Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 366 - Transcendent & Blood Spear Legion: Troop Restructuring!

Even with the passive skill Special Forces Soldier, all Bai Zemin gained was the combat experience and weapons knowledge of humanity\'s best soldiers before the apocalypse. As far as army organization was concerned, he was basically a blank slate.

One of the problems with the current situation of the army was that the highest level the men could reach so far was the position of team leader; with this kind of crude setup, it would be extremely difficult for others to rise through the ranks and therefore it would be difficult for everyone to give their best. No one would try too hard if, at the end of the day, there were no juicy rewards waiting behind all that effort.

Only people like Fu Xuefeng, Kang Lan, and a few others had different positions comparable to those of a Commander or Captain, but even then these positions were not very clear as the teams were too dispersed which made it difficult to mobilize the troops in times of urgency, needing too much time to respond in times of crisis.

After discussing the matter with Fu Qigang for almost an hour, Bai Zemin finally realized that he had to make some changes. Even more so after Wu Yijun informed him that the Baiquan Camp and the team led by Zhong De had some differences of opinion that although they did not lead to fatalities, several evolvers from both sides were injured.

The Baiquan Camp and Bai Zemin\'s faction were destined to be enemies. After all, Bai Zemin needed to rule China\'s mankind in less than a year\'s time, so, such great powers with the ability to oppose his rule could not be allowed to stand. In addition, he needed to pass through the area covered by the Baiquan Camp if he wanted to reach the neighboring district where his family was located.

According to Wu Yijun, some people from the Baiquan Camp came to request their surrender and hand over all power, or else they would be branded as traitors of the country and the people. Of course, Wu Yijun simply scoffed at this and sent them back where they came from.

What a joke! She was the granddaughter of the second most politically powerful person in all of China but a small mayor and a platoon commander armed with a few tanks wanted to brand her and the faction she had worked hard to slowly shape together with many trusted friends as traitors... Wu Yijun barely restrained the urge to laugh in the face of Camp Baiquan\'s envoy at that time.

However, that encounter basically sealed any possible friendship. Unless something big happened, Bai Zemin could not imagine how his faction and the enemy camp could come together on good terms.

In the end, Wu Yijun, Chen He, Shangguan Bing Xue, and Fu Qigang along with Bai Zemin worked for almost a full day to form a very simple but extremely useful new scale of military power. Although the positions to be filled were not many because the current army was only around 2000 men, in the future many would have the opportunity for advancement and a goal to fight for.

Four days after Bai Zemin\'s return to Beginning Village and after the survivors of the North Camp began to adapt to their new lives, Bai Zemin had called each team leader to the government and military building.

A huge table had been set up along with several chairs. As more than a hundred people chatted with each other, the status of the past did not matter at all. Before the arrival of the Soul Record on Earth, some were mechanics, others were farmers, businessmen, soldiers, police officers, students, and so on. Although the past of each of them was different, due to the change of the world they were forced to fight to survive and adapt, finally being gathered under the command of a young man.

"Leader Xiao Ming, you have been following the King from the beginning. I am sure you will get a good position." Said a soldier named Rong Tao.

Xiao Ming shook his head and while looking at a couple of people, he pointed out, "That\'s not necessarily so. Zhong De, Fu Xuefeng, Kang Lan, Cai Jingyi, and several others have followed the King even before me... Even Luo Cheng, despite not being a soul evolver, his little sister Luo Ning is a brave and fierce little tigress whom His Majesty holds in high esteem. I\'m afraid the competition is not easy at all."

The same kind of conversation but with minor differences could be heard everywhere.

Just at that moment, Bai Zemin walked into the room wearing casual clothes next to little Luo Ning, who was clinging to his hand while looking at the surroundings of the great hall with curious eyes.

As soon as Bai Zemin made his appearance, the gaze of all the team leaders focused on him. They all looked at him with glittering eyes and the murmurs and whispers disappeared practically in an instant.

Bai Zemin walked to the main seat and calmly sat down before taking a calm look at the faces of those present.

Although there were many people inside the hall, some of whom were from the Beginning Village and others who had come from the North Camp as was the case with Lu Yan, Bai Zemin could recognize each and every one of them. After all, these people were chosen by him or recommended by his trusted men to occupy the position they were currently in.

"We will officially begin the meeting. Wu Yijun, please." Bai Zemin said in a deep voice, releasing just a hint of his extremely pure Soul Power.

The reverence in the gaze of most grew while others were greatly shocked. Among them, Chen He seemed to be looking at a ghost as it was hard for him to imagine how someone\'s Soul Power could become as impressive and heavy as Bai Zemin\'s as even though he clearly wasn\'t aiming to hurt anyone, Chen He felt his soul shudder for a split second.

Wu Yijun slowly stood up and everyone\'s gaze instantly changed focus, focusing on her immediately.

The current Wu Yijun had a small smile at the corner of her lips, and it was obvious that this smile was not only a professional smile but it was a smile of real happiness. The twinkle in her eyes when her gaze met Bai Zemin\'s caused some people to start whispering quietly for a moment before the room fell silent again.

Her entire body seemed to radiate an aura of confidence that while it was always there now seemed to have increased in several folds. This confidence did not come from her strength, nor from her intelligence, much less was it the result of her high birth; it was confidence born from her existence as a woman.

During the last few days, although Bai Zemin had not given her a clear answer and none of them had mentioned what had happened before, Wu Yijun had noticed that he did not reject her in any way and the days when they were working as a team she sometimes noticed that he was deep in his own thoughts while looking at her. At the very least, Wu Yijun knew that Bai Zemin was no longer completely indifferent to her, and that was a big step from her point of view.

Shangguan Bing Xue, who was sitting just to the right of Bai Zemin, noticed this change in her friend. Her blue eyes shifted between the two\'s faces and a peculiar glint in her gaze masked her inner thoughts.

"We will now announce the appointments settled by His Majesty. Effective from today, the military teams formed before are completely dissolved and the governmental positions will cease to exist. Two different columns of power were created, being one for the fighters and one for those who are part of the tactical team supporting the front lines from the back." Wu Yijun took some documents and began to slowly announce in a clear voice.

"From now on, regardless of whether you are military, soul evolver, or logistics personnel; everyone will stop receiving food as a pay basis and will be paid with different colored food tickets depending on each person\'s rank."

"I will begin by first explaining the power distributions." Wu Yijun paused and looked at Bai Zemin.

Seeing him nod, she continued:

"As had been mentioned several weeks ago, a nobility system will be implemented and will begin to go into immediate effect. However, there have been some changes compared to the past. Starting from today, our faction will be called Transcendents and the government will be divided into 7 noble levels. Level 7 Nobles the lowest of the echelons within the nobility and Level 1 Nobles the highest."

"As far as the army is concerned, the division will remain the same regardless of the future number of troops. However, in the future, as our faction\'s army grows, the scale will increase."

"Now, I will announce the army structure chosen by His Majesty. From largest to smallest, the division will be; Legion, Brigade, Battalion, Team."

"At present, the total number of armed troops our Transcendent faction possesses leaving aside the soul evolvers is 1597 soldiers. Each Team will be composed by 100 soldiers, each Battalion will be composed by 2 Teams, each Brigade will be composed by 2 Battalions, and finally, each Legion will be composed by 2 Brigades."

Wu Yijun paused for a moment to look at the report in her hands and could not help but feel proud of Bai Zemin, unconsciously also feeling proud of herself as if he was her man.

With the arrival of the North Camp and the unification of both factions after his conquest, the number of troops shot up by more than 100% and that number was continuing to grow with the applications of survivors to join the army.

"At the present time, due to the limited number of armed troops, only two Legions of armed troops will be formed; but this number will grow in the future.... However, there will be a third Legion composed exclusively by soul evolvers." Wu Yijun announced calmly and ignoring everyone\'s stare, she continued.

"Our Transcendent faction currently has 712 soul evolvers, which will be immediately integrated into the third Legion whose name will be Blood Spear Legion. This third Legion will be under the direct command of a single person, His Majesty. Except when His Majesty is not present and the situation warrants it, no one will be able to command or mobilize the troops of the Blood Spear Legion."

Wu Yijun paused and looked at the faces of the people in the room, causing everyone to hold their breath.

Now that the new structure had been announced, it was clear that there was only one thing left to do.

"Now, I will announce who will be the leaders of each Team, Battalion, Brigade, and Legion. Along with this, the person designated will also be given a level of nobility consistent with their position, and from that point on, the person who will manage their respective position will go on to receive a monthly payment in accordance with that position within the faction."

Everyone\'s breathing stagnated for a moment and many could not help but clench their fists; especially those with the greatest chance of obtaining high positions. After all, this was a crucial moment as many would rise and others would fall.

No one wanted to fall. No one wanted to be overtaken by those in a position similar to theirs. However, in times of change, it was impossible to avoid such things.

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