I am the Queen

Chapter 184 - 10

Looking at the mirror, Sisley wiped her tear-stained cheeks and squeezed her eyes shut, removing her image from her mind. Horrible wouldn\'t cut it.

She grabbed her makeup and applied it slowly as if doing so, she could hide her shallow complexion. She applied lipstick, blush, and eyeliner to bring out whatever color left on her face.

This was the day she would take the exam. A special exam just for her because she missed the finals. She\'ll be the only student in an empty school and empty classroom. The others are already enjoying their one-week break before the D-day of the results.

If it weren\'t for her family, knees on the floor, begging for her to take the exam, she wouldn\'t go.

What was the point? She didn\'t study a thing, and she was absent most of the time. She will fail, and she didn\'t even give a damn. Maybe Daniel will notice her then?

Getting up like the world was on her back, she walked out of her room.


Eventually, Sisley finished the exams, and she was on her way to the guidance counselor\'s office. Unfortunately, her prolonged absence affected her grades and now required the intervention of the school.

Eyes lifeless and face dull, she sat on the waiting chair. The two secretaries were gossiping, unaware of her presence. Their expression held joy for gossips.

"Rumors said she bribed the teachers, and the principal found out."

"She\'ll be expelled, right?"

"I don\'t know. Maybe she\'ll buy her way out, like always."

"Where did she get that amount of money?"

"She has a beautiful face, a huge rack, and ass. She can get anything."

"I truly envied those who are loved by God."

"Rumors has it that she had surgery to achieve her looks. Nowadays, you really can\'t trust the appearance of just anyone."

"Shhh! She\'s coming."

With their signal, tick-tacking heels echoed in the hallway and what appeared before their eyes was Evangeline Heart in her heart-skipping shirt tucked inside her skinny jeans. She wore her signature fake smile topped with her killer makeup and boots. She had that warrior-princess vibe as she strode inside the waiting area.

One of the secretaries gave the other a nudge and whispered, "See what I mean? She could get anything."

Then the two pretended to arrange some files as Evangeline sat near Sisley.

"We\'ll look whose risen from the dead?" Evangeline beamed.

Sisley groaned in silence. She didn\'t have the energy to face Evangeline right now. Especially because she didn\'t have the confidence to look at her with her beaten state.

"Aww . . . You look . . . horrible. You must be so depressed ever since Daniel broke up with you, huh? But don\'t worry, it\'s not like it\'s the end of the world, right?"

It\'s not like the end of the world? Sisley grimaced. Daniel was her world. When he broke up with her, her world crumbled. What does she know?

Anger laid waste in Sisley\'s mind. "And what about you? Does Eric know you\'re going to be expelled?"

A smirk made way on Sisley\'s face. It was rare to see Evangeline\'s face flustered, even if it was just a bit.

"Expelled? Whatever do you mean?"

"Oh, didn\'t you know?" Sisley\'s face appeared shocked with fake surprise. "You\'re going to get expelled because you cheated."

Evangeline chuckled. "I never cheated."

"Yeah. If bribing the teachers for grades isn\'t cheating, then I don\'t know what is."

Shrugging her shoulder, Evangeline smiled. "It\'s called allocating your resources. It\'s called being smart. Why work so shard if you can get it with less effort?"

"Not all have money like you. Some people have to work hard."

"Exactly. It\'s not my fault that you don\'t have the resources."

"You and I could never see eye to eye. You\'re so selfish and lack sympathy. People are dying of hunger––"

"Okay, okay," Evangeline cut in, "I get the whole selfishness and lack of sympathy, but how is it that it\'s my fault that people don\'t have money? Why am I suddenly responsible for the whole world? Why would I give my sympathy to strangers, to people I don\'t even know? When those people don\'t even give a damn about me? Are you okay in the head?"

Anger and disbelief dried Sisley\'s throat. Her emotions were spinning out of control behind her silence.

Sisley breathed in and out. Evangeline and her would never see eye to eye. It was pointless to get her feelings across to a person who lacked sympathy for others.

"I don\'t know what Eric sees in you. I thought he was a kind person, but I guess he is just all appearance after all."

Sharp anger clamped Evangeline\'s heart. "And what do you mean by that?"

Sisley looked Evangeline in the eyes with a smirk on her face. "I mean exactly what it is. What so good about you except your looks?"

Heavy warry silence descended in the room. The two secretaries looked at each other. Their faces held glee of a gawkier at the side.

Evangeline huffed a chuckle. Her tongue rolled against her inner cheeks. "And what about you? What so good about you?"

Evangeline ran her eyes on Sisley. "You\'re pretty, kind," she then gave an arrogant half shrug, "smart even. But Daniel still left you."

Sisley\'s fingers curled against her palm, not feeling them digging against her skin. "Daniel wouldn\'t have left me if it wasn\'t for you."

Evangeline fake a shocked expression. "And what did I do?"

"Don\'t pretend that you don\'t know. I know your secret meetings with him, and I know that you\'re together with him during Christmas. Does Eric know?"

Evangeline\'s brows rose so high it started to strain. "Yes. In fact, Eric was with us the entire Christmas. Actually, it\'s just not us. Lilybella was there too."

". . ." Sisley caught her tongue at the sudden news.

Evangeline giggled. "You look surprised." Her eyes then rounded in false surprise. "Don\'t tell me Daniel didn\'t tell you the real reason why he broke up with you? No wonder you\'re blaming me."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Daniel\'s parents already set him up. And what I heard, if you\'re not of royal blood or from a ducal household, don\'t even dream of marrying him."

Sisley\'s face paled. "T-then . . . , Lilybella is . . ."

"His fiancée, of course. And from a prestigious ducal house to boot. I heard there are already preparations for weddings." That was a lie, but Sisley didn\'t have to know that.

"Miss heart, the guidance counselor, will see you now," announced one of the secretaries.

Evangeline got up and beamed at Sisley one more time. "Well, the councilor will see me now. I\'m glad we have this talk."

"I wish you\'ll be expelled," Sisley hissed.

Evangeline skidded to a stop and threw a smile in Sisley\'s way. "Keep wishing then."

When Evangeline disappeared, silent tears rolled on Sisley\'s cheek. Apprehension dried her throat. Daniel could never be hers. 

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