A Cliché Multiverse Story

Chapter 321 - CH. 328: Visiting Seraphs

The girls were farming monsters between the 40 and 50 floors of the dungeon while Aimi was putting the adventurers through hell in the early fifties floors. Ray went along with Saeko\'s group to support them in any way possible. Grayfia had been accompanying them until Asahi called her. As the only wife in the house, the responsibility of taking care of him had fallen on her shoulders.

Loki hadn\'t stuck around after apologizing and dragged Astraea to Hephaestus\'s workshop. She was going to use the goddess\'s friendship to bargain.

"So what\'s the news in the Underworld?" Asahi asked and wrapped his arms around Grayfia\'s back. Doing so shifted his cock inside her, provoking a light gasp from her. "Any chances of the war happening soon?"

"Lucifer\'s faction is already rebelling, but they lack a strong leader. Their voices in general don\'t carry much influence. Nobles are mostly supporting Leviathan and other two Devil Kings."

A rebellion without a leader was like a pile of dirt; the tiniest of gust could scatter them.

"A leader, hmm…" Asahi closed his eyes. "Lilith will do."

As the wife of Lucifer, she carried an immense influence in the Underworld. She could become the line that divided the Lucifer and Leviathan Faction.

Grayfia took a big sigh. "I have stopped my father from leaping in the war… Lilith\'s involvement will make him join."

Asahi rubbed her hair. "I\'ll not let anyone hurt him or anyone in your territory."

"I know… My Lord," Grayfia mewled like a kitten.

She hugged him with even more force, flattening her tits on his chest. Her amorous eyes made him hard. In the first place, he was suppressing his lust as Grayfia alone couldn\'t satisfy his ever-growing libido.

Grayfia could feel the monster throbbing in the depths of her nether regions. Heat bubbled up in her core, tensing her entire body.

Asahi reached down until he was in possession of the spheres of her bottom. "Ready for the fifth round?"

Grayfia looked up and shyly nodded. "Yes."


After having dinner with Grayfia and Alise, Asahi directly went to meet Gabriel. Strangely, the Seraph\'s room was empty. Asahi exited the room and spread his senses in search of Gabriel. Numerous white dots sparkled at the corner of his vision. Four of the brightest orbs were sitting close to each other. It was his first time sensing life veins in such a wide radius. The results were surprisingly decent as it actually showed people based on their element. Whereas his Life Sense skill—a skill derived from the Life element as well—showed red for hostiles and translucent white for allies.

His new ability rendered Life Sense practically useless. The skill had range limitations, but his hearing could stretch for miles if he focused every bit of his mental strength.

\'God hasn\'t said anything.\'

It only meant either two things—the old man was busy in his workshop or he was absent from Heaven.

\'Might as well check what these four are up to now.\'

Asahi began to follow the brightest orbs. He met an angel on his way and interrogated her.

"Great Seraphs are having a discussion," the blonde angel said as her wings alternated between black and white. She evaded his eyes and hung her head. His charm stopped working the moment the angel looked away, and her wings returned to usual white.

\'My charm works more on angels than the women in the Danmachi world, huh.\'

People in Danmachi developed charm resistance when living with literal gods for centuries.

(True. Also, these innocent angels never saw a charming man like my love!)


He entertained Klyscha as he made his way towards the meeting. Two male angels with four pairs of wings stood guard outside. Seeing Asahi, both thumped their chests in greeting and stood aside.

Asahi returned a nod and entered the door.

In the bright white room, the Seraphs sat around a circular table. Gabriel was munching on fruits while Michael was talking to the other two Great Seraphs. Raphael was a handsome man with a gentle smile, his blonde hair was a shade darker than Michael\'s. Uriel, on the other hand, was a stern-looking man with auburn hair. Unlike Michael and Uriel, his sharp aura reflected his experience on a battlefield.

Asahi\'s appearance caused all of them to turn. Gabriel\'s face brightened instantly.


A pout replaced her smile just as quickly. Crossing her arms on her chest, she turned her pouty face with an audible "Hmph!"

The other Seraphs gave him a polite nod. After God had chosen Asahi as his successor, his status soared past even the Four Great Seraphs. Not that they cared about his status. His duel at the Underworld had won every angel\'s heart, including the Great Seraphs.

Asahi pulled out a chair and sat beside Gabriel. She refused to look at him.

"You don\'t see me anymore," she whined under her breath. "I\'m angry."

Her childish behavior put a smile on everyone\'s face. Asahi knew a few headpats would be enough for his apology. The Seraph had grown hungry for pats, perhaps an addict could better describe her now.

"I was busy with something," he said and patted her shoulder. "I\'ll be here all day for you. So, forgive me, okay?"

Gabriel slightly turned her head and sneakily glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. She hadn\'t seen him for nearly four days. Three days without his pats had driven her to call Biblical God over a dozen times. Biblical God tried to play it off as Asahi\'s usual disappearances. But Gabriel began pouting at him as though she was a girl in her rebellious phase. In the face of his sulking daughter, he could do nothing but search for Asahi throughout the human world.

"You\'ll stay for the day?" she questioned as her lips curved into a smile.

His offer tempted her.

Her anger was just a ruse to make him agree.

"Yes. We can do anything you want."

Her cheap tricks amused him to no end. The pure Seraph had become accustomed to blackmailing a human, looking pretty natural in the process.

She leaned to his side and rubbed her cheeks against his shoulder. "Don\'t do this again…"

"I can\'t promise," he said. "I\'ll try my best."

One day in Orario meant two days here. He couldn\'t promise to leave everything and drop by here every twelve hours. Even if she was a cinnamon roll filled with sweetness, he couldn\'t neglect his duties as a husband!

Gabriel wanted to whine again, but she held back. God had told her about his wives and the time he had to dedicate to them. She couldn\'t become that selfish and take advantage of his kindness.

The thought of choosing Asahi as her husband floated again. Shaking her head, she tucked the thought deep in her heart.

\'Marriage must only be between people who love each other… Do I love Asahi? Does he love me?\'

Gabriel tossed the incomprehensible questions away. "Let\'s go to my room."

Playing games was more fun than these hard-to-answer questions.

"Not so fast," Asahi said and rubbed her head. "Uh, Michael. Did I interrupt the meeting?"

Michael shook his head before giving a smile. "I don\'t think so. We were just talking about the ongoing revolution in the Underworld."

\'Only three of you,\' Asahi thought. Gabriel wasn\'t cut out for politics. Nobody in Heaven had an inkling of how politics worked in real life. Except for the old man, who was too wise and curious for his own good.

"As the matters stand, a civil war might break out," Raphael added with a sigh. Like Michael, he had a heart that carried too much compassion for his position. Then again, his benevolent demeanor was befitting of his title \'The Archangel of Healing.\'

"We shouldn\'t be helping them at any cost," Uriel said, a hint of anger in his voice.

Asahi raised his hand. "Mind if I say something?"

"No need to ask for permission."

He wasn\'t asking for permission. It was a mere reminder to prepare them for his declaration.

"Let me deal with the Underworld problem."

The Seraphs responded with curious expressions. Even Gabriel took a pause from snuggle and stared at him.

"Asahi, what do you mean?"

"I\'ll tell later," he said and stroked her fluffy hair. "I promise."

Even though the Seraphs were curious, they gave him a \'Go ahead.\' After all, he fought Lucifer in his territory and forced the Great Devil King to bedrest for the rest of his life.

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