Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 91 091: Bounties Complete

This was all bounties complete, and frankly speaking in a manner that he had no idea would actually be a factor. He really needed to take a look at this chaos blast skill, it was a lot more powerful than he gave it credit for, then again there were a lot of factors to pay attention to. Cole didn\'t think there was a person or creature alive in this world that wouldn\'t bleed out in second if they had half their faces blown up by chaos energy.

Not even his healing would be able to deal with that, in the end it seems everything had worked out just fine. Cole let out a breath he didn\'t know he was holding, he desperately wanted to get the hell out of here, looking at this valley and everything in it made him extremely weary and tired, he wanted to get the hell out of here and on his way.

He got on Morgan as the mechanoid Direwolf dropped from the roof. From there on it wasn\'t too far a distance to the front door as Cole gave an exhausted knock. There was no response, absolute silence from within, almost as if there was nobody in the house in the first place. He rolled his eyes and knocked again, this time choosing to speak.

"Open the damn door goddammit! It\'s me!" that seemed to do the trick as there was scramble from within and before he knew it, the main doors were opened wide enough to let him in. the first face he saw was that of Titus, but Cole ignored the goblin, pulled out his revolver and walked up to the three thieves and the horses that they had conveniently brought up from the basement. He gave them a straight look, but on his face was an unspoken truth…. If they tried to run he would not hesitate to kill them all. Then he turned back to Titus.

"I have completed all of the bounties, and while there are some questions to be answered, like what the absolute fuck happened here, you will first make sure to hand over my rewards for completing the bounties to me, then and only then can we talk about what I\'ve found and discovered and returning your bloody heirloom to you."

Titus looked extremely excited, his body was vibrating with the idea or rather the news that Cole had completed the bounties and had retrieved the heirloom that was in the winery/brewery. The goblin skipped and took Cole\'s hands in his much smaller ones, shaking it up and down as he gave his heartfelt thanks.

"Thank you so much Mr. Cole, you have saved me and my family from a catastrophe. Please I don\'t mind handing over the rewards, I heard the snake fall outside the house, please, here are your rewards.

[Bounty06/10<Silver>: Titus Boris meddling with arcane magic to improve the quality and life span of his orchard had summoned a copse of serpentine dark dryads. To come and take possession pf his land. Slay the leader of the copse the serpentine high dryad oak. / Condition: Titus Boris must survive. / Rewards: 500 gold, 10,000 Exp, Knowledge Tome<Dark Summoning> <Arcane Nature Engineering> <Monster Husbandry>]

[Bounty 07/10<Silver>: Hidden deep within the bowels of Titus Boris Winery and brewery is the arcane legacy of a storied and well known family of goblin arch-mages and royalty. Retrieve it while going against the corrupted defenses within the factory. / Conditions: You must not take a look in the box that holds the heirloom. / Rewards: 5000 Gold, 20,000 Exp, Arcane Land Deed for Rowan Valley (Titus Boris Orchard, Brewery and Winery)]

Just like the first time, he fell to his knees as the deluge of knowledge slammed into him. Cole couldn\'t not help but smile at what he had gotten, the knowledge of how to summon the darkest things and creatures in all of existence. And not just that, he learnt how to engineer them, he learnt how to twist the nature of any biological life into something else, he learn how to combine two plants to make a new one, or to make hybrid that would bring out both advantages and no disadvantages.

He learnt the ways to make an animal something else….. Something more…. Something dark…. Or something monstrous. Then he learnt how to cater to the monsters he created, or just to the normal ones out in the wild. It was crazy but in that moment he learned more than 10 thousand different names and species of monsters across the vast universe. He learnt how to breed them, care for them, butcher them, and create them.

Man was the total sum of all his knowledge and life experiences. Invariably so Cole was now a different person. With all of the things he has learnt from completing these bounties, it would not be too farfetched to say he could probably change the course of human history, or rather be able to build a place for himself and his family once the natural order of things fell apart like he knew it would, and soon enough to.

[You have become the new owner of Rowan Valley! Territory management systems are not available until the third floor! Territory would be kept in stasis and made available to you every floor in locations that owned by you, or any association or organization you are a part of.]

Well that sounded like good news, but of course this was not something that Cole could explore at the moment. But it was also something to look forwards to anyways, he was pretty much tired of the second floor already and would like to see what the third hold. He nodded his head, mostly to himself as he turned to Titus, it was now the moment of truth.

"Every terrible thing that I have seen here, every monster that I have had to vanquish and kill were all placed here by you…. Or at least they all came to be as a result of your own meddling with thigs you absolutely have no understanding about. Please tell me what the hell you were trying to achieve that you would condemn so many lives?" Cole asked as he pointed Blue Obsidian at the goblin who had his eyes opened wide in shock.

Frankly speaking Cole really didn\'t care…. That was the truth. Not that he wanted to come off as such an uncaring person but still…. nothing of what had happened here had anything to do with him, but curiosity as they say is what killed the cat, and he wanted an insight into what Titus was up to that he would facilitate the summoning or creation of all the creatures Cold had to deal with to complete his bounties.

"i-i- I don\'t know what you are talking about Mr. Cole. Everything that happened here was an accident, it was a fertilization ritual that had went wrong. All of these were supposed to help my farm become a whole lot better than it already is, why the hell will I do anything jeopardize it… it\'s my life\'s work, my family\'s life\'s work!" Cole raised an eyebrow as he said.

"You mean the family that you sacrificed to escape the High Consul of Verdant Viloria when it was found out that you were selling secrets and arming the enemies of you own nation." Titus paused, his entire body getting rigid as he raised his head up and stared at Cole with a rather fearful look on his face…. And this time that look was incredibly genuine.

"How do you know that? Who told you that?" Titus seemed almost frantic for the answers to his questions, but Cole was nothing if not an extremely dramatic person, especially when he wanted to be. He shrugged and said.

"Well I did get a system generated quest asking me to arrest the traitor noble who sacrificed his family in order to escape the consul of verdant Viloria. Apparently you were dabbling in magics so dark and divergent that it threatened the very essence of the system itself…. Apparently it was the power to make life out of nothing.

From what I can gather, even if the system doesn\'t seem to be sentient, it doesn\'t seem like the kind of entity that would sit back and let some upstart goblin turn himself into a god. And I have already established myself as a….. Let\'s just say, I\'m a professional bounty hunter/ mercenary. And it wanted me to deal with this divergent. So Titus, what\'s it going to be, we can fight, or you can just surrender, or you can try your luck and see how far you can go before I gun you down.

Titus looked like he had something to say, and with everything that has happen so far, Divyat was absolutely sure of that. Yet he did have something to say. At the very least the goblin would try his best to appeal to Cole\'s mercy, but that was something that he did not have to give at the moment. However Titus still managed to shock him.

"Since that is the only choices you have given, then I choose with all my heart Mr. Cole….TO FIGHT!"

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