Genius Archer's Streaming

Season 2: Chapter 204: Even If We Can't Eat, We Go (3)

"It\'s painfully ineffective if even one of those four shots misses or is blocked by the opponent!"

Sori could not carry the game by herself in cases where all four shots did not hit the target properly. She was more of a supporter marksman unlike Raina or a sniper who could independently take down enemies. Such champions were highly dependent on their team.

"Almond was doing quite well, but it\'s almost useless against a top laner who’s leveled up with high defense! Even after shooting all four shots, that only reduced the enemy’s health by about thirty percent because one shot was deflected!"

— For real…

— Marksmen have weak timing now

— That\'s typical for marksmen lol

— We need a marksman buff!!

— Blocking just one shot reduces the damage by a quarter!

Each of Sori\'s arrows was quite precious and required time to shoot again.

Popcorn had deflected the most important elemental arrow among them and the proper damage couldn’t be dealt.

"Popcorn deflecting that arrow was a super play! He deflected it without even seeing where it came from. Parrying a ranged attack is hard enough when you can see it!"

— For real

— That move turned the game around

— That\'s the skill of JeonJaPa\'s former cigarette runner...

— Insane

"This is tough…! Just going there as a group was a big investment! If one of them dies or if they can\'t kill even one enemy, it’ll be too much of a loss!"

Simply defeating Popcorn would only break even. To make matters worse…

"Shadow Zone has joined in now too!"

The enemy mid-laner joined the fray and made the situation even more desperate.

"Ah!? Almond! He\'s laughing! He\'s actually laughing!"

Almond was indeed laughing.

— ??

— Has he lost his mind?

— Cheetah: ???

— What\'s happening?

— Wow


Almond hadn\'t played Rope Assassin Kai often, but understood his characteristics well enough.

\'It\'s a champion who’s easy to escape with.\'

Rope Assassin Kai freely used a rope to provoke the enemies. He came and went while looking for an opportunity to strangle them. Although he was called an assassin, he caused more confusion and chaos among enemies than dealing damage.

Therefore, Rope Assassin\'s low health wasn\'t a big issue.

"I\'ll back off for a bit!"


He shot the rope toward their turret to escape.


Shadow Zone tried to follow, but—


[The dragon Kariss will bite the opponent. If the opponent\'s health is below 7%, it will consume them. If above 7%, it will bite and slowly pull in the enemy.]


OrangeKing\'s dragon bit Shadow Zone and turned the situation around.

"Even if we can\'t eat, we go!" OrangeKing shouted as if it were some kind of spell.

— He really ate it lol

— The dragon is so cute lol

— That eating was this eating lol


At that moment, Almond\'s quiver was refilled with arrows again as if it was thanks to OrangeKing\'s chant.

"Wow~ Wow~! Come play with the marksman!"


Almond pulled back his bow, but Popcorn blocked his path and intended to either intercept or block the arrows aimed at Shadow Zone.

Popcorn\'s play would have been quite irritating for a normal marksman. Indeed, even Almond would have been troubled if he had chosen a typical marksman champion. Such was the excellence of Popcorn\'s positioning.

However, it was futile against Almond now because he was holding a bow.

\'Just shoot it with a curve.\'


Almond shot an arrow and Popcorn raised his staff.

\'He\'s reacting.\'

Popcorn wasn\'t predicting the trajectory, but reacting purely with speed and following the arrow with his eyes.

Almond had hardly seen such a thing before. Most players relied on understanding the situation to predict and counterattack. He thought even pros weren\'t much different.

\'He’s different after all, but…\'

Popcorn was of a different breed. However, the situation wouldn’t change. He couldn\'t block the path of this arrow.


Popcorn gasped as the arrow took an unbelievable route.

"No. Did he deliberately shoot the arrow wide to make it impossible for me to block…?"


Sori’s arrow pierced the back of Shadow Zone\'s head.


[Blade Cloak - Shadow Zone]

[HP: 57%]

Almond smiled at the enemy’s remaining health after the first hit.

\'That\'s right.\'

Assassin champions dealt high damage, but were fragile. Half of Shadow Zone\'s health had disappeared after OrangeKing\'s Devour and just one of Almond\'s arrows.

Then, Almond shot the remaining three arrows.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The arrows all turned wide and flew toward Shadow Zone.

"Uh… what?"

Popcorn could only watch like a dog chasing chickens.


After being hit by the second arrow…

[HP: 29%]

Shadow Zone’s health dangerously dropped to almost twenty percent. Almond had leveled up into a monstrous marksman with three kills and enough gold to spare.

The enemy was an assassin with zero kills. The answer was already clear. Shadow Zone shouldn\'t have carelessly joined their battle.


The last arrow struck.

[Wind Arrow]

The wind arrow’s explosion dealt additional damage proportional to the enemy’s health.

[HP: 0%]

Shadow Zone vanished like the wind as if he had never been there.

[You have slain an enemy!]

"Wowwww! How is this possible!? What is this!? Four perfect curved shots all hitting Shadow Zone and taking him out!"

The host couldn\'t hide his astonishment and the viewers felt the same.

— Wow, how??

— Damn, strong shit

— Wow! It feels so refreshing~~!

Almond didn’t panic at the enemy\'s arrival, but immediately eliminated him instead.

"The decision to attack Shadow Zone without hesitating! Almond’s decision-making is truly no joke! So sharp!"

— Immediately switching targets, what?

— Incredible decision-making

— That’s insane judgment

— He nailed it

Moreover, he showcased some seriously incredible damage with Sori.

"The damage from Sori was insane against the assassin, compared to the Great Sage. The last arrow was practically unnecessary, right!?"

— Really lol

— So strong

— The damage was insane for real

— Like getting hit by a cannon

"What now, Popcorn!?"

Popcorn had moved to block Almond\'s arrows and found himself in an awkward position. Almond\'s team turret was now behind him while Almond stood in front of him with OrangeKing on the side.

The answer was clear. He had to rush toward Almond, who was relatively weaker in health. That path also led toward his base.

"Popcorn! He’s trying to break through!"


Popcorn bit his finger and braced himself. He was ready to use his ultimate ability at any moment.


He charged in with the intent to kill Almond first, but Almond wouldn’t be caught so easily.

\'Increased movement speed…?\'

Almond’s quiver was empty, so he moved much faster.

"It\'ll be hard for Popcorn to keep up with Almond’s increased speed. He’s running off to the side instead!"

At that moment, Popcorn changed direction and entered the jungle. He opted to escape instead of fighting.

"Was he trying to escape all along!? He pretended to attack Almond while making a break for it!"

— Choosing to escape...

— Is he really going to make it?

— Oh man, him escaping is overkill...

— Please survive…

\'We’ll break if I survive.\'

Popcorn had already calculated that they would at least break if he survived. Even if they didn’t gain anything, the opposing team had made quite an investment.

"Ah! OrangeKing chases after him, but the Dragon Tamer is a bit slow…"

It seemed like Popcorn made it back alive, but—

[Rope Movement]


A rope came flying from behind at Popcorn, who had almost escaped.


The hook accurately latched onto his back.

"Aaack! Right! The rope can be used again after a kill or assist!!"


With the hook on Popcorn’s back, escape was no longer an option. The enemy would follow wherever he went.

‘I have to block this. Block and counter with my ultimate ability while looking for an opening to kill.’

Popcorn reflexively raised his staff to deflect the arrow. He planned to strike back when Almond\'s rope pulled him in.

\'Does a squishy marksman dare to charge in at a top laner?\'


Almond\'s rope wound up and he quickly flew toward Popcorn. As expected, he drew back his bow and instantly fired an arrow.


Popcorn widened his eyes to track the trajectory.


However, he didn’t spot any arrow. There was no arrow. Thinking about it, Almond still had no arrows.

\'It was a fake…!?’

Almond continued flying straight toward Popcorn.

[Rope Movement]



Almond cut the rope midway and landed smoothly, blocking Popcorn\'s retreat.


This time, he nocked a real arrow onto his bowstring.


A white frost arrow pierced the back of Popcorn\'s head.


Popcorn ended up frozen again.

"Almond! Insane! After the fake, he cut the rope midway and attacked from behind! What kind of combat skill is this!?"

Popcorn was frozen for 1.5 seconds as a dark shadow approached him.

The figure exclaimed with a sinister laugh, "Now, Drakan? Could you light up a cigarette for our brother here?"

It was OrangeKing.

One of his dragons known for spewing fire, Drakan, emerged and opened its mouth wide.

"This cigarette is a bit big! We need a bigger flame, don\'t we?" OrangeKing probably said that while referring to Popcorn’s staff.



— A battle between water and fire


With a whoosh, the dragon’s hot breath covered Popcorn.

Then, Almond shot his remaining arrows.



Two arrows struck Popcorn\'s head again.

[Frost Arrow]


He became frozen again.

"What!? It’s a double freeze combo this time! How did that happen? The freeze was released before the fourth arrow flew!"

It wasn’t the host who said this. OrangeKing was shouting while standing in front of Popcorn.


— That commentary was too smooth~lol

— That’s real madness

— This is what happens when you mess with second place


"Ah, that? That\'s because of the Great Sage\'s CC resistance ability! That passive only works if there are several enemies within a thirty meter radius! Sori\'s range is exactly thirty meters, right?"


Popcorn became speechless as he listened to OrangeKing\'s rant. Actually, he had no choice because he was still frozen.

OrangeKing spoke faster than the CC effect wore off.

"Almond was on the edge of the thirty meters when he shot the frost arrow and stepped back! By the time the arrow hit, he was out of the thirty-meter range!"

This trick disrupted the system\'s judgment and it recognized Almond as being outside the thirty meters.

Therefore, Popcorn would be frozen for a full three seconds.

"The three seconds of freezing are about to end…!"

With a smirk, OrangeKing adjusted his speaking pace.

"My Devour cooldown is also up."


Karis, the dragon with sharp fangs, appeared and bit Popcorn.


The dragon’s attack made matters much worse for the Great Sage.


Arrows also filled Almond\'s quiver again.

"Now, Sori is shooting again!"

Almond shot his four arrows almost simultaneously.



All the arrows directly pierced Popcorn\'s head.

[Fire Arrow]

Interestingly, he chose a fire arrow instead of a wind arrow.

— Isn\'t this too cool? lol

— Fire all of a sudden? Lol

The fire arrow caused a large explosion after a delay, dealing damage around the target.

"It’s over for you! Boooom!" OrangeKing yelled as the fire arrow activated and beautifully exploded.

[Enemy Shutdown!]

This message appeared when a player showing outstanding play on the battlefield was killed. A shutdown rewarded bonus gold, but that was only icing on the cake.

The game finally tipped in their favor.


Squeak~ Squeak~!

Almond\'s team ended up winning the game. In the latter half of the game, the cooldown for Almond’s rope reset several times and allowed him to fly around in combat.

The Police staff members giggled with excitement.

— Ah…

— Poor Popcorn…

— My points!!

— It\'s all the government\'s fault

The chat became a sea of tears since most had bet on Almond\'s defeat. Of course, others also expressed sheer joy at the victory.

— Are you guys awake now?! Are you guys awake now?! Are you guys awake now?!

— lol, successfully bet against the odds!

— Wow, how much was the payout for this game? lol

— Mom, I\'m rich!

— Isn\'t that the guy who used to light cigarettes for JeonJaPa?!

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