Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 195: The Cautious Hunter (3)

"Now, the damage in one second is higher than the total damage before!? What is this!? The damage per second is 500!! The number 500 came out!?"

The total damage from the first attempt was 450. This time, the damage in one second was 500.

— Holy shit.

— Huh??

— Why did it rise more than the total damage before?

— Is he crazy?

Considering the average health of level one damage dealers at 670, dealing 500 damage per second was unbelievable.

Naturally, the chat went crazy.

— omg, at lvl 1 lol

— Wow, that\'s insane.

— Unbelievable.

— Ah, another shitty champion here.

— 500 dmg per sec, lolol.

— Police eventually created a monster.

The astonished host asked OrangeKing, "Didn\'t hitting everything correctly amount to only 450 damage before? Why is it 500 per second now?"

OrangeKing already knew the answer and eagerly responded, "I was just about to explain that! It seems to be because of the wind arrow!"

"The wind arrow...?"

Sori used these three elements: ice, fire, and wind.

The fire arrow caused area damage. The ice arrow froze an area. What about the wind arrow?

"This wind arrow deals damage only to a single target. And that damage is a percentage of the target\'s health."

It dealt single target damage based on the enemy’s health percentage. That wasn’t all.

"By the way, this wind arrow makes the least noise and is the fastest," OrangeKing added.

"An assassination skill then!?"

A skill that silently dealt a percentage of the target\'s health as damage. This skill suited an assassin, which meant this champion could temporarily become an assassin depending on the situation.

"Ah, I see. The damage increased because the arrow was faster, so it also struck within one second?"

"Yes. Well, how does shooting four arrows within one second make sense even if the arrow flies faster? Is this intended?! Police folks!?"

The host laughed and looked off-camera at the creators of LIL from Police.

"Police folks, you\'re holding back your laughter, aren\'t you?"


— ??? Um, this wasn\'t supposed to happen…

— Are there real Police employees there?? Lol.

Then, a sign went up from the filming crew.

[Please add more skill descriptions!]

OrangeKing nodded and the host took the cue.

"By the way, could you explain more about the elemental arrows? They seem very important!?"

"Yes, it’s Sori\'s core skill. Remember the rule of three. You can use it after hitting the enemy with three regular arrows, and you can use three elements."

"Oh, I see. Do you have to hit all three arrows on a player?"

"No! It works as long as you hit any enemy, minions included."

"Ah, the conditions are quite generous, aren\'t they?"

"Yes, indeed. It\'s quite generous compared to Raina, who has to hit randomly generated targets to stack combos."

— Why suddenly bash Raina? lol.

— Ouch...

— Agreed

— Raina is too difficult.

— Raina has explosive power though.

The chat heated up at the mention of Raina perhaps because Almond was the guest.

"So the recommended playstyle is... hitting a minion three times first, which is relatively easier! Then shoot the fourth arrow, the elemental arrow, at an enemy coming to hit our minions! That\'s it. And then..."

"And then?"

"If the quiver runs out of arrows, your movement speed greatly increases. You can use that for hit-and-run tactics."

"Ah, there\'s a movement speed increase too? Of course, running away faster after using up the four arrows is better since you can\'t attack. This would probably be Sori\'s basic lane trading and fighting tactic. What other skills are there?"

"Ah, there\'s an interesting movement ability."

"A carry with a movement ability~ So the champ isn’t just a foot soldier."

"Yes, Sori is more agile than you might think. She can be used as a jungler without any issues."

OrangeKing asked Almond to use the movement ability once. Almond nodded and scrolled through the skill window.

\'Hm, is it this one?\'

[Rope Move]

[Move to your desired location, and the next arrow becomes an elemental arrow. If you achieve a kill while using this skill, the cooldown resets. Cooldown: 12 seconds]

The skill\'s name was straightforward enough to understand.

Almond performed the action as described in the description. He made hand gestures like Spiderman did in the movie. Suddenly, a long rope shot out from his hand.



The long rope stuck onto the wall.

\'If I bend my hand again...\'

As he tried the next cognitive action, the rope pulled taut and dragged his body along.



Almond landed against the wall in an instant.

— Wow, wow.

— This is definitely an OP.

— But it can\'t cross walls.

— She can\'t cross walls?

An important consideration around movement abilities in LIL was whether it could cross walls or not.


This movement ability obviously couldn\'t cross walls. It was designed to attach to a wall and move toward it.

"Mr. Almond used it on a wall, but it can actually be used on minions or players as well regardless of them being allies or enemies."

"Oh. That would be quite good, wouldn\'t it?"

"Yes, it would. That\'s why the movement ability is considered good. And after using the movement ability, the next arrow becomes an elemental arrow."


"Mr. Almond, please check the quiver right now!"

Almond took an arrow out of the quiver.

\'It\'s an elemental arrow.\'

It really had changed into an elemental arrow. He could cycle through water, fire, and wind by slightly rotating his wrist holding the arrow\'s feather.


Almond shot a wind arrow from his current position at the training dummy.


As expected, he precisely hit the target.

OrangeKing explained, "See, it all comes together, doesn\'t it? In a real battle, when you get a kill or assist, the rope resets to chase another enemy. Then shoot another elemental arrow to secure a kill. Use the rope again to chase another enemy. Pentakill!"

"That quickly?"

"If things go well, that\'s the idea."

"But isn\'t this too similar to Rope Assassin?"

"Ah, it\'s not as good compared to that rope. That\'s their bread and butter."

"Indeed, it can\'t cross walls and the distance isn\'t that long... Okay, haha."

— The champ seems a bit baseless, lol

— Everything\'s mixed up.

— There\'s some delay in activating the rope...

— Without a kill reset, it seems mediocre.

Viewers had mixed reactions to Sori’s rope skill.

In fact, the previous skills wouldn\'t have felt particularly appealing if not for Almond\'s quick shooting.

— It just seems bad, lol.

— If I were to play like this, I\'d rather go for Rope Assassin

— I gotta see the damage first, I guess?

"Okay, okay, everyone. Hold your judgment," OrangeKing tried to calm the viewers.

\'Ah... this needs to sell well.\'

Since a champion that sold well meant money, a newly released champion had to appeal to the masses. The greatest charm of a champion was being powerful, but the reaction was lukewarm so far.

"Let\'s take a look at the ultimate skill."

OrangeKing quickly moved on to explain the ultimate skill.

"The ultimate skill is also related to the elements..."

— Ah. I\'m not buying. No way.

— Sir! You can\'t sell things here!

— LMAO, they\'re trying so hard.

These cheeky viewers only caught on quickly in such situations.

"Mr. Almond! Please use the ultimate skill!"

OrangeKing passed the baton to Almond.


Upon OrangeKing\'s request to use the ultimate skill, Almond nodded and leveled up to level six using the practice mode’s feature. Having practiced with Flash Blade so many times before, he was quite familiar with the operation.

"Ultimate skill..."

Almond briefly read the description of the ultimate skill, but...

"Why is it so long?"

Almond gave up when he was faced with paragraphs of description instead of a few lines.

“The ultimate skill is basically divided into three elements, and it\'s influenced by the previously used element. The ultimate skill should be of the wind element now."

Almond scratched his palm with a finger of his other hand and activated the ultimate skill.


[Would you like to proceed with the contract sealed with blood?]

Red energy rose from his body as the ultimate wind skill activated.


Almond\'s body became transparent.

OrangeKing explained, “It’s the ultimate wind skill! You become invisible like the wind! Even attacking doesn\'t break this stealth!"

— ??

— Doesn\'t break even when attacking?

— Wow, that\'s crazy.

Almond tried hitting the dummy while invisible and really didn’t break out of the stealth mode, which lasted for seven seconds. It was hard to say if this was too long or short.

— What\'s wrong with the time?

— The attack speed is slow, yet it\'s seven seconds lol

— It\'s hard to say if this is a good champ…

— But it\'s good for escaping.

— Seems good for countering ganks.

Afterward, Almond also demonstrated the ultimate ice and fire skill in succession.

The ultimate ice skill created a large ice wall at the location where the arrow was shot, blocking the enemies’ movements. It was a utility skill for convenience, not an attack or defense skill.

"Oh. This feels very good from the perspective of an ADC, doesn\'t it? You can block the enemies or hit them."

"Ah... yes. But there\'s no damage, so I\'m not sure."

The essence of an ADC was to actually attack. However, two ultimate skills caused no damage.

"Ah, right? But the fire ultimate skill is a bit different."

The fire ultimate skill was a clear attack skill.

When Almond activated the fire ultimate skill and shot an arrow, a scarlet pillar of fire rose along the path of the arrow.


All enemies that touched or passed through this area inevitably suffered significant fire damage.

— Wow.

— But using this ultimate skill means you can\'t use the other ones

— This seems damn powerful.

— Idk yet…

— This one doesn’t have cc, lol

Viewers still had mixed reactions.

OrangeKing slowly started to segue toward the main game.

"Okay, okay, everyone! What\'s the use of chatting in practice mode?!"

"Right! The real battle is what matters!"

The host nodded.

"It\'s not too late to judge after watching a real battle, everyone! OrangeKing? Shall we go to a normal game now?"

"What?! No, that would be boring~ What rank does the production company provide for this account?"

In The Avatar of LIL, guests played with special accounts provided by Police. This made it more convenient for broadcasting in various ways, but there was a problem.

"Ah... The rank is higher than Mr. Almond\'s. It\'s master rank!"

The special account\'s rank was higher than Almond\'s at master rank, just two ranks below the highest rank of challenger. This rank was practically impossible for ordinary people to achieve and was mostly populated by aspiring professionals or skilled streamers.

"Ah, right. It’s master rank since professionals often appear on this program, right?"

"But what\'s Mr. Almond\'s original tier?"

Almond hesitated to respond in the game. It was an unexpected question.

"Ah... that is..."

What was it again? He couldn\'t remember. It had been too long since he played ranked mode in LIL.

"I can\'t remember. I think I hit diamond."

— ??? He can\'t remember? Lol.

— Hahahaha.

— Is this going to work? LOL.


"We checked. He was at diamond four! The lowest tier in diamond rank!?"

"Mr. Almond! Shall we just go to a normal game?"

A normal game was an easier mode without any stakes. The game itself wasn\'t any different, but the player’s mindset would be completely different and it would be harder to evaluate the champion\'s performance. Simply showing off in a normal game after coming this far would hurt any player’s pride.

"Let\'s go to rank."

Almond naturally chose ranked mode.

"This is your first time playing this champion in master rank! Can you handle it?!"

Almond nodded and corrected one thing, "Yes. On my stream, it\'s not called master rank. We call it silster."

— Woahhhh!

— OMG.

— WTF hahahaha.

— Cool~

— Silster, lol.

— Right, haha.

— ??? I\'ve been dominating from Silver to Master, you know?

— On our stream, it\'s silster~

OrangeKing shouted with hype due to Almond\'s bravado, "Yessss! Excellent! Silster rank! Will Almond be able to win!? Let\'s see!"

"Winning is doable! Let\'s go to the first game!"


After a brief wait, they found a match.

"Ah. The queue popped up, right? We’re entering the lobby."


Many individuals in the studio wore tense expressions. After all, there was always a hurdle when playing LIL.


[ADC, who will you play?]

It was declaring and picking a champion who just came out in rank.

[I\'ll play Sori.]


The reaction was predictably blunt.

OrangeKing burst into laughter and shouted, "Wow! I wonder what kind of swearing we\'ll get into this time~ I\'m looking forward to it!!"


— Wicked, haha.

— For real~

— Main content on!

The other team members would inevitably strongly resist. The guest had to overcome such uncooperative situations and demonstrate their skills.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.