The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 5 - Aeon Consults

"Damn, you guys are really doing a fantastic job… I am starting to wish I came into this world a little late, so I could have met you guys…"

Third remarked when he saw the state the kids were in compared to how they were when they were saved…

It was like seeing a piece of paper who had been in the dirt for ages and seeing another paper that just came out of the factory… Miles apart!

"Good morning, uncle third!"

"Unc-?" Third was stunned speechless once again as they all laughed happily…

"Alright I got you guys VIP bands to one of the top ten movies releasing this night at the cinema…"

Third handed over two bands to the kids as well as the Main Character hat of the movie they were about to watch tonight…

"Thank you, Uncle Third!"

The kids jumped in utter delight as they thanked Third with that adorable smile every good uncle wants to see...

"Awn… Thanks…"

Lisa thanked him too as Sam looked over to her and urged;

"Get them to school, and drive safe…"

"…I love you!"

He added before the elevator door closed but Lisa still responded in time;

"Love you more!"

Third shook his head and gave a happy smile to third…

He had also retired the moment that bomb went off within the house, and though Sam saved him, he still had a third degree burn scar on his neck that serves as a reminder of how he would have died that day had it been anyone else who chose to hide…

But ever since he retired, he had been trying to settle down just like his best friend Sam, but his level of sexiness and handsomeness made every good girl he came in contact with think he is a player who was just the CEO of a massive company, whilst only those who are after his money gave him all their attention…

Thus, when he saw Sam with his family who were not even originally his family, he wished he even had something like that…

"Alright, let\'s go!" Third said after he showed Sam just how lucky he was with a friendly jab…

A blue jeep which looked like they took the performance of a G-65 AMG BENZ, and merged it with the comfort of a ROLLS ROYCE CULLINAN, the gadget filled BMW and finally the artificial intelligence of TESLA, zoomed through the rain-soaked road…

Apparently, winter was already receding and spring was already approaching and the ice are melting, all in all, it was beginning to rain and the season of abundant life was approaching…

"Third… thanks for putting in a good word for me… I know my paperwork doesn\'t meet the-"

"Don\'t… Come on, it\'s nothing…"

"They are looking to expand to another subcontinent and they needed someone they could entrust the safety of their headquarters to… at least, till they have completed their next establishment…"

Sam tried to thank Third, once again, for the opportunity he had given him, but Third simply downplayed it with a brief, deeper explanation of how the job opportunity came about…

Three minutes later, they stopped ahead of a red light which indicated pedestrians were about to cross;

"Look at them…" Third said with a nostalgic smile;

"…Living within a simulated world which is controlled by people who simply love to watch humans like themselves be effortlessly controlled with a single thought…" He continued with a smirk…

"If they want people to move from location A to B, all they need to do is starve them of a necessity in location A and then create that same necessity in location B, and then amusingly watch them mindlessly migrate from A to B whilst they sit in the comfort of their wealth…"

Sam also watched as the 400 plus pedestrian walk through the Zebra Crossing as he shook his head with a deep sigh…

"Human right and free will has long been taken from people, they just don\'t see it yet, that their lives is dependent on the desire of a single person who has yet to wake up from his or her bed…" Sam added…

"The lost are many-"

"-but the awakened are few…"

Third started a statement and Sam finished it, as the red light finally turned off…

Vroom! Shraa!

The tyres of Third\'s futuristic SUV splashed through the water drenched tarred road as the structure of a three inch building came into view, and as they sped ahead, the building began to expand in size until it was standing tall at about 3,000 feet from the ground;

"Wow!" Sam exclaimed when he noticed just how miniscule he was in front of this giant of a building;


"You are going to be in control of this massive chess piece in about 20 to 30 minutes, so let\'s get going…" Third smiled as he pat Sam on the back…

[A.I Welcoming Visitors] –

"Welcome to Aeon Consults, the biggest scientific development firm in-"

"Scientific development?" Sam asked Third as they walked over to the security checkpoint…

"These guys are in the business of simply supplying scientific ideas you cannot even get from an alien planet…"

"They\'re into every field of life; from Medicine to Architecture to Robotics, and even Psychology…"

Third briefed as they arrived at the first security checkpoint;

"Good morning Mr. Corvinus."

A tanned bulky man greeted Third with a slight Pan-African accent;

"Morning Adam, how are you loving with today\'s weather?" Third replied with a friendly smile;

"~Ah~ The fresh breath that accompanies the descent of the spring and vibrant life force, I always crave it…"

Adam; one of the twelve security personnel stationed at the first security checkpoint drew in a deep breath of fresh air before exhaling with a grateful smile…

"That\'s First, and we have a meeting with Mr. Hugo…"

Walking through the metal detector as well as the face scanner, Third turned around and added as he picked up his daily log-in I.D which the scanning technology at the security checkpoint just printed…

"Really!?" Adam exclaimed with an incredulous expression…

"\'The\' Mr. First that saved your life!?"

Adam still couldn\'t believe that the man he has heard so much heroic stories about was actually standing before him…

After all, they all lived within the same county as Sam, and everyone within the county obviously caught a whiff about what happened a year ago, and Adam\'s children were one of these people, except that, Adam\'s kids deeply revered Sam and some have even portrayed him a superhero…

So many kids will even draw him with capes and a mask over his face…

But because Sam had been indoors for almost 95 percent of the past one year, recovering, healing and adapting to his new limbs, he didn\'t know how much fame he had spurred up in the entire county, and as a matter of fact, the entire story had been covered by the local News Casting companies who made sure that not only did Sam\'s fame reached almost every corner of the country and even leaked internationally…

"He is the one!"

"No way! He hasn\'t been seen in a little over a year, and you think our luck is that good that we will be one of the first set of people to actually see him…."

Two tech-geeky boys with snorts nearly escaping their nostrils, dressed in their usual attires of a pull up sweater, a jean, a backpack, a converse [all star] footwear and finally the geeky glassed argued amongst themselves as they walked by, but when they eventually reached Sam\'s position, they froze....

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