Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 476 - You’re an Amazing Sister, the Only Problem Is You’re Too Naive

“I think I’m going into labor now...” Ruan Danchen said in a slurred tone. She added, “This child really does know when to see the world!”

Thus, Qi Chengji immediately called the three kids that were playing outside back indoors; Cheng Dongge, on the other hand, took his car keys and said, “I’ll drive, you stay with her at the backseat.”

It was the very first time in Qi Chenglin’s life to have accompanied his pregnant wife who was going into labor. This was an entirely different feeling in comparison to when he was waiting outside for Song Yu to give birth to her child.

If it was not for his own wife, he would not be as anxious as he was at that moment.

Fortunately, it was the eve of the Spring Festivals and every single member of the family was present; Qi Chenglin however, was surprisingly dull at the moment and he was just nodding to everything Cheng Dongge told him.

Thus, he immediately carried Ruan Danchen with both his arms and proceeded to follow Cheng Dongge out the door.

It was ironic since it happened to be the eve of the Spring Festivals where the house would be filled with people. Instead, the entire house was empty since everyone else was hastily putting on their coats and rushing to the hospital.

While they were on their way to the hospital, Qi Chenglin made a phone call to Chu Zhaoyang to give him the heads up in order for him to get ready for their arrival.

Upon receiving Chu Zhaoyang’s phone call, Director Lee was relieved to know he would not be required to be at work tomorrow. If luck happened to be on his side, and the delivery was a smooth one, he would be able to return home and enjoy a reunion dinner with his family.


Since Ruan Danchen’s uterine opening was dilated, she was immediately transported into the operating room.

Qi Youxuan however, was spinning around in the hallway with his short tiny legs. He noticed the terrifying dark look on Qi Chenglin’s face, hence the little kid dared not disturb his father.

“Youxuan, can you stop spinning around. Your grandma... I’m getting dizzy too just by watching you spin around,” Guan Liya said as she pulled Qi Youxuan toward her. However, she noticed the worried look through her grandson’s teary eyes. It was obvious that he was worried about Ruan Danchen.

“Grandma, how does my sister come out from mommy’s belly? Will the doctor split mommy’s belly open?” The moment Qi Youxuan thought about the graphic and bloody image, he began to tear up while gripping onto Guan Liya’s shirt tightly. He said, “Did... Did I also come out from mommy this way?”

“No, God no,” Guan Liya replied. She was extremely worried about Ruan Danchen’s current condition in the operating room while also unsure of how exactly she could explain to her grandson. She glanced over to Qi Chenglin and noticed her son had not even once looked toward them as both his gaze was completely focused and fixed at the doors to the operating room.

“Don’t worry, that would only be a last resort, however, even so, the opening for that would not even be that huge, the thing is...” Guan Liya felt slightly conflicted as she would not wish to lie to her own grandson just because of his age.

Since her grandson was not too young anymore, he was already in the first grade of elementary school and he would be going to his second-grade class after another semester. If he was to tell anyone what he had imagined in any normal conversations, he would undoubtedly be made fun of.

Everyone present was trying to preserve Qi Youxuan’s self-esteem.

Upon noticing how hard it was for Guan Liya to explain to Youxuan, Song Yu proceeded to pull him toward her. She said, “My dear Youxuan.”

Qi Chengzhi was seated next to her and Little Youjin was cuddling up with him. However, that little toddler wanted to get down from him in order to play, since it was still a mystery to him as to what the adults were doing there.

“Giving birth is an extremely painful thing to go through. However, auntie here gave birth naturally and it was quite a smooth process. I believe your mother will have a smooth natural birth too,” Song Yu said in a soft tone. “Well you see, natural birth happens down there.”

Song Yu pointed downward as she explained, “We’ll have to push real hard for the baby to come out down there. Although the baby is tiny, for it to come out from there, we’ll have to go through an extremely painful process. However, if that was not an option or was ineffective to push the baby out, only then will the doctor split the belly open. Just like regular surgery. If you want to know more about the more detailed stuff, well, you’ll have to wait till you’re older. The only thing you have to know now is childbirth is extremely painful for your mother.”

Upon hearing such an explanation, Youxuan could no longer sit still and he started pacing anxiously in the hallway.

Little Youjin was seemingly able to sense the anxious and tense atmosphere in the hospital as he tried his best to cuddle up with Qi Chengzhi while extending his tiny chubby arms to comfort Qi Youxuan.

Ruan Danchen’s birth was quite a successful and smooth one since the entire childbirth had only taken an hour. In comparison to when she had given birth to Qi Youxuan, this was indeed an extremely smooth delivery.

When she was only four months pregnant, they had already gone over to the hospital to get a checkup done. It was a girl.

As expected, the child was a girl, and although it was not much of a surprise anymore, every single member of the family was still ecstatically happy.

At that very moment, both the Ruan family and Chang Zhiyuan’s family arrived. Both Grandfather Qi and Grandfather Ruan were present. They wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with their newborn granddaughter. However, that wish was not something that could be fulfilled in a short span of time thus, the only thing that could please them would be to have all four elders cuddle up with their granddaughter first before everyone else.

Even so, both Grandfather Qi and Grandfather Ruan were arguing with one another about who got to cuddle up with their granddaughter first. None were willing to back down.

However, this argument ended when both Grandmother Qi and Grandmother Ruan told both of them to stand in a corner, not letting either of them to cuddle up with their granddaughter.

Just like that, after a full round of passing around the newborn baby, it finally returned to its father, Qi Chenglin’s hands.

When Qi Youjin was born, Qi Chenglin had the opportunity to carry and cuddle up with him. However, he realized how wrinkly and ugly he looked. His skin had a slightly yellowish tint to it—it was not an adorable child at all.

However, it was his daughter’s turn, and he too, realized there was not much of a difference either, but he felt that his daughter looked slightly better than Qi Youjin.

Hence, he proceeded to exclaim, “Truly, she looks better than Qi Youjin.”

“Yaaaah Yaaaaah!” Little Youjin who was seated in the stroller protested while flailing his arms around.

Ruan Danchen looked at her daughter with the widest smile on her face, while gently brushing her soft, slender freshly trimmed tip of her fingers on her daughter’s round cheeks. She felt as if her daughter was extremely fragile and weak, a simple graze could seemingly cut her.

“We decided to name her Youning, Qi Youning,” Qi Chenglin told the elders.

“Wonderful, Youning sounds wonderful,” Grandmother Qi said with an extremely wide smile while nodding her head.

It was a special and different Spring Festival for the Qi family, as even the reunion dinner was sent to the hospital after being prepared by Aunt Liu. Every single moment was spent in the hospital.

Thus, everyone left after eating some dumplings, leaving only Qi Chenglin behind to accompany Ruan Danchen.


The maternity matron was employed for the month of maternity confinement when Qi Youxuan was born.

This time was no exception, as Guan Liya had once again employed the maternity matron to tend to Ruan Danchen’s needs. During the night however, her needs were tended by Qi Chenglin himself. This time was exceedingly blessed compared to the last time since even during the day, Guan Liya and Chen Mingxia took turns visiting and tending to Ruan Danchen’s needs.

The little toddler came by to visit every single day since he was still in his winter break.

School had resumed for Qi Youxuan the moment Ruan Danchen was released from the maternity confinement center.

The first thing Qi Youxuan used to do after he had returned home from school in the past was watch cartoons, and he would require Ruan Danchen’s constant attention to make sure he finished his school assignments.

However, things have changed for the little guy as the first thing he would do after returning home from school was to look for his sister.

“Ningning! My dear Ningning, your brother has returned!” Qi Youxuan exclaimed as he bolted straight toward Qi Youning’s crib while staring at her huge eyes, which immediately made him smile widely.

Little Youxuan’s heart was instantly melted by his sister, as he immediately carried his sister out the crib when he noticed his sister reaching both her arms toward him.

“Sister... My dear sister, wait till you’re able to eat better. Your brother will make sure to feed you the best food you’ve ever tasted. Both your uncle and aunt will always sneak some good stuff for us,” Qi Youxuan said as he climbed onto his bed and then proceeded to carry his sister and gently placed her on his lap.

All Little Youning knew how to do was giggle.

“Oh boy... Sister, you’re amazing at everything. The thing is, you’re a little silly and naive!”


Hence just like that, Little Youning naively grew up to be a year and a month old. Little Youjin was already two years and three months old at that point in time. Little Xi Cheng on the other hand, was a year and seven months old.

The slightly older than two Little Youjin was having the time of his life by spending most of his day playing like an unhinged kid. Qi Youxuan who was eight at that time however, had to go to school every single day, and whenever he had a chance to take a break, he was forced to attend several different classes, thus causing Little Youxuan to feel extremely jealous of the trio of kids.

One day, Qi Youxuan had just finished his piano lessons and was brought home by Xiao Yang. However, upon reaching the front door of his own house, he was greeted by a bawling Little Youjin while the kid bolted toward him.

The instant the little toddler laid his eyes on his big brother, just like a damsel in distress, he leapt into Youxuan’s arms and proceeded to bawl as his tears and snot flowed uncontrollably.

“Someone’s bullying me big bro!” Little Youjin said while grabbing onto Youxuan’s shirt tightly as he stained his shirt with streams of his tears and snot by wiping and rubbing his face against Youxuan’s shirt. It was extremely dramatic the way he acted. However, it was extremely convincing too.

After wiping away every drop of tears and snot cleanly off the little toddler’s face, he was staring at a huge black stain on Qi Youxuan’s shirt hence, he was reluctant to continue rubbing his face against his shirt any longer. After doing so, he looked up with his teary eyes to stare directly at the stunningly, good looking Qi Youxuan after being on a painful journey in losing weight for the last two years.

“...” Qi Youxuan was speechless as his face dimmed to a much frustrated expression while he lowered his head to stare at the wet, black stain on his shirt; he shivered and cringed. He then said, “Alright just let me get changed then slowly tell me what happened.”

Then, Little Youjin tailed behind Qi Youxuan while grabbing onto his shirt with his tiny chubby hands as both of them entered the house.

The instant they entered the house, every single person that was in the house was shocked and surprised by how awful Little Youjin looked.

“Oh my, what happened?” Guan Liya asked.

However, none of them assumed that it was Qi Youxuan who had bullied him since Qi Youxuan loved all his brothers and sisters as much as they do. There was never an occasion where Qi Youxuan had ever bullied his brothers and sisters.

Little Youjin only pouted as he felt there was no need for him to tell the adults, hence he proceeded to gently shake his head; all while he remained pouting and teary-eyed like a little girl.

Thus, Little Youjin followed Qi Youxuan up his room while he changed into a T-shirt. Little Youjin said, “It was Zhao Ranran. She’s always so clingy and obsessed with me. She was here today but I ignored her. She then started running home while crying. Who knew her brother would’ve come over in just a few moments. He punched me and he even said if I refused to play with Zhao Ranran, he would punch me again! Waaaaah! Boooohoooooo! He’s already six, how could he bully me!”

After hearing what Little Youjin had said, Qi Youxuan’s fury was boiling with the purest form of wrath. He said, “The audacity! Whose house doesn’t have a brother! Come on now, let’s go get your revenge with your big bro!”

Thus, the little toddler immediately stood up and followed behind his big bro.

That older brother of Zhao Ranran was six years old, right?

Since his big bro was eight, that would be amazing!

However, the instant they turned around, both Little Xicheng and Little Youning were both gathered by the door. Little Xicheng was now able to stand firm, but Little Youning, on the other hand, did not have the strength yet. Hence, after standing for a short while by the door, she proceeded to sit down while grabbing onto the wall and staring directly at both her big brothers.

After overhearing what both their big brothers were talking about, Little Youning and Little Xicheng were both furious. As they were thinking about how could anyone be as shameless to cling onto their brother, and even had the audacity to get her brother to threaten their big brother.

Just like that, both toddlers were waving their balled fists around in the air while protesting.

Although Little Youning was not able to talk and could only say simple words like daddy and mommy, she was capable of expressing herself quite well, even though the adults had a difficult time understanding what she was trying to phrase.

This was true especially when both kids were together, phrasing stuff together. It almost seemed as if they were actually having a conversation since they both were phrasing words excitedly.

At this moment, Little Xicheng was flailing her balled fist in the air furiously while saying, “Zhao Ranran, bad! Help... Help brother!”

“Sister, you know how to care for me the most!” Little Youjin was touched by his sister’s compassion and thus he gave her a huge bear hug.

“I... I... Cuddles!” Little Youning was frantic and anxious as she spoke. It would be rare for her to speak so much in a single day, however, she cared too much for her brother!

“Yeah yeah, I know Little Ning loves brother.” Little Youjin was extremely touched by his sister’s gesture of love, hence he proceeded to give her a really tight hug.

Just look at how thoughtful and caring both his sisters were, unlike that Zhao Ranran.

“Big bro, Er Cheng wanna come with.” Little Xicheng grabbed onto Qi Youxuan’s legs coquettishly.

Ever since Qi Youxuan nicknamed her Er Cheng, Little Xicheng was not even aware that her name had ‘Er’ added into it, in fact, she naively accepted that the little nickname her brother had given her.

“No, both of you walk way too slow. It would be troublesome to bring both of you along,” Qi Youxuan protested.

“Bring me along!” Little Xicheng grabbed onto Qi Youxuan’s leg tighter.

“I wanna come along! I wanna come along!” Little Youning would not let go of Little Youjin as she proceeded to start climbing onto him.

“Do you both not want vengeance for your brother?” Qi Youxuan said as he tried his very best to muster a convincing stern look on his face.

Ever since he was successful in losing weight, Qi Youxuan had become an extremely stunning and elegant looking boy, and when he had put on a stern and serious demeanor, he had somewhat reflected a little bit of Qi Chenglin’s ferocity through his gaze.

“I do!” Little Xicheng loudly exclaimed.

Little Youning too nodded strongly to express her strong desire for vengeance.

“Then you both should wait patiently for us big bros to return, or else if Zhao Ranran called for reinforcements and bullied you both, what would happen if we are unable to protect you two then? Both of us will be enough for vengeance,” Qi Youxuan explained.

Thus, Little Xicheng let go of Qi Youxuan and said, “Goodluck and godspeed big bro!”

After saying that, Little Youning got down Little Youjin’s body, and thus, hand in hand Qi Youxuan and Qi Youjin walked forward, while the two little toddlers waddled behind them.

Upon reaching the exit of the stairway, Little Xicheng intended to crawl her way down the flight of stairs. Little Youning on the other hand, turned around while facing her back to the flight of stairs and proceeded to climb her way down the stairs.

“...” Qi Youxuan was speechless.

It seemed these little kids climbed up the flight of stairs earlier just like that.

Thus, Qi Youxuan proceeded to carry Little Youning in his arms and the four of them got down the flight of stairs together. The girls walked their brothers to the door, then somehow the both of them mysteriously took out a piece of handkerchieves each and proceeded to wave at their heroic brothers’ goodbye.

Little Xicheng said, “Goodluck big bro!”

Little Youning said, “Luck! Luck!”

Thus, the girls watched from within the house as the boys left. They were anxious as their hearts were beating at a fast pace.


Qi Youxuan brought Little Youjin to a nearby mall. It was a minute away from their house on foot. Little Youjin felt odd as to why his big bro would bring him to a mall for vengeance.

However, since he had full faith in his big bro, Little Youjin proceeded to follow closely behind his big bro. To his surprise, he noticed Qi Youxuan bought a full bucket of pure pitch-black paint. He had also bought a brush and a foldable ladder. Upon extending to its full length, it was not extremely tall and was also quite light.

Thus, following behind his big bro, they carried the ladder together. Qi Youxuan was carrying the bucket of paint while leading Little Youjin out of the mall.

“Zhao Ranran’s house should be nearby. You can show me the way from behind alright,” Qi Youxuan said.

Both children were successful in locating Zhao Ranran’s house in no time.

The houses in the area were designed in old-fashioned traditional Chinese style courtyard. The only difference was, these houses differed in sizes.

The house was indeed huge—a luxurious mansion nonetheless. It was left behind by the Zhao family’s ancestors. However, it was not as huge as it seemed since it only had a courtyard and three rooms.

Thus, both children went into the courtyard. Qi Youxuan proceeded to place the bucket of paint down then extended the ladder. He told Little Youjin, “Keep a lookout by the door.”

Little Youjin nodded in response and thus, he went to stand by the door.

Qi Youxuan then opened the lid of the paint and as he carefully climbed up the ladder, he held onto the bucket of paint with one hand, then proceeded to paint the windows of that house with his paintbrush. The entire pane of glass had been painted black.

However, with a single pane of glass left, Qi Youxuan’s arm began to turn sore, it was also at this moment, Little Youjin came bolting in and said, “They’re back big bro!”

Without saying another word, Qi Youxuan threw the entire bucket of paint onto the ground and left the ladder there. He proceeded to grab Little Youjin by the hand and bolted back home.

The married Zhao couple had just returned home after getting some groceries from the local market. As they were just casually walking toward their house, they noticed the silhouette two children bolting out the compound.

Father Zhao said, “Those kids lool familiar.”

Mother Zhao replied, “That’s what I thought as well. They look like the kids from the Qi family.”

Father Zhao said, “Why are they running for? It’s as if they’re up to no good.”

Thus, oblivious to what those children had done to their courtyard, father Zhao held mother Zhao by her hand and proceeded to walk her in their house.

However, within the next instant, the courtyard was filled by father Zhao’s furious yelling. He yelled, “Where’s the damn broom! Get me a damn broom!”

At the final pane of glass, before Little Youjin had given the warning, Qi Youxuan could only manage to hastily paint a written message on the glass window. It wrote, “Don’t you dare bully my brother again!”

When brother Zhao returned home with Zhao Ranran, he was instantly beaten violently by his father and then brought directly to the Qi household.

When the elderly Grandmother Qi saw the extent of how badly beaten the Zhao’s kid was, she felt guilty for not punishing Qi Youxuan.

However, both grandmother and grandson were all bark no bite because even though it seemed like his grandmother was merciless in spanking her grandson and would hit hard, she gave him a light touch when her palm landed on his tiny butt.

Qi Youxuan too was keen on acting, as he forced a couple drops of tears out his eyes while screaming in pain every interval.

As Little Youjin stood on the side, he was completely terrified by the ‘fierce’ look on his grandma’s face, and thus, he began bawling. He screamed, “Stop beating big bro grandma! Waaaaah, stop beating big bro grandma! Big bro only wanted to help me, waaaaaah!”

As the little toddler cried, he felt that his big bro had been treated unjustly.

“Boohoohoo, big bro is innocent grandma! It was Zhao Chengwei who had beaten me first, so it serves him right to be beaten by his father. Big bro didn’t even beat him, all he did was paint the glass windows. He didn’t even cause any harm to their family, how unfair it is to have hurt big bro now! Boohoohoo!”

Both girls, Little Youning and Little Xicheng, who were watching from the side started bawling as well as they felt the main villain was the two adults who had just showed up.

Since it was them who had forced their grandma to beat their big bro up.

They too had heard what the boys had spoken earlier and it was this kid who had bullied their brother.

Thus, both girls ran toward father Zhao and started punching his leg pathetically with four tiny hands.

Although it was not painful at all and the girls’ strength was extremely weak, it was not a pretty sight regardless.

At the same time, Xia Wenna and Guan Liya both immediately scrambled to grab both girls away from his leg, while staring at father Zhao remorsefully, making father Zhao feel slightly awkward and guilty.

He was tempted to say, their grandmother was all bark no bite since the way their grandmother spanked their brother was not even close to inflicting any pain, and their brother would undoubtedly feel absolutely zero pain at all.

Him, on the other hand, had in fact mercilessly beaten his son.

The truth was, he felt awful about the costs for cleaning up their window panes!

It was unfortunate for them to have just reached home and were greeted with a layer of pitch-black paint on their windows, and was even more uncertain which brand of paint was used to have so effectively prevent even a single ray of light from entering his house, making the interior of the house as dark as the night sky was.

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