohh, this is interesting!" He exclaimed with a surprised smile emerging on his face. "Lack of Weather? What do you guys mean by that? Care to explain?"

He tried to hide the expectant smile that began to showcase itself on his face. After all, this was the perfect request to test his Management Powers in this world. Would he truly be capable of altering things such as the weather? If so, how?

"[Goblin] Young Master, allow me to explain." Taking the opportunity that finally they moved on from the orc\'s delicate issue, Glohn took the reins and spoke up. "[Goblin] Let me start with a question. What did you see and experience when you arrived on this plane, Young Master?"

"[Goblin] Hmm…" Turning towards the doorway, Aiden looked out towards the distant skies. It was one giant piece of clear, light blue canvas. There were no smudges anywhere his eyes could see or scan the horizon.

"[Goblin] I… Clear, sunny?" He responded, after pondering on it a bit more. 

"[Goblin] Exactly! That\'s right Young Master!" Glohn nodded agreeing with his Lord\'s remark wholeheartedly before starting his explanation.

"[Goblin] There is no such thing as \'weather\' in this place, Young Master. During the daytime, it is clear, sunny, with this constant warm, summer-like temperature. At nights, it turns a couple of degrees cooler, with the occasional cold breeze coming from the riverside."

He paused for a second, looking at his Young Master with a serious expression. 

"[Goblin] While this is fine for the time being, it does make farming, amongst many other things completely impossible. While nobody likes the dread of winters, we do need some changing weather… Rains, fogs, windy, colder days, summers, winters, autumns, and even springs… Not just for us but for the local wildlife as well."

Aiden was silent for a while, deep in thought, pondering about what Glohn has just explained to him.

Memories of his short school days back in the modern world resurfaced, he tried to think back about how a healthy ecosystem actually worked.

He remained silent for several minutes. Glohn and the rest didn\'t dare to bother him, as the occasional twitches and changes of his expression revealed that he was most likely processing the eldest goblin\'s words.

Eventually, after almost ten minutes of silence, the haze cleared from his gaze, his lips parting as he spoke.

"[Goblin] Okay, I think I understand what you meant. I think I can actually help with that…"

His words caused a wave of shock to spread in the crowd of elders. Though this was indeed a huge problem for the future, for the time being they didn\'t expect any resolution to it. At best, they wanted to wait it out and keep a look at the weather and keep researching it. After a year or so, they planned to revisit the matter and if there were no other ideas, they planned to scout out the surrounding lands if there were some other, better places out there.

However, it seemed that there might be something to have this resolved. The Young Lord, the Master of this plane seemed to have more surprises under his belt. Several elders\' eyebrows creased, pondering gazes soon replaced the shocked, stunning looks. 

Could his power be transcending what normally would be possible? Could he may be… No. That is impossible! Many shook their heads, even thinking about such an outrageous thought was blasphemy, many feared that a bolt of lightning would strike them from the skies!

"[Goblin] Y-young Master…" Amidst the stunned crowd, it was Gob who actually managed to gather the courage to speak up and ask for a bit more information on what he could have possibly meant. "…Could you please… could you please explain in a bit more detail what do you mean? How could you help us in this matter?"

Not really bothering about the astounded crowd, Aiden simply shrugged his shoulders as he calmly explained.

"[Goblin] As I have already mentioned, I do have some sort of power over this domain. After all, it was created by me." He said, adding a thought to it mentally. \'Well, by the system, but that\'s not important right now."

"[Goblin] You see…"

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