Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 536 - No One Is Wrong.... What Is Wrong Is This World

"It\'s a good thing we\'re in the middle of the sea." Bai Zemin breathed coldly as the gravity of the Earth drew him into the water slowly after he activated Gravity Manipulation and reduced the gravity around him and the gravity just below the huge burning sun to the minimum possible.

While this was happening, the little ape was now floating above the sea; sea which slowly but surely began to evaporate in the surroundings and, as a consequence, a new whirlpool of water began to form due to the abrupt absence of water in the area and the influx of more water coming from the immediate surroundings.

Blood was gushing out of its body but the little ape did not seem to feel any physical pain. Its brown eyes were looking up at the sky, more specifically, its eyes were looking at the human rising in the sky with a golden background behind him.

He really looked like a true god descending over the mortal world.

Tears filled the little ape\'s eyes as memories began to fill its mind.

A little over a month and a half ago, when the apocalypse had just begun; it was during this time that the little ape met Bai Zemin even though Bai Zemin did not know the little ape.

It was during the time when Bai Zemin, Shangguan Bing Xue, and all the others were still in college. In fact, at that time Bai Zemin had not even completed the evolution requirements to become a Blood Berserker.

At that time, while humans were doing their best to survive, many beasts had managed to come to a kind of agreement in which no one attacked anyone around them. This was possible only thanks to the existence of an anomaly that rarely appears, let alone in the first weeks of the apocalypse.

With the existence of an anomaly known as Mana Embryo which despite having no attack or defensive skills and which despite being an extremely slow creature, the small botanical garden at Beijing University began to mutate rapidly at speeds that put any other green place to shame and in just a week of time that small botanical garden ended up turning into a mutated forest where the animals that were previously in the laboratory or in the recreational area of the grounds were reunited.

Among these animals, there were two apes who supported each other as much as they could and just formed an excellent team where no other creature really gave them too much trouble.

These two apes simply lay around resting or sleeping while their bodies absorbed the mana released by the Mana Embryo, and although the strength of both of them was inferior to that of a First Order creature evolved normally by absorbing Soul Power and thus improving their stats and overall power, the Mana stat of the two apes were really high and the magic power of both of them was especially high.

These two apes were mother and son. They were both pets before and the students often fed and played with them. But after the Soul Record arrived on Earth, one of them and the larger one went mad losing all sense of sanity except her affection for the other smaller ape.

Meanwhile, the smaller ape seemed to be more special.

The smaller ape not only managed to maintain his sanity but his intelligence grew rapidly day by day to the point where by the time he reached First Order level 26, his natural intelligence was already comparable to that of an adult before it stagnated.

However, the peaceful times did not last long.

One day, when the little ape returned to the mutated forest of the university after having gone out to hunt something to eat and to make his soul stronger in a more equal way, he noticed that his mother was not there. The little ape immediately realized that something was wrong since his mother would never leave without him, so he began to search around.

However, to the little ape\'s horror, what he found after searching around was blood; blood which after sniffing the little ape correctly identified as blood that belonged to his mother.

The little ape followed the trails of blood and destruction that was left in the way, feeling relieved to discover that the enemy his mother was facing was clearly weaker as it was simply fleeing from her furious attacks. However, at some point the little ape was forced to hide when in the distance he heard a roar full of anger but at the same time pain; it was the sound of his mother.

With his intelligence being so high, the feeling of fear naturally arose accordingly. Being aware of how dangerous the world was now, the little ape cowered behind a building while watching as a thick crimson chains glowed brightly and clung to his mother\'s limbs in such a way that even when she shook her big body she could not free herself.

The little ape felt an urge to go help his loved one, but his rational mind won out. After all, his mother was far more powerful than he was and if there was someone powerful enough to restrain her then what else would he be? He would probably just get in the way.

When the little ape saw the blood chains breaking, he almost jumped for joy. However, a moment later, the blood chains shimmered and became even harder than before after repairing the cracks that covered them. Then, something that was still etched deep in the memories and soul of the little ape occurred.

A male human dressed in a black coat as black as the night stepped forward while holding a large spear of the same color as the chains that clung to his mother. The human had a slight sneer on his face and the coldness in his gaze carried a hint of natural pride that seemed to come from deep within his soul. Then, the little ape watched as the human threw his spear directly at his defenseless mother.

The little ape thought his mother would be fine since he knew she had a skill that allowed her to regenerate from almost any wound. However, what the little ape didn\'t know was that his mother had already been forced to use her regeneration skill.

Not to mention that even if the little ape\'s mother still had her skill available it was unlikely that she could do anything about it when the crimson spear pierced her head and blew it off.

The little ape could still remember how fear and hatred mingled with pain and shock as he watched his mother\'s body fall heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of dirt in the process. He could also remember the excited looks on the humans\' faces as they gathered the treasures they had obtained after hunting his mother.

However, despite his hatred, the little ape was smart. He knew that if he went out now, he would be killed. That human had even killed his mother let alone him who had barely broken into the First Order.

Therefore, after looking intently at the human who had taken his mother\'s life in such a way that even if his bones turned to ashes he would still be able to recognize him, the little ape left the scene.

From that moment on, the little ape lived with only one goal in mind; revenge.

From that moment on, the little ape left the relative safety of the university\'s mutant forest and began to hunt to the point of exhaustion. Absorbing Soul Power day and night almost without rest, becoming stronger at astonishing speeds, and even hunting existences more powerful than himself using his intelligence and special tactics.

However, every day, the little ape took at least 5 minutes out of his day to make sure that human was still in his detection range.

Time passed, and soon, the humans left the university.

The mutant forest that had been his home for so long had been destroyed; the culprit had been the same human who had taken the life of his mother.

The hatred and anger in the little ape\'s heart grew day by day, driving him to the brink of madness with increasing intensity. But the little ape endured; he knew it was not yet time. His strength was far from enough; he needed more.

The days passed and turned into weeks and the weeks eventually turned into months. However, no matter how much time passed, the little ape would never forget his goal; the pain that still lingered in his heart would not allow it.

Such pain could only, maybe, be suppressed by getting revenge.

The little ape continued to hunt as much as he could, barely getting any sleep for himself and only eating what he needed when necessary. Moreover, with the constant increase of power, the little ape had also managed to get his own subordinates who kept him abreast of the situation in the human camp led by that male human he hated so much.

The little ape\'s life was like hell for an intelligent being like him; hunt, hunt, hunt, hunt, suppress, hunt, hunt, hunt and more hunt. However, the little ape not only did not stop but worked harder after seeing how that human ended the life of a Second Order existence because he could not rest or he would be left behind and his revenge could never be carried out.

Under his abysmal effort and thanks to a fortuitous encounter after fighting a battle in which he was almost killed together with his enemy, the little ape managed to evolve in such a way that the confidence he needed finally came to him.

Now I can do it. That was what the little ape thought.

Then, the little ape who had now become the leader of practically all the strongest beasts in Yanqing District, set up a plan together with the zombie leader with whom he had come to an agreement to share the treasure when the two of them were fighting to the death as neither of them wanted to suffer too serious wounds.

After all, being badly wounded in this world was no different from being dead.

Everything was perfect. The little ape was 100% sure that this time he would be able to get his long awaited and long desired revenge.

But reality was cruel and life often dealt us such hard blows that it was not easy to get back on our feet.


Frustrated, angry, grieved, hurt, feeling prejudiced; the little ape tried unsuccessfully to release some of all those compressed emotions in a scream which was soon drowned out by his coughs and blood flowing from his mouth.

The little ape watched as the human he hated so much stood above the sea using a thin plate of blood and said without energy, "Bai Zemin... give it back to me."

".... Give it back?" Bai Zemin looked at the beast leader blankly and frowned.

"My mother, my life! Give it back to me! You took everything from me!!!" The little ape\'s eyes filled with tears as he screamed again, aggravating his already mortal wounds even more.

But the little ape didn\'t care. He knew this was the end of the road for him anyway. All he was doing now was just letting out frustrations before his time comes.

Bai Zemin\'s mouth opened slightly before he closed it again. The wind howled loudly and his hair blew wildly as 600 meters above him the fiery sun filled with magic power came closer and closer.

Bai Zemin had killed too much in his path. Every step he took forced him to do so. Therefore, it was no surprise that in the process of growing up and becoming stronger, he might have destroyed several families; not only human, but of other races as well.

After all, it was survival of the fittest. The world was cruel and if he wanted to continue to advance then he had to mold himself to it. Otherwise, if he was not cruel to his enemies, he would be being cruel to himself.

The little ape could not see what kind of expression Bai Zemin had on his face as the fringe of his hair partially covered his eyes.

All the little ape heard was his voice:

"I\'m sorry.... I\'m just trying to survive, just like you. Just like everyone here."

Then, Bai Zemin looked up to look the little ape in the eyes and said in a pure voice:

"You also know what the world is like now. I have no choice but to do it."

Of course, the little ape understood and knew deep in his heart that what Bai Zemin was saying and what he was doing was not really bad; the circumstances of the world were.

Like the little ape and his mother in the past, Bai Zemin also had no options from which to choose. It was hunt or be hunted.

The little ape laughed curtly as he closed his eyes. Tears streamed down his furry face as his short life sped by at lightning speed similar to a movie.

It all happened in the blink of an eye, and just as the little ape\'s last memory aligned with the current situation, all pain disappeared; no more emotional pain tearing at his soul and no more physical pain.

Only silence and peace. Finally, peace.

[You have received the Soul Power of Third Order Super Intelligent Vengeful Ape \'Beast Leader\' level 101...]

Bai Zemin retracted his spear after destroying the little ape\'s brain and as he watched the corpse of his former enemy slowly being washed away by the waters, he couldn\'t help but sigh.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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