The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter

Chapter 4

「Stone Projectile」

〈Expend mana to bring forth and fire a stone projectile 20 cm in width.〉


Although there are differences based on individual, every human has mana. When it’s used up you can no longer cast magic and your vitality also takes a hit. While some people collapse after a single shot, there are also those that can fire up to a hundred. It’s like some kind of stratified society!

But enough of that. I performed edit.

20 cm → 10 to 100 cm

Changing the text like that demanded 100 LP. Seemed acceptable so I went for it.

Honestly, stone projectile’s current damage is pretty low, so even if it costs more mana I’d like to be able to fire larger projectiles. On the other hand, for when I need to preserve mana or go easy on someone I want to be able to go with a diameter of just 10 cm.

“Sir Noble, please, if you possess the mercy.”

An old man sat on the street we were passing through and addressed us. His long hair was unkempt and his face was black as if covered by soot. A fugitive of social status far below even a commoner.

It’s not like he knew we were nobles either, they say the same to everyone. After all, who would take offense to being mistaken for a noble? If anything it was the opposite.

“…It’s not a lot, but with this much a meal should be possible.”

Normally one would ignore outcasts like these – there’s no end to it after going along with them once. However, I have yet to see Emma react that way.

“You never change, do you.”

“I just so happened to be born in a blessed family is all.”

“True. And I just so happened to be born a beggar noble. Is it alright if I start crying now?”

“Oo~ of course, come ‘ere.”

“That’s making me feel a little too mocked.”

Suddenly our kidding around was interrupted by a scream.

“Thief! Somebody, ――!”

Isn’t that the fugitive from earlier that’s screaming for help right now! The middle aged man who stole from him was running in the opposite direction from us.

“I’ll go catch him real quick!”

“No, let me handle this.”

“But, Noir is…”

“「Stone Projectile」”

Dopang! Dokang!

The rock I fired drew a marvelous arc and crashed into the thief from behind, causing him to stumble and fall over. The people close by pinned him down and the fugitive was able to recover his money.

“Wooow! That was stone projectile right now, wasn’t it! How come you can use that!?”

“You’ll be met with surprise if you take your eyes off a man for three days.”

“Pretty sure we last talked just yesterday though!”

“I’m just saying that I’m in a growth spurt.”

“It also seemed like the stone was larger than usual…”

I actually adjusted it to a size of 30 cm and its power really did surpass the unmodified skill. It didn’t consume too much of my mana either, so I guess you could call it a success.

“Well then, I’ll be going home. Still need to prepare for tomorrow’s hero school entrance exam.”

“You’re taking that!?”

“More or less. See you.”

I considered stopping by the Hidden Dungeon before returning, but because I felt a little exhausted already I went home for the day.

At night I knocked on my sister’s door. With the mindset that there’s nothing to lose I decided to attempt to recover some LP.

“Brother, is something the matter?”

“I’ve got a little request.”

“Whatever it is, I will do my best to fulfill it!”

“Then, can I ask for a lap pillow?”

“Lappy low!?”

“Not a lappy low, lap pillow.”

“Th-, that I misheard… Yes, of course, that’s fine!”

Expressing my thanks I entered Alice’s room. It must’ve been a year since I last entered, but she’s sure keeping it tidy.

I’m grateful she went along with my confusing request, with her assistance my LP went up by 30. Not as much as with Emma, but still a big help.

“My fatigue disappeared, thanks.”

“If it’s just this much feel free to come to me whenever you need my assistance.”

“Can we also do a good night hug?”

“Fuwha-!? I mean, sure!”

“You’re the best little sister, Alice.”

430 LP → 500 LP

But still… this means that as far as restoring LP goes, it doesn’t even discriminate between one’s little sister.

It really is master’s skill. I should visit her again soon.

◇ ◆ ◇

I felt my heart pumping as I passed through the great stone arch.

The hero school had several gatekeepers next to the entrance who checked everyone’s chests before they could enter.

I had a badge of copper shaped like a top hat attached to my chest, the proof that I was part of a baronet lineage. Depending on one’s rank the color and shape was different, which made it possible to immediately tell which rank of nobility the other party belonged to. Since I’m still technically a noble I was able to enter without issues and headed towards the school’s reception desk.

Once you were accepted into hero school your social standing no longer mattered, but during the entrance examination there was some obvious discrimination.

Today the main exam took place.

Truth is, the supplemental exam, which is where commoners and the like had to take part in, was already held a couple days ago. Those who passed it were able to take today’s actual exam. However, children of nobility were given a free pass and allowed to start with the real one right away.

The reception was completed and I headed towards the exam venue. I was a little startled by the huge number of people already present. Nobles and commoners combined there were probably around 300 people.

“Oh you eggs of gold, I thank you all for gathering here today.”

After a short wait the chairman of the board of directors welcomed everyone. He was nearing old age, but his eyes and posture were firm and radiating dignity.

I heard he used to be a first class dungeon seeker.

The welcoming speech swiftly shifted to an explanation of the exam’s actual contents.

“The main exam is split into two parts and your test score will be the combined result of those. Let me begin explaining the first exam right away.”

Things took an unexpected turn here. Apparently the first exam will be team based!

Looks like you’re free to choose your teammates, but I was a little troubled. Who was I supposed to team up with?

“Noir, I’m here~~!”


The one to rush over to me was Emma, properly equipped with daggers and full of energy.

“What are you doing here?”

“Ya~, I decided to take the exam as well~. Unemployment was pretty grim after all.”

“Well, an unemployed noble certainly does invite criticism.”

“And so, let’s team up! With me we’ll be stronger than a team of a hundred people, na- ha- ha~!”

Sounds good. Honestly, having Emma participate is a huge help. She’s also pretty skilled at combat, unlike me.

As I was thinking about what to do about the remaining team member, a girl with long, black hair addressed us.

“Let’s team up.”

Her manner of speaking was calm and collected. It felt like being declined didn’t even cross her mind – which isn’t surprising, she had the badge of a count!

Ah…, that brilliance is too blinding for someone of the lowest rank…

Emma ended up being the first to reply.

“O-of course, gladly.”

So even she gets conscious about it when it’s someone two ranks above her, huh.

“No need for honorifics and the like. After passing today’s exam the ranks of nobility won’t have any meaning anyways. I’m Chaly Norda.”

“Noir Stalgia.”

“Please call me-… I mean, I’m Emma Brightness.”

“Aa, House Brightness. I’ve heard that name. And Stalgia… was there a House with that name? I see.”

No surprise there, it’s at the bottom of the barrel of no names after all. Although I would have appreciated it if she at least pretended to have heard about it. She continued.

“Oh well, not like it matters. We’re just temporarily teaming up is all.”

Ahh, no matter how you look at it she’s totally looking down on us. I wonder if her actual thought process was along the lines of ‘how kind of me to team up with a mere baronet.’

“The first half of the exam will be―― To acquire monster materials from now on until six in the evening! The score is determined based on the gathered materials. You are free to acquire them in whichever way you please. Now, begin!”

When the chairman’s announcement concluded all the gathered people started moving at once. Some people even dashed straight to the exit.

“Let’s split up and gather materials separately. Don’t end up dragging me down now, alright?”

The count’s daughter had a slender back and pure white skin. That, paired with her composed facial features, gave her the air of a beauty, which was probably part of the reason for her arrogance.

Putting on a cheerful smile, I said to her.

“Yeah, let’s get a good score, Lenore Bluedon.”

“Noir, what are you saying? Wasn’t it Chaly Norda?”

Emma isn’t aware of it. The countess’ lie, that is.

Lenore stared at me with wide open eyes and I continued, still smiling.

“Now what should we think about a team mate that gives us a false name? Well, don’t end up dragging us down, yeah?”

Turning my back on the dumbfounded girl I started promptly leaving her behind.

Ah but there was something I still had to tell her after all.

“By the way, despite your cool attitude there’s some fruit caught between your teeth.”


“W-wait, Noir! Sure that was on my mind as well but you can’t just tell her that!”

Responding to a bold attitude with bold behavior is also a kind of etiquette, isn’t it?

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