Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1127 - Ah… I made the wrong bid

Chapter 1127 – Ah... I made the wrong bid

“The next item is Self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh... the starting bid is 50 million USD... Start!”

The moment the Auctioneer finished, and Bill Gates was about to raise his hand, someone shouted. “60 million!”


Everyone was shocked and wonders who raised the bid by 10 million. This person must be determined to get this painting.

Bill Gates lowered his hand. He doesn’t want to compete with Feng Yu, but someone thinks otherwise. For example, Paul Allen.

“61 million!”

After Paul Allen shouted his bid, and before the Auctioneer said anything, Feng Yu raised his hand. “70 million. Paul, you also like this painting?”

Paul Allen saw Feng Yu’s expression and doesn’t dare to raise the bid. He is afraid Feng Yu is tricking him into raising the bid.

The Auctioneer shouted the price three times, and Feng Yu won this painting by Vincent van Gogh. 70 million is much higher than what art collectors estimate. But all the art pieces will appreciate annually.

The participants clapped for the highest bidder today. Feng Yu remained seated with crossed legs and had a smile on his face. He had only spent a few million higher and does not mind it.

Unknown to others, Feng Yu had cursed Paul Allen several times in his heart. If Paul Allen had not interfered, Feng Yu wound have scared the rest of the participants off with 60 million bid. If someone else bided 61 million instead of Paul Allen, Feng Yu would have a high chance to win it with 65 million. But 5 million USD is not enough to scare Paul Allen off.

“The next painting is <Massacre of the Innocents> by Peter Paul Rubens...”

The moment the auctioneer finishes, Paul Allen, interested in this painting, raised his hand. “45 million!”

This price is not high enough to stop others to bid. The price was slowly raised to 53 million USD. No one else is making higher bids, and when Paul Allen is about to win the painting, Feng Yu raised his hand. “60 million!”

It’s the same voice again. The people sitting at the back stood up to see who dares to outbid Paul Allen.

Paul Allen stared at Feng Yu. Feng Yu is trying to create problems for him again. But Paul Allen had selectively forgotten he had purpose raised the bid against Feng Yu earlier.

“63 million.”

“65 million.”

“70 million.”

“You win.” Feng Yu shrugged his shoulders and said.

Paul Allen almost vomited blood. He thought Feng Yu will continue to increase the bid, and he will stop. But now, he was the one who paid more than 10 million higher!

Although 10 million is nothing compared to Paul Allen’s net worth, most of his assets are shares. 10 million USD is not a small amount to him.

Paul Allen is furious, especially when Feng Yu said, “you win.” Did I win? I am the one who suffered a loss!

The clapping of the participants made Paul Allen angrier. It’s like everyone there is mocking him.

The following items up for bids are normal, and then it’s an intermission.

“Heh... Paul, this year’s highest bidder, is me. Although you had bided the same amount, I won it before you.” Feng Yu said purposely.

“It’s too early for you to say.” Paul Allen gave Feng Yu an angry stare.

“Then, just wait and see.” Feng Yu turns and walks away. This made Paul Allen more furious.

Paul Allen might not be a magnanimous person, but he will not get angry easily. However, whenever he met Feng Yu, he will lose control.

I am Paul Allen! How can I lose to someone like you?!

After the intermission, the auction started again. Bill Gates won two manuscripts, and other participants won some items.

When an oil painting is up for auction, Feng Yu started bidding. “50 million!”

Paul Allen immediately raises the bid. “60 million.”

Feng Yu continued. “70 million.”

Paul Allen wanted to raise the bid but was stopped by Bill Gates.

Bill Gates shook his head. “Paul, there is no need to vie with him. This amount is way higher than the value of this <Still life>. If you raise the bid, he will surely stop, and you will be the sucker.”

Paul Allen took a few deep breaths and stared at Feng Yu. He did not continue to bid for this painting.

Feng Yu shrugged his shoulders. When the Auctioneer announced Feng Yu had won the painting, he said “pauper” softly at Paul Allen.

Pauper?! You are calling me a pauper?!

Paul Allen almost exploded. He had never been humiliated like this in his life!

It’s just a painting. Paul Allen is determined to go against Feng Yu today. Let’s see who the sucker is today!

The Auctioneer on the stage almost burst out laughing. Today is too surprising. He thought with Paul Allen and Bill Gates attending this auction, they will be winning most of the bids. But now, it seems that the Chinese man is the biggest winner. Although he does not know Feng Yu, he can guess his identity. Someone bidding recklessly and is at loggerheads with Paul Allen must be Asia’s Top Billionaire, Feng Yu.

The sales of these few paintings will make this auction the best auction this year. It might even be 30% more than the forecasted transaction amount.

“This painting is <Femme aux Bras Croisés> by Picasso...”

When the Auctioneer finishes, Feng Yu raised his hand. “70 million!”


The other participants gasped in shock. This is the first time they saw someone bidding like this. The starting bid for this painting is only 48 million USD.

Did this tycoon only know 70 million? He had bid this figure for all the paintings.

Paul Allen turns and looks at Feng Yu, chatting with Ralph. He overheard Feng Yu saying he wants to buy this painting and hang it in his bedroom.

You want to buy this painting?! Sure... But 70 million is not enough!

“80 million!”

The Auctioneer is overjoyed. This is the highest bid today... no, it’s the highest bid for an oil painting in the last ten years. Who knows when this record will be broken in the future?!

Paul Allen looks at Feng Yu provocatively. Up the bid! I will stop immediately if you up the bid! I will make you pay at least twenty million more for this painting!

But Feng Yu did not continue to bid for the painting.

Paul Allen started to panic. Although Picasso’s paintings are famous, it is not worth 80 million USD. Especially during this economic downturn period.

When everyone clapped and congratulate Paul Allen for being the highest bidder at this auction, Paul Allen overheard Feng Yu saying.

“This painting is so ugly. I had made the wrong bid and was still wondering if I can cancel it. Luckily, Paul Allen save me.”

Paul Allen couldn’t believe what he heard. What did Feng Yu say? He made the wrong bid?! How can he bid wrongly?! How is it possible?!

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