Stuck As A Dungeon Mob

Chapter 94

Ed and Vorgarag created a couple more potions to find the optimal measurement. Since they were just trials they decreased the size of the pot. The main issue they would have now was conserving the potion but in theory, they could always just make them right before using them given how simple they were to make.

\'Still, it\'s a good idea to know the shelf life\' Due to Ed\'s lost memories, as well as just an overall lack of general knowledge, Ed didn\'t know any preservation methods.

A good hour or two passed as Ed taught Vorgarag how to make the potion and they kept on trying different ratios. During this time and they both finally made a potion with great effectiveness and a low-cost to performance ratio. How did they know it was effective? Well, let\'s just say Vorgarag didn\'t let Ed off.

"We did everything we set out to do. We should return and help Sharog" Ed told Vorgarag who was currently tasting the different potions they had made.

"I think the ones with more of your blood spoil faster" Vorgarag said with a sour expression. He also then let out a couple of coughs. That potion clearly didn\'t taste very good.

"I guess we should just stick with the diluted ones for small injuries" Ed replied. If the potions spoiled too quickly then impurities could build-up which could lead to sickness or injuries. This was not a desirable outcome especially not when performing trades.

Ed watched as Vorgarag fiddled with the potions a bit more while still expecting an answer to his earlier question,

"Alright then. Let\'s pack up and go." Vorgarag emptied the pot of rock as he prepared to take it with them. They would need this one for reference.

,m After gathering some Alivio herbs seeds and planting some around the area, they were ready to head back. But before they could get far...

"Hey!" Yelled a familiar voice from the distance. Ed and Vorgarag both glanced over in that direction and saw Duma\'s well-built figure running over. Upon closer look, there was a large entourage of other orcs that followed behind him.

The mining operation was likely performed faster as they had gone on ahead. Duma probably didn\'t want to deal with this by himself so he could only assemble the designated orcs faster.

"So they must be the ones you selected to deal with the crystals, right?" said Vorgarag not bothering to greet Duma.

"Yeah, I tried to split it fairly evenly among the three tribes." Duma replied. This was realistically a bit unfair for Sharog\'s smaller tribe but from another angle, it was just working for one\'s share.

The food that they were offered was earned by others so it\'s only fair they be put to work. It\'s not like they could just freeload until the humans attack. In the first place, orcs aren\'t lazy. They might be easily distracted by things of interest but it wasn\'t that they were unwilling to work.

The other orcs who came walking at a normal pace soon stopped before them, One of the orcs at the front detached himself from the rest of the group and came up to them.

"This is Sarul. He is one of my close confidants. I think he can oversee the operation" Duma introduced his right-hand man Sarul. It was the first time Vorgarag and Ed met him, he must have been busy managing things in Duma\'s stead.

"Great to know you all" Sarul said with his deep voice. He was a bit on the plump side of things but his muscles were still fairly defined. He seemed reliable.

Vorgarag and Ed also introduced themselves.

"This is the ogre\'s cavern. You guys will feel some pressure from the inside. It\'s best nobody tries to check it out or you might die." Ed decided to say a word of warning first. Orcs weren\'t necessarily scared by the strong which is a bad trait to have as it could easily cause their deaths.

Who knew if the orcs would try to decide who is stronger or something of the like by who could make it further into the cave. That would be disastrous. Especially if they all proceeded to try and avenge a comrade\'s death. They would be easily losing a majority of their force.

"An ogre?" All of the orcs were informed of the rumors surrounding the area but they didn\'t know what an ogre was.

"It\'s a giant orc-like beast. It\'s a good idea not to disturb it." Ed answered his question with a reasonable comparison. He would say humanoid but they wouldn\'t know what that is.

"Uhm, ok" Perhaps not entirely convinced, Sarul acquiesced.

They settled a bunch of other minor details and the orcs were eventually allowed to head inside the cavern. Some shortly admired the many crystals while others simply shrugged and got to work.

The orcs worked efficiently and apart from some who would occasionally joke around the work was going smoothly. They cut apart pieces using their axes and piled them up in the middle of the area. In nearly no time at all, the crystals were more than they could carry.

"This is a problem." Vorgarag thought out loud as he contemplated the issue.

Ed agreed with a simple nod.

\'What can I do to fix this issue?\' He pondered on the matter for a while more until he finally came upon an idea. Wheels! To be more accurate, a cart. He had to really dig his brain for this simple idea.

"I\'ve got a solution" Ed said and immediately put the plan into action. As this was a new thing for the orcs it was a much better idea to just demonstrate it first.

The rocky ground started to shift and rise forming into the shape of a cart from Ed\'s memory. The whole thing was roughly made in a minute as Ed needed to make sure the wheels would rotate properly among other minor details. If he was familiar with the process it would be much faster.

Vorgarag saw the weird stone creation and was initially confused, he then quickly came to an understanding. Due to their poor craftsmanship, no one thought to create a cart before. The shamans would be the ones to think about things but they are usually too busy studying magic to think about improving manual labor.

Ed grabbed the side of the rock cart and rolled it side to side a bit. It seemed to function properly so he let go and his face formed a proud smile.

"We can load the crystals into many of these and have some of the orcs take them away in advance" Ed said and proceeded to demonstrate. He then inadvertently tripped up due to the uneven rock surface.

"Vorgarag, can you please smooth out the surface to create a path to the outside?" Ed was essentially telling him to create a road. It would go a long way to ease the transportation of the crystals out of the cavern,

"Sure, leave it to me." Vorgarag agreed. He could study the carts at a later time. Right now they should act with prudence and spend as much time as possible preparing.

Ed made many more stone carts. But then a small commotion caught his attention.

"Look you broke it!" Yelled an orc at another.

Ed took a gander and it seemed they had overloaded the cart so it broke down, it was a small issue so he quickly fixed it. He then told everyone to watch out for how much they put in the carts.

Things were smooth sailing and Ed and Vorgarag, along with Duma as well, were now able to leave. They had already told someone else to deal with the delivery of herbs. There was one smaller cart dedicated to this task as well.

"We can finally return, let\'s not keep Sharog waiting" Ed said contentedly. Vorgarag and Duma agreed and they set off with a couple of orcs pulling carts filled with crystals.


In another part of the forest, Sharog and a handful of other orcs were standing outside of a settlement. It was home to the thunder cry tribe.

The walls were high and made of stone and put together with clay. This was done on purpose as to not have their walls catch fire. Based on the little research Sharog did on this tribe, their heritage was that of lightning. That is to say, lightning techniques were practiced by the shaman leader and their successor.

This settlement was also a fairly advanced one. It housed 200+ orcs each boasting great strength and bravery. Their masonry skills were lackluster by earth\'s standard but to other orcs, their walls were quite impressive.

"Hey! You there! What are you doing here?" Shouted an orc from atop the said wall.

"I want to speak to your tribe leader!" Sharog shouted in response. The orc frowned slightly but Sharog couldn\'t see it too well from below the walls.

"Durgash is busy! if you have nothing else you may leave or wait outside until he decides to meet you!" The orc informed them.

Sharog thought about it for a bit and even consulted some of the orcs she brought along.

"We will wait!" She yelled.. They couldn\'t leave without at least meeting the tribe\'s leader.

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