The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 83 - Troop Division

Important Notice: - I just figured out there was a gap in the updated chapters, thus, I will employ all readers to read once again from chapter 81 to chapter 84, so that you can re-immerse yourself in the storyline and plot flow...

This was an error that was just brought to my notice by my content editor and proof readers, and we are absolutely sorry for whatever inconveniences we might have caused you all... Thanks... Author...


Aunt Lin on the other hand, moved over to the new farm and took inventory of the variety they have and which would be needed and in what specific quantity to help improve the well-being of their mini tribe…

There were also poisonous plants to grow to improve their military might, and of-course the aphrodisiac also which she classified as a poisonous plant, just in case the mini tribe decides that it was time to increase its size to that of a normal tribe;

Obviously she didn\'t plan on being useless either whilst her men competed for who has her custody…

Dara looked towards the wall of the tribe which stood about 7 hectares from his current position, which was approximately 265 meters in length; he wasn\'t present throughout the building process as he was busied with other matters, and thus, he felt it was time to check them out…

After about thirty solid minutes of walking, Dara finally arrived at the wall, and he had to say; he was truly impressed…

Not only was the idea of using the tree stumps to create a natural wall sublime, but the idea of digging a \'Pit of Death\' both outside and inside the wall made the tribe a more impregnable fortress as one wouldn\'t be able to even dig underneath the wall to invade the tribe...

Then if they even managed to put out the fire outside the wall, they would have find a way to dig through the fire within behind the wall…

Then there was the turrets or watchtowers erected 50 meters apart, but each turret had two floors, the first floor which was taller than the fence but lower than the trees, giving the watch on duty a full vision of the entire jungle beneath the trees…

Then there was the upper floor which was even taller than the jungle trees, giving the watch on duty a vision of the entire jungle from above the trees, and even the ability to spot things farther than anyone else within this massive jungle…

These 50 meter apart turrets were erected all around the entire tribe, erecting almost 25 all around the tribe in total with two turrets standing at the entrance to the tribe where the Village Chief had invaded through, and now there was even a larger gate which used the two turrets at the entrance as its pillar…

Each of these turrets were manned by two experts, one from the humans and the other from the Obuns…

Then Dara went to each of their residence and was nothing short of impressed also; the houses within the tribe now numbered 1,000 in total, with built all around the plateau in rings, 500 for the Obuns and 500 for the humans…

He saw the wall separating the Obun tribe from the human tribe and also saw the massive gate on water which allows both tribes to mingle with one another…

He went to the farm and it was much larger than he could imagine; a single harvest from this massive farm was enough to feed 500 full grown men for 5 years straight without any hiccups…

Though, the farm was just in its sprouting stage, but Dara could already envision its bright future…

Furthermore, they had also expanded the river trail where he had taken Ji Wang through when they wanted to save his sister and made it big enough to at least ensure the complete escape of 200 men at once…

After seeing all these and nodding in satisfaction, Dara also spotted some things they needed to improve on and then called out to everyone within the tribe except for the kids who were younger than 12…

Asides from these kids and the experts on security watch, Dara was only greeted by 120 Obuns, and 24 able tribesmen who could so battle, then there was Aunt Lin, Uncle Min, Ji Wang, Ji Chen and the two Obun Elders, and if one added Dara into the equation, that would mean they have a 150 man strong experts…

"I have called us here to discuss three matters…"

Dara spoke out one these men gathered within the space between the \'Ring of Death\' and \'Ring of Fire\' who gave him their total attention;

"First, we have to talk about rearing wild beasts…"

The moment Dara said this, everyone looked at him strangely…

They had only two beasts that they had been using to transport materials during their building and they were both male, and though, they are strong beast which could also be used to battle and edible to eat, but before they could think of rearing beasts, they would need a female beast in the least…

"Secondly, we would speak about getting resources for cultivation…"

"Then finally, we would be discussing battle tactics, and troop division…"

"But before we begin speaking about rearing beasts, we would have to talk about troop division, because that is what everything we are about to discuss would hinge on…" The moment he said that Ji Chen stepped forwards;

"How do you want me to divide the troops…"

He asked Min Hong whilst the rest were also keen as to how he planned to divide them all…

"We would split into three different troops… Each of these troops will have 40 Obuns, and 8 tribesmen as well as 2 leaders each…" Dara announced;

"Whilst the Obun\'s would be the vanguard and in charge of truly engaging the enemies with a melee approach, the tribesmen would be in charge of support with ranged approach…"

"All tribesmen would also be in charge of carrying all the resources we manage to find in each of the troops missions…"

"Alright, you heard him, move into position…"

Ji Chen bellowed and shockingly, everyone including the Obun\'s heeded his command, and this impressed Dara as he felt positive with his decision to appoint Ji Chen and the two Obun Elders in charge of military matters, and then, Ji Wang, Aunt Lin and Uncle Min in charge of development affairs…

120 Obuns split into three groups and eight humans joined them each as well making each group 48 man strong…

Then he looked to the First Obun Elder and assigned him to the first troop and the Second Obun Leader to the Second group, whilst he put himself in charge of the final group…

Then he partnered Uncle Min with the First Obun Elder; Ji Chen with the Second Obun Elder, and finally picked Ji Wang to be the assistant leader of his group…

Thus, the group had this kind of lineup;

Troop 1 – First Obun Elder [Leader] Uncle Min [Assistant], and then 48 experts of 40 Obuns and 8 tribesmen…

Troop 2 – Ji Wang [Leader] Second Obun Elder [Assistant], and 48 experts, and then finally;

Troop 3 – Dara [Leader] Ji Wang [Assistant], and then 48 experts too…

This means each troop were 50 man strong and then Dara continued;

"Every tribesmen must undergo intense physical training with Ji Chen and archery training with Miss Lin…"

"The Obun Elders would teach both battle tactics and techniques with the assistance of Ji Chen…" Dara added before gesturing Ji Chen to explain their pattern of training;

"Everyone must begin each day with training archery with Miss Lin in the morning for two hours, and this would be followed by a one hour break for breakfast…"

"Then another two hours of intense and rigorous physical training in the afternoon, followed by another one hour of rest for lunch…"

"Then finally, there would be a two hour tactical and technical battle training in the afternoon, followed by another one hour rest for dinner…"

"These training schedule would be strictly adhered to, and anyone who fails to meet up would be punished severely…"

Ji Chen continued to bellow at these men before Dara stepped forward and Ji Chen kept mute…

"This would be the training scheme for the next ten months, and since the season of War would begin afterwards, we must be fully prepared for it…"

"After the end of the daily training sessions, each troop would take a mission and then everyone can return to rest for the same routine the next day…" Dara continued;

"A specific day would also be chosen for basically rest and learning cultural values, rules and regulations, and finally penalties for breaking these rules…"

"These rules and regulations would be subjected to everyone including myself, and some exceptional conditions would also be given to the Leaders and Assistants…"

"We have begun a new journey and adventure into developing a tribe, which may as well become a family, and finally who knows we might just expand and fill up the entire Dark Lands…"

"Thus, the number of our troops would increase based on the amount of survivors we manage to save, and those who come to us for shelter, and the number of experts in each group would also increase depending on the same condition…" Dara announced;

"That is all concerning the matter of our troop division, if anyone has any comments or addition to the situation, now is the time to come forward and make it known to everyone…"

Dara and the leaders all looked around but no one came forwards and just as he was about to move on, someone asked;

"How long will we keep up these daily routines?"

Ji Chen instantly frowned when he realized someone was actually somewhat objecting the intensity of their trainings, but Dara raised his hand to stop him as he answered;

"This would be done every day except from the day of rest we choose which would be used to learn languages of both the Obuns and the tribesmen so as to enable better and smoother communications amongst us all…"

"Furthermore, as I said earlier, we would be looking to expand as large as possible which means there will be steady missions to go on every single day…"

Dara finished his explanation and noticed that the expert liked his explanation and to some curtained extent preferred it as he was a man who loved working and heading out to fight or search for anything…

He was a man who hated being idle and would rather keep running around the entire tribe if that is what it takes to keep him on the move…

Dara looked to the Obun Elders to ask if they had any objection, but they didn\'t and also seemed to be happy that the tribesmen would also be learning their language and way of life, because not only would that increase the understanding between both parties, it would also increase the level of harmony in the entire tribe…

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