Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 702 – Bluff Part 1 of 2

Mark’s eyes brighten up. But he dare not to take out more failed research information. He was afraid that he would scare Feng Yu away. But now, this Chinese businessman wanted more. If he still doesn’t take out more drugs research, it will look bad on Pfizer.

Pfizer had been conducting dozens of research at the same time. Most of the research failed. They can sell off lots of these failed research to Feng Yu.

“Mr. Feng, is there any requirements for the research you want?”

“I had said just now that I want the medicine to treat Cardiovascular and high blood pressure. These are the medicine that has the biggest market in China.”

Victor was looking down at Feng Yu in his heart. How can you be so honest with us? If I don’t charge you a high price for the research data, it would be disrespectful to your honesty!

Mark did not wait any longer. He took out the research data of a few other failed projects and pass it to Victor, letting Victor go and negotiate with Feng Yu.

Feng Yu read through the data and was disappointed again. The drug he was looking for was not there.

“Mr. Victor, are these all the research you have for me? Pfizer, a world-renowned company, only have so few research? Are you hiding your research from me? I said before, I don’t mind those half-completed research. As long as I am satisfied, the offer I make will also satisfy you.” Feng Yu said, slightly annoyed.

“Mr. Feng, there are already dozens of research data here. It is still little? I dare to say that Pfizer is one of the best drug manufacturers in the world. We might even be the best in the world. No other companies can conduct so many research like us. We are willing to show you so many research is because of your sincerity. These are all our company’s top secrets.” Victor said.

“Then, I will go back to consider. This is a big business deal, and I can\'t make the decision in one day.” Feng Yu stood up and said.

“Of course. I will walk you out.”

“No need.”

Victor frowned as he look at Feng Yu and his team leaves the lab. Why does Mr. Feng only want medicine to treat Cardiovascular and high blood pressure?

If he could find out the reason, he might be able to charge him higher and complete this deal faster.

Mark walked over: “Victor, what happened? Why did Mr. Feng leave suddenly?”

“He says he needs to go back and consider. Why do you think he only wants medicine to treat Cardiovascular and high blood pressure?” Victor asked.

Mark thought for a while and replied: “Didn’t he say that these two drugs can sell well in China?”

Victor rolled his eyes: “I am in charge of China market. Do you think I do not know what medicine will sell in China? Most of the Chinese with high blood pressure will just take a rest if they feel unwell. They don’t care about this illness.”

“Then it should be one of his family members have these conditions,” Mark replied, confidently.

Victor’s eyes brighten up. That’s right. If someone close to Feng Yu has Cardiovascular problems or high blood pressure, then he should be in a hurry to develop a medicine to cure them. Now, what they must do was to confirm whether if Feng Yu’s family members have these conditions!

It will be impossible to ask Feng Yu straight. Maybe they can approach the people around Feng Yu, like Professor Wang, or the bodyguard chief. It should be easy to get information from them.


Back at the hotel, Professor Wang received a call from Victor. He was surprised when he received the call. Could it be Victor dialed the wrong number?

“Professor Wang, I am looking for you. Are you free at night? Do you want to have a drink with me?”

“No, thanks. I am tired and need to rest early.”

“Professor Wang, you have seen our Pfizer research lab. I wonder if you are interested in working at our lab?” Victor was making empty promises.

“What did you say? I have the chance to work at Pfizer’s lab?” Professor Wang asked. He had never expected someone would pouch him and never thought whether if Victor had the authority to hire him.

“Of course. We welcome anyone capable to join us at Pfizer. Oh, Professor Wang. Do you know why Mr. Feng like Cardiovascular and high blood pressure medicine so much? Is it because someone in his family has this illness?” Victor pretended to ask casually.

“How do you know?”

“It’s only a random guess. Let’s discuss the details next time.”

After hanging up the phone, Victor punched his fist in the air. Terrific. So, someone in Feng Yu’s family has this illness. That means the research will be more valuable. He does not care whether if Feng Yu could develop the drugs successfully after he bought it. Feng Yu can always buy Pfizer’s developed products to treat the illness.

Professor Wang turned and looked at the translator: “I had said everything you instructed. He wants me to work at Pfizer.”

The translator shook his head: “Since when did you hear someone in charge of China sales can make decisions for the headquarters on hiring researcher? Even at your school, it will be the HR personnel who hire professors. For companies, it is always the HR who handles the hiring. He is lying to you! Also, if this deal is successful, you will have the money to research on your projects. You will be the one in charge. Isn’t it better than working for someone in America? Bing City Pharmaceutical will be purchasing the most advanced laboratory equipment for its R&D department.”

Professor Wang realized that he was almost tricked by Victor. Furthermore, what would happen to his family if he came to America to work? It would be better if he could work at home.

“Tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to meet him alone. If he gives you money, you can accept it.”

“How can I do that? I will not be bribed.” Professor Wang said.

“You can donate the money to those poor children for their education. Just treat it as doing some charity for that American.”


The translator went to Feng Yu’s room to tell him about what happened.

Feng Yu patted the translator on his shoulders: “Liu Michael, you have done well. You will have the biggest credit if this is a success! That American wants to trick us? Let’s see who will have the last laugh!”

This translator was Liu Michael from Feng Yu’s designing firm. He had studied in the US before, and his English was excellent. Most importantly, Liu Michael was smart and could easily persuade others.

Liu Micheal had helped Feng Yu to formulate this plan. Although there were lots of loopholes, they only need to hide it from the other party temporary. Everything will be over once Feng Yu got the formula and signed the contract. Maybe the other party did not even know what Feng Yu’s purpose was.

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