The Last Primal

Chapter 436 - 436 - A Helping Hand

Though she hasn\'t made her presence known throughout the day, Number 3 closely followed her dear disciples\' adventure from a distance. Although she was still confused about what had happened with the Skunk that called itself Thuk, or the rest of his kin for that matter as they seemingly all vanished into a portal of unknown origins, she did not intervene. 

She kept her stance even as they thought with the dangerous mutant worm, even though there were moments when she almost failed to keep her cool. She had to let them go and explore the outside world themselves.

She had to admit, that all those years ago when she walked into their lives as part of the missions related to the Grandmaster\'s Ultimate Plan, she didn\'t know the full effect this assignment would have on her life.

Number 3 never wanted to grow attached to this tainted, corrupted world ever again. When she made her decision and walked away from the tragedies, she never expected to one day return to them. 

Still, she couldn\'t help but feel emotionally attached to this unique boy, this peculiar representative of the ancient past. 

As such, she was aware of the shady figure following, sneaking after his boy, and for that matter, she was also fairly certain that Aiden was aware of it too. Keeping her distance, her gaze continued witnessing as the scene played out in a manner that albeit followed the simple script of wolf hiding in sheep\'s clothing luring its unsuspecting prey, it still took an unexpected turn in the end.

Number 3 could sense, feel the incredible amount of violent mixture of energy inside the boy as he suddenly swallowed the heart of a human. Though shocked, it wasn\'t completely unknown to her, that he was capable of such a feat: after all Aiden had already done something similar before.

As she continued to monitor the situation, her face went pale after only a few seconds. She could feel as the reaction was chaining towards something disastrous. Not willing to relive a repeat of the past, Number 3 didn\'t waste any more seconds, she leaped into the night and flashed towards the youngster she already referred to as \'her boy\'.

In barely any time, she arrived behind the already groveling, troubled youth and immediately called out to him.

"Aiden! Are you alright!" Sadly, even with her otherworldly speed, it seemed that she was still just a hair breath\'s too late. The tragedy she feared was already underway, she couldn\'t reach Aiden, as in the next instant the outflow of the golden luster has already surrounded his entire being.

"No…" She muttered, her voice cracking, tearing up behind the cover of her faceless mask. As the light slowly swallowed the boy into the shape of an oversized egg, she shook her head.

Determination filled her voice, she clenched her fists with adamant refusal to accept the repeat of history. 

"No! I won\'t allow it! I\'m not losing him as well!" She cried, stepping over to Aiden\'s egg. She knelt down, as she took one last deep breath, before her hands slowly plunged beneath the protective barrier, in search of the boy. 

As soon as her slender hands touched his shoulders, she muttered some words under her breath, releasing most of the barring holds of her body and opening a clear path for the excess energy to flow towards instead of continuing to wreak havoc inside the youngster\'s body.

Slowly but surely, her hands were covered with the same golden luster as the boy, as the energy traversed the bridge and were guided to the depths of her own soul instead. Suddenly a sharp stinging pain filled up Number 3\'s entire body. The energy she willingly took in, was nothing she was familiar with. She was already aware that Aiden had access to something that most likely only the Grandmaster and Number 0 did; after all, their origins were shrouded in mystery, and besides, that they came from the same origin, nothing more was known. 

This higher form of power was unlike anything she had come in contact with before. It had a peculiar aura of pride, not allowing anything other than itself to remain. It quickly spread around her body, driving out all Number 3\'s Mana, almost instantly throwing her into the state of Mana Deprivation. 

As a result, her mind was quickly growing weary, she was barely conscious at this point, yet she never let go of the boy. Her mask had long since fallen from her face, tears were flowing from her eyes. Still, despite all the inhumane pain, she was suffering from, she stood her ground. 

An almost impossible feat, through sheer willpower, her desire to keep her disciple… no. Her dear boy safe, through some miracle, kept her sanity and consciousness in check.

As the overflowing light show slowly came to an end and began to fade, a weak smile emerged on Number 3\'s face, an expression not like her, as she lovingly gazed at the shriveled back of Aiden. 

Feeling that the disaster had passed and Aiden was no longer in danger, her last bits of consciousness finally surrendered to the inviting darkness, Number 3 fainted, falling down on the ground. As she closed her eyes a faint \'Aiden…\' left her lips.

Completely focused on the steadily rising levels of energy, Aiden was unaware of what was happening just a measly step behind him in reality. His mind was fully focused on his own self, he was concentrating on trying to contain the seemingly inevitable disaster.

He could feel his grasp slowly slipping as the energy kept on growing and rising inside him. No matter how hard he tried, he needed an outlet, or something to somehow let this storm settle and return to levels that were currently acceptable to his body.

Still, he couldn\'t think of anything other than risking everything and releasing the excess [Soul Power]. Though some of the hiding monsters and old fogies may perhaps notice his unique source and know of his secrets, it was still the only way to have a chance at surviving the predicament he unknowingly placed himself into.

Yet, at the crucial moment, he suddenly felt something reaching for his shoulders and connecting with him. Without any say in the matter, a connection was made and suddenly a resolution was offered. 

As if answering his pleas, he was offered a helping hand and a channel to send the overflowing resource was created for him.

He couldn\'t waste his chance, he focused on the transfer all the way until he felt the disaster was finally thwarted. 

During the short time, there were several notifications in the system, but he couldn\'t check them, nor could he check on the map to look at what exactly had happened. Only when the situation was resolved, did he glance at his system, only to catch the glimpse of a familiar green dot, vanishing from behind him.

In the next instant, he heard the faint thud of a body falling to the ground behind him. Instantly his heart began a fast-paced, loud rhythmic beat, his anxiety, and fear reaching new heights. 

As he turned around, one of his worst fears in this life was revealed in front of him. His Master was laid unconscious on the ground… He could sense the excess energy deep inside her body still wreaking havoc…

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