I am the Queen

Chapter 182 - 8

Unmei Academy students were in a frantic state of studying for the final exams as the end of summer was fast approaching. For those with good grades, there was nothing to worry. But for those with a barely passing grade, it was do or die. This final exam was their last chance to move into the next level of adulthood.

For Eric, he didn\'t have to worry since his grades were excellent. It had to be if he wanted to maintain his scholarship. But for Evangeline, she just lost all will at continuing her studies, which was bothering Eric for the past few days.

How can she motivate Evangeline to study? This was the most challenging task in his life so far.

Like now, they were in their bedroom, sprawled on the floor at their little table. He was so focused on tutoring her, but the girl was just playing with her phone.

When it came to the final exam, Unmei Academy gave its student a free week to prepare for their exams. Eric took this opportunity to raise Evangeline\'s grades, whatever the cost.

Eric was hunched into his questioners for her while the latter was spread across the floor. Her focus was on her phone, legs on his back, making herself comfortable.

"Eve," Eric called, turning to Evangeline. He would feel aroused with her summer get-up of sleeveless shirt and boxers, exposing her tummy and toned legs, but her grades took priority at the moment!

"Eve, your answers are wrong."

"In which part?"

"All of it."


". . ." Eric restrained a sigh. "You have to take this seriously. Your future depends on this."

Evangeline chuckled. She flung into Eric\'s embraced and peck his lips.

"I\'m rich, Eric. I don\'t need to work," she slurred, rubbing her nose against his.

Eric opened his mouth, but Evangeline let go and showed him her phone.

"More importantly, look at this!" she said, didn\'t bother to hide her excitement. "My avatar just won in the competition. Again! Look at how gorgeous her dress is! I styled it myself."

Eric\'s lips clamped tight. He didn\'t have to look to know what it was. It was a fashion game that Evangeline spent nights instead of her exams. She was really into it.

"That\'s awesome. But can we focus on your answers first? After the exam, you can play to your heart\'s content, okay."

Evangeline just grinned. "Why do I need to study? I\'m going to fail anyway."

Eric opened his mouth but closed it again. She\'s right. Her grades were awful but not unsalvageable. If she could just score above the passing, there might be a chance.

"Don\'t lose hope just yet. You\'re smart. I know you can top this exam if you wanted to."

Evangeline rolled her eyes. "The problem is, I don\'t want to. It\'s just a waste of time. I won\'t even use what I learned."

She then poked the wrinkles between Eric\'s brows and laughed. "Don\'t worry too much. If worse comes to worst, I\'ll just bribe the teachers like I always did."

And before Eric could say anything, Evangeline stood to her feet and went into the bathroom.

. . .

. . .

Eric sighed in surrender, scrubbing his hands on his face.

What could he do if Evangeline didn\'t want to? He couldn\'t possibly force her.

Another heavy sigh escaped his lips. Then his eyes settled on her phone on the floor. Lately, she was more into her phone. It was impossible to only be playing, right?

He reached for the phone only to retract his hand. He shook his head, and his head tipped back. It was not like he doubted her. He just felt bothered for the past days because he knew Evangeline was hiding something from him.


Meanwhile, in Daniel\'s house, Lilybella was pestering Daniel to tutor her, following him all around. This left Daniel with no choice but to stay inside the comfort of his room.

He wanted nothing but to chased Lilybella out. She had done nothing but irritate him. If it wasn\'t for her cooking, she had long gone slept in the streets. 

Unfortunately, his stomach was spoiled by her, and he didn\'t even notice it. It was like a drug. Once he got a taste, it was impossible to resist!

Daniel breathed hard through his nose. He had no time to entertain her antics. The exam is fast approaching, and he needed to study.

Speaking of exams, Sisley still hadn\'t shown up at school. He was fighting the urge to call her and ask her how she was doing but restrained himself eventually. Instead, he opted to call for Jen. He had to know at least how she was doing.

"What do you want?"

Daniel expected that Jen would be hostile to him, but nothing could prepare him for the thick animosity in her voice that left him lost for words.

He composed himself and asked anyway, "I just want to ask how Sisley is doing."

". . ."

There was silence in the other line before Jen\'s voice rang again.

"Why do you care?" she snorted.

". . . I\'m just . . . worried."

"Yeah, right."

Daniel sighed. "Look, just convince her at least to come to the finals. I don\'t want her to throw away her future just because of what happened between us."

Jen faked a laugh. "And look here. If you caused someone pain, you don\'t get to decide how they should cope with it."

Tut . . .

. . .

. . .

Daniel had nothing to say to that. His intentions were clean, but he guessed he was insensitive.

Maybe it was best if he didn\'t call at all.


On the other side, it was Asher who was pestering Satele in her studies.

"What are you doing?" Asher demanded as soon as he barged inside Satele\'s room.

Satele ignored him. Her focus was on her notes. She got used to him barging inside her room. Her mother just let him in no matter what she said, and she got tired of it.  Exams are nearing, and she had no time stressing over a man.

"Hey! What are you doing? I\'m talking to you!" Asher said and poked Satele\'s shoulders.

"Can\'t you see?" Satele groaned.

"What do you mean \'can\'t you see?\' I called you. I texted you. Why aren\'t you answering?"

Satele sighed and rolled her eyes. "Because I\'m studying."

  "I don\'t care if you\'re studying! If I text you, you text back. I texted you five minutes ago, and you should reply five minutes ago. You don\'t make me wait even for a minute! I thought something happened to you. That\'s why I rash in here!"

Satele breathed a heavy sigh through her nose as she grabbed her phone and texted Asher back.

"Happy?" she said with a fake smile. "Can you leave now?"

Asher huffed a sarcastic laugh. "Oh. Now you wanted me to leave? After I canceled my appointment just to check on you?"

Asher raised his hands and shook his head in defeat. "Okay. Alright. You want me to leave? You want me to leave you alone? Alright. I\'ll leave you alone. I won\'t care for you anymore. I won\'t see you anymore. Got that? We are over!"

He then marched out and slammed the door.

". . ." Satele just shook her head and got back to her studying.


"I can\'t believe this! Why aren\'t you calling me? You should be running after me!" Asher shouted the second he barged inside again.

"Why?" Satele frowned.

"Why? Why? Because I\'m leaving and you won\'t ever see me again. Is that what you want?"

"That\'s exactly what I want," Satele murmured.

"Wow!" Asher\'s eyes widened, and he took the space next to Satele on the floor.

"After what I\'ve done for you? You just don\'t care at all if I leave? You really don\'t care? Don\'t you know how many girls out there who are waiting for me to give them just a single glance? Are you one of those––"

"Fine!" Satele said and looked Asher in the eyes. "Don\'t go. Stay here and help me study." Anything to shut you up.

Asher snorted. "Is that how you ask me? It seemed so forced and fake. Do you want me to stay? If you do, say you do. Like you mean it, or else I will leave, and you won\'t ever hear from me again."

Satele would lose her mind if this continued.

"Asher, please stay and help me study."

Asher smirked, "Alright. But only know because you ask me. I wanted to leave, but I stayed because you insisted, okay?"

". . . K."

"What\'s with that lazy ass reply?" Asher stood to his feet and looked down at Satele. "Is that so hard to say \'okay,\' huh? It sounded like you don\'t want to! You know what? I\'ll just leave!"




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