Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1085 – Microsoft’s share prices fell

Chapter 1085 – Microsoft’s share prices fell

Bill Gates and the rest thought Feng Yu’s Microsoft shares are led than 15%, but thy did not know that Feng Yu had increased his stakes through Wind and Rain Consulting.

When the market opens today, Feng Yu ordered his men to dump the rest of their Microsoft shares.

Suddenly, rumors about Microsoft not doing well surfaced online. Feng Yu was not the one who spread this rumor, and it might be a prank by some netizens, or someone who purposely spread fake news to push Microsoft share prices down.

When Feng Yu sold his shares, Microsoft’s share prices immediately fell. Although the drop is not a lot, they can’t recover today.

Paul Allen is cussing and scolding Feng Yu in his office. Since you had found financial institutions to buy your shares, why don’t you sell everything to them?

Did you not suffer any losses when you sell those shares? You are detrimental to everyone!

But Paul Allen is not very concerned about this, as fluctuations in share prices are normal. Microsoft is the strongest company in the world, and the share prices will not continue to fall.

The next day, an unknown trading account suddenly made many selling Microsoft shares, causing the share prices to continue to fall.

Paul Allen and the rest are still confident of Microsoft. On the third day, Microsoft shares continue to fall. They immediately investigate and found out that someone else is dumping Microsoft shares in high volume.

For three consecutive days, Microsoft share prices have been falling. Although the drop is not a lot, it made people worry. Some investors start to dump their Microsoft shares as they felt Microsoft shares are no longer going strong.

The next week, Microsoft’s share prices continue to fall. The fall is not a lot each day, but it had fallen by more than 5% at the end of the week.

Bill Gates’s net worth had shrunk by a few billion USD!

Feng Yu, Kirilenko, and Fu Rongqi are selling their Microsoft shares in batches and successfully pulls down the share prices.

One week later, Microsoft’s share prices start to recover, but the recovery is very slow and volatile.

During this period, Feng Yu and the rest sell the rest of their stocks, especially Yahoo and other tech stocks. Currently, it is a bull market for tech stocks, and they can sell a small number of shares within seconds easily.


“Damn! It’s all Feng’s fault. If it’s not for him, will our share prices drop?” Paul Allen paced around in frustration.

A Director who was kicked out of Microsoft is giving them trouble! This is unforgivable!

Are those investors stupid? We are Microsoft, and shouldn’t they grab the opportunity to own our shares? They are even selling their shares. Which other company share is as strong as us, Microsoft?!

Investing in our Microsoft shares is better than investing in other companies!

Bill Gates is also feeling frustrated. He had suffered the most losses when Microsoft share prices fall. Every percentage drop is worth a few hundred thousand USD to him, let alone more than 5%.

Bill Gates had thought his net worth will exceed 90 billion USD this year and will become the wealthiest man in history. But now, he might not even reach 80 billion USD.

The weird part is that even Yahoo share prices are falling. Yahoo is the world’s biggest website, and it should be doing well this year.

eBay, Intel, and many other strong stocks also started to fall.

If it was one or two companies, it is fine. But many blue-chip share prices are dropping at the same time, and this is abnormal.

A few ‘experts’ appeared and said the US market bull run is coming to an end, and it will be the bear market soon.

The ‘experts’ showed some data to prove their analysis is correct.

Theories of economic bubbles start appearing. Many people are speculating the US stock market will crash soon, and it will affect the whole world.

Of course, some optimistic people do not believe these theories. The US economy is doing well, and the Asian Financial Crisis had just happened not long ago. There should not be another financial crisis so soon.

Those economic bubbles theories are just to scare investors away, so the so-call experts can make money by buying the shares at low prices.

All sorts of rumors surfaced, and no one knows which are real or false.

Despite the rumors, NetEase, Sina, etc. share prices continue to rise. It is as if those theories will not affect Chinese companies.

Feng Yu also did not expect this to happen. It seems a lot of people are still obsessed with tech stocks.

These irrational investments will bring tragedy to investors. Once the companies announce negative news, there will be panic selling. They might get stuck with the shares, and the share prices will crash.

NetEase, Sina, etc. had just got listed, and the original shareholders still cannot sell their shares. If not, Feng Yu will sell off his shares now and buy them back when the share prices reach the lowest point.

Now, Microsoft shareholders are anxious. They couldn’t understand why Feng Yu is so determined to draw a line with Microsoft. Is he not interested in the year-end dividends?

Feng Yu will also suffer high losses by doing this. What is he after?

Is Feng Yu trying to get back at Microsoft for kicking him out of the board of directors?

Feng Yu is pulling everyone down with him!

Did Feng and Microsoft’s relationship reach the point of no return?

The Microsoft shareholders must think of ways to stop Microsoft’s share prices from dropping and regain the investors’ confidence.

Microsoft share prices are supposed to rise, but it did not happen. Bill Gates had thought Microsoft’s value will exceed 600 billion this year.

But now, it is impossible!


It’s Christmas, but Bill Gates does not have the mood to celebrate it, as he had suffered a heavy blow.

The media is reporting that this is Feng Yu’s revenge on Microsoft.

Are the media stupid? How much money does Feng Yu has compared to Microsoft’s value? How is it possible for Feng Yu to take down Microsoft alone? Also, Feng Yu had sold all his shares a long time ago.

The easiest solution to increase Microsoft share prices now is to invite Feng Yu back onto the board to curb those rumors.

But this will be an embarrassment to Microsoft and Bill Gates. It will be implying that without Feng Yu, Microsoft will not survive. That’s why Bill Gates will never do this!

Bill Gates thought of another solution, which is to introduce a new product as soon as possible. For example, new software or operating system can increase Microsoft’s profits and increases the investors’ confidence!

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