Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 487 - Fourth Order Ghost Emperor

Chapter 487 - Fourth Order Ghost Emperor

Previously, Emperor Thannath believed that except for his most destructive spells which were composed of various magic circles, there was nothing that could overcome the terrific and lightning-fast consumption of Mana that opening and maintaining the Cosmos Gate had upon him. After all, he had never suffered from such a horrendously destructive attack.

However, for everything in life there was a first time.

Bai Zemin\'s Magic stat and his total magical power were nothing in comparison to Emperor Thannath\'s Mana and magical power. However, when you added each and every component that propelled Bai Zemin and his skills to new heights, things were completely different.

The explosion caused by the abrupt outburst of Bai Zemin\'s Crimson Blood Judgment skill had been so powerful that a huge vacuum bubble whose diameter was over 10,000 kilometers was formed. However, this was only the beginning a thousandth of a second before the true hell descended.





When the huge vacuum bubble blasted releasing a shockwave that could only be described as overwhelmingly gigantic, the wind from an entire area of over 200,000 kilometers with the battle zone at its center became the deadly weapon that quickly claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands before that number grew to millions.

Huge wind cannons, colossal-sized wind blades, the wind pushed at speeds that far exceeded the natural sound speed of the Oblon World took all sorts of shapes and without any control or mercy began to whip the world into submission.

Mountains that had stood for thousands and even hundreds of thousands of years rumbled before breaking into countless fragments, the earth split apart and cracks tens of thousands of kilometers long spread far and wide.

Cities, regardless of whether they possessed high or low walls and regardless of whether they had powerful armies, were struck by natural catastrophes of superb proportions that claimed the lives of countless asuras regardless of age or gender.

Oblon World was a truly great world whose laws had stagnated in the Third Evolutionary Stage after being forsaken by the Soul Record. However, a world that evolved to such a stage not only possessed vastly stronger laws than a world like Earth but had also greatly expanded in size. In the case of Oblon, the diameter of the world was approximately 600,000 kilometers.

Considering that an area of approximately 200,000 kilometers was affected by Bai Zemin\'s attack, it was no exaggeration to say that his attack at maximum power had affected 1/3 of Oblon World! Regardless of whether beyond the initial 100,000 kilometers the level of problems faced by the world and its residents was less, if word got out that a First Order existence had caused such a havoc and so much destruction, the entire universe would tremble in fear of what would await it in the future!

Crack... Crack... Crack.... CRAck.....

The sound was practically inaudible amidst the constant booms and rumbles of the earth, however, for an existence like Emperor Thannath such a thing could not go unnoticed.... Even less so considering that he was the one who had created what was cracking faster and faster.

The Massacre Barrier, the magical barrier that the entire asura race was most proud of, was being destroyed.

Even with Emperor Thannath being a powerful Fourth Order being, the Crimson Blood Judgment that had been cast by Bai Zemin was a weapon of mass destruction as it was not only composed of a Second Order skill and a Third Order flame but had also received the boost of many components which when combined together ended up creating an apocalyptic weapon.

Maybe, if a normal First Order existence launched such an attack and you ignored the fact that such a thing would be impossible due to the enormous weight that the user\'s soul would have, the destruction that was happening and the destruction that seemed to be about to happen would not happen. However, Bai Zemin was Bai Zemin after all.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" Thannath roared skyward with bloodshot eyes as the cracks grew wider and wider.

Above his head, Thannath could clearly see the sea of flames with no apparent end in sight stretching far and wide for who knows how many miles.

If the destruction caused only by the enormous shockwave and the spatial rifts that had opened up around the world had already reached such a degree, then Emperor Thannath didn\'t even want to imagine what would happen if the power of the Third Order flame were to fall on the land of the Oblon World.

"What\'s all this damn flame?! Why the hell does it keep spreading on and on?" Thannath asked into the air despite knowing that no one would answer his question.

Little did the emperor of the asura race expect that the flame Bai Zemin had used to activate and launch his magical skill was not just any Third Order flame but was a legendary flame that once possessed the power to threaten the most powerful beings in the universe!

Just as its name indicated, the Endless Blue Lotus Flame was a special type of fire that could spread endlessly and reach the ends of the universe as long as it had enough energy to do it!

Only two seconds at most had passed since Bai Zemin had commanded his own skill to self-destruct, but in that short span of time, millions perished due to a single word from him. Not only asuras died, but there were also beings of other races that had perished as well who unfortunately or unluckily had not been involved in this two-sided war.

War was cruel after all and the spreading flames had no eyes to distinguish between innocent and guilty.


Suddenly, the area surrounding Emperor Thannath began to rumble and the earth to shake.

The ruler of the asuras\' face grew pale and a glint of disbelief shone in his eyes as he realized that a silhouette had silently crept up behind him.

Thannath turned his head stiffly and looked over his shoulder. What he saw only made his face turn even paler.

An almost translucent silhouette that was barely distinguishable thanks to the sky blue outline around it stood looking into the spatial rift that had closed to the point where only one person could pass through.

This silhouette was human-shaped but clearly not human. Emperor Thannath knew very well who this figure was.

"Jack, you..."


Jack was the Ghost Emperor of the ghost race, one of the three most powerful races in the entire Oblon World along with the asura race and the beast race. Of course, his power was in no way inferior to Thannath\'s; Jack was a powerful Fourth Order existence.

The habitable surface of the Oblon World was divided in a manner similar to a large pie which had been cut into three large triangles.

One of these triangles was ruled by the asura race; another triangle was ruled by the beast race; and finally, the last triangle was being ruled by the ghost race.

Jack had been traveling to the asura territory from the moment the Cosmos Gate appeared. After all, since the Oblon World had been abandoned by the Soul Record, the ghosts were also unable to evolve by normal means such as absorbing the Soul Power of other existences.

Considering that the only ones to blame for such a situation were the asuras, the emperors of previous generations had agreed to allow the other races to use the Cosmos Gate as long as they cooperated with a measly 10% of the Soul Stones they obtained during the hunt.

Considering that the asuras were putting up 80% of the energy needed to open the Cosmos Gate, the rulers of the ghost race and the beast race agreed to the deal.

Although the asura race was naturally not happy with this, they had no choice but to do so or else the ghost and beast races would unite to annihilate them since it was the asuras who were to blame for everything.

Therefore, not wanting to suffer disastrous losses when facing such a great power as the asuras and not wanting to be annihilated by the other major races, the three races came to an agreement that until now had been working smoothly.

However, on the way here, the Ghost Emperor realized that things were not as calm as in the previous years.

Little did he expect that not long afterward he would see the mountains in his path collapse and the lively cities instantly turn into giant graveyards. But what Jack least expected was to see a sea of deep blue fire rising above his head that was barely contained by the crimson barrier a few hundred meters high.

Powerful flames were one of the greatest weaknesses of the ghost race and Jack somehow realized that if the flames floating in the sky trying to break through the barrier were to fall; then his ghost race might meet with eventual annihilation in the long run! This was because those flames seemed to be capable of burning forever!

Jack looked at Thannath with chilling eyes that frightened the asura emperor.

The current Emperor Thannath was undoubtedly at his weakest point and if a powerhouse like Jack attacked him now that he could not be distracted to maintain the barrier, then his life would undoubtedly end here.

However, to Emperor Thannath\'s fortune, the Ghost Emperor was no fool at all.

Jack looked at the sea of flames stretching to apparent infinity and understood that if the crimson barrier collapsed then his own life would be involved in serious danger. Therefore, after a second, Jack looked at the Cosmos Gate that looked like it would collapse in the next 50 seconds at most and unhesitatingly rushed forward.

Just before disappearing, Jack heard Thannath shout from behind:

"Jack! If you hand me that brat alive I\'m willing to hand over half the territory of my asura race to your ghost race!"

For Emperor Thannath, handing over half of his territory in exchange for the opportunity to torture for centuries the person guilty of all this was a trade-off that in his angry state he was willing to make; even more so considering that possibly 30% of the asuras had been slaughtered by natural disasters and shockwaves.

The eyes of the Ghost Emperor glowed like flashlights for an instant before he disappeared beyond the Cosmos Gate.

* * *

Bai Zemin had previously traveled from Earth to Oblon World using the spatial rift so he knew what he would encounter inside.

Since the Cosmos Gate was precisely a gate intended to serve as a passageway, beyond the gate was a long gray corridor. The corridor had previously been approximately 1000 meters wide but was now barely about 10 meters; beyond the gray corridor existed pure darkness.

Bai Zemin carefully advanced along the gray corridor as he watched the chaotic lightning intertwine beyond the strange energy barrier that covered the area. He did not dare to deviate from the gray path at all as his skill Danger Sense warned him not to fall or else he would never be able to return.

It would only take Bai Zemin about 30 seconds to reach the other side and return to Earth.

"Only 20 more..." He gasped as he gritted his teeth to suppress the pain that was hitting harder and harder.

Just then, Bai Zemin felt the death looming over him.

The feeling was simply relentless and Bai Zemin\'s footsteps automatically stopped for a split second as proof of how overwhelming was the weight he was feeling not only in his soul but also in his fleshly body.

This kind of unmistakable feeling was similar to Emperor Thannath\'s but even more terrifying as the current Bai Zemin could do nothing to avoid it.

* * * * * * *

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