Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 1001

Assistants from both sides began to introduce each other. Huo Wanding shook hands with the nearest general manager Zhu, and then general manager Xie.

I\'m sorry to apologize to you yesterday. I\'m sorry to apologize

Mr. Xie quickly pretended to be magnanimous, "it\'s very kind of you, Mr. Huo. It\'s really lucky to be able to wait for Mr. Huo such a beautiful woman. Come on, come and have a seat!"

Huo Wanding was invited to sit on the chair and quietly listened to the assistant introducing other people to her, "Mr. Huo, this is our supplier, boss Li, and this is the manufacturer\'s boss Zhang..."

On the surface, it sounds OK. These people are present normally, but they don\'t seem normal either.

After all, the supplier hasn\'t decided on any contract yet

Huo Wan didn\'t give them a nod one by one, which was a greeting.

After three rounds of drinking, the people present talked about their work for a while. Mr. Zhu explained to Huo Wanding, "Mr. Huo, I have an appointment with a distinguished guest. He will be here soon. When he comes, we will serve hot dishes. What do you think?"

Distinguished guests? How expensive is it to keep her waiting? Huo evening Ding tepid said, "that trouble Zhu always let him faster, I half an hour later, there is the next dinner."

"Yes, I\'ll ask him where he is now." Huo evening Ding looked at the right side of the position, no wonder will be empty, the original there is a person.

Five minutes later, the door of the private room was opened again. Shen Zhengqing and the waiter came in first. They opened two doors for the man behind him at the same time.

Then Tang Shiyi, dressed in a Burgundy dark lattice suit, appeared in front of the public, "Oh, Xiao Tang is finally here!" Xie and the people in the room saw him coming, and stood up to greet him as warmly as Huo Wanding just now.

Tang Shiyi smile, "happened to be upstairs and Cheng Shou\'s Yan Zong to have dinner. Uncle Xie called me and I came to have a look." His eyes swept around the private room, and soon locked on the woman sitting in the chair.

Oh, surprise!

However, it\'s normal to think about it carefully. After all, it\'s normal to have dinner in the same city and business.

It\'s just What is she wearing today?


Huo Wan wears cheongsam? He glanced at the enthusiastic Mr. Xie, as if he understood something.

"Come on, Xiao Tang is going to sit down, and I\'ll miss you." Tang Shiyi is now the hottest upstart in Yuecheng. Anyone who wants to flatter him can be arranged outside Yuecheng. Xie can always get Tang Shiyi\'s phone number, which is the blessing of his good relationship with Tang Zhongzhen.

Tang Shiyi was invited to Huo Wanding\'s side of the position, Zhu Zong personally opened his chair for him, "Xiao Tang always sits next to our big beauty Huo, and is closer to the beauty." At present, Yuecheng\'s business status can keep pace with ZL group only by Tianrui group, but there is still a gap between them.

Therefore, it is natural for Huo Wanding to sit on the throne and Tang Shiyi to sit on her right hand.

Tang Shiyi doesn\'t care to sit down. First of all, she looks at the woman beside her. She smiles in her peach blossom eyes. "Mr. Huo is really beautiful today. She has never seen Mr. Huo wearing a cheongsam before." He told the truth. From knowing her to now, although she didn\'t wear the same clothes every day, she never wore a cheongsam.

Maybe she did, but he didn\'t see it.

Huo Wan Ding back to give him a generous smile, start business daily mutual praise, "thank you for your praise, you are also, today is very handsome!"

The boss of the factory interposed, "handsome boy and beautiful woman sit together, it\'s really eye-catching!"

Others echoed, boasting of the two.

After mutual respect for wine, Mr. Xie ordered the waiter to start serving hot dishes.

Looking at the hot dishes served on the table, Huo Wan\'s slight frown without trace.

Abalone juice with flower glue, Japanese Jipin abalone, white truffle grilled crocodile\'s paw, Alaska king crab, Baizhuo wild big conch, black and white top caviar, wild large yellow croaker

She often dines here, and Huo Wanding has never been asked to arrange dishes like this. All the dishes served are top-notch. There are almost no vegetarian dishes, and there is no green vegetables.

Mr. Xie took the caviar from the waiter\'s hand and put a portion in front of Huo Wanding. "Mr. Huo should know that top-level caviar is not often available. Today we are lucky to meet it!"

Everyone put a caviar in front of everyone. The waiter stepped back and introduced it to everyone. "Distinguished guests, this excellent caviar in front of you is taken from the body of 60 year old sturgeon. It is precious. Please taste it carefully."

Tang Shiyi raised his eyebrows and said casually, "white sturgeon Age is the king\'s way. It takes a long time to mellow. Caviar is more expensive. This is the time to open another bottle of champagne! The encounter of champagne and caviar is wonderful, just like when men and women are together Well, it\'s wonderful

Huo Wanding How does she feel that Tang Shiyi\'s last words are driving? Is she thinking too much?It turns out that she didn\'t think too much. Mr. Xie immediately understood what Tang Shiyi was talking about, and his face was a little more ambiguous, "Mr. Tang\'s description is too right! Waiter, open two more bottles of champagne

"Yes, distinguished guests, just a moment."

Huo Wanding didn\'t eat caviar, but for the first time, people described caviar and champagne together Ambiguous.

She squinted at Tang Shiyi, but she didn\'t expect that the man was looking at her, and the smile in her peach blossom eyes never disappeared.

She gave him a white eye, stood up from the position, light said, "you eat first, I\'ll go to the bathroom."

Just as she had just taken two steps, she heard Tang Shiyi\'s voice also rang, "sorry, I also want to go to the bathroom, Mr. Huo, wait for me! Together

Together??? Huo evening Ding back, calmly asked, "there is only one bathroom in the private room. Is the general manager Tang going first, or should I go first?"

"No, go to the public bathroom outside! There are just two words I want to talk to Mr. Huo. " Tang Shiyi couldn\'t help but make a gesture of invitation to her. He was very gentlemanly and could not be refused by Huo Wanding.

However, Huo Wanding also wants to know what he wants to say to her, and goes to the door of the private room.

They have just disappeared in front of them at the door, and others behind them are talking about, "Tang Shiyi has a crush on Huo Wanding?"

"It seems that Huo wandingduo is normal. She has good conditions and looks beautiful. I don\'t think any man can refuse it."

"I feel that they knew each other before. When they came, Tang Shiyi saw Huo Wanding first."

"Nonsense, if you don\'t know him, will Tang Shiyi say something to Huo Wanding?"

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