World Development System

Chapter 90

Lukav, Duncan and all the other spectators arrived at the scene where the tests were going to take place .

Taylor announced to everyone present at the site, "This is one of the weapons that we created recently, because of a lot of reasons we were forced to disclose this invention of ours, The initial design was made by Lord John which was later on improved by Forgemaster of the Town Tornwall by using his special craft in runes, he just recently arrived at the town . Well, I won’t go into the details, I think it would be better to show rather than talk as you guys would be better able to judge this weapon after watching it with your own eyes . Just previously, we announced that we will arm the Morgan naval fleet at the cost price, this is also to protect our and Morgan family’s trade interests as we believe in this weapon . Well, we had enough of small chit chat so we will get on to the important show . Forgemaster Tornwall please present the weapon . "

The Ballista was bought in a carriage with at least 10 men guarding it .

After the Ballista was bought to the place for testing, Tornwall gave orders to men precisely so they could prepare to fire it .

Tornwall gave orders to men, "Place the arrow correctly at a 45-degree angle . "

Tornwall then continued to present, "As you all can see, our target is 350 meters away from us, Even for archers it is quite hard to shoot the target that far away with so much lethality . Let me show you first, as this will let you know about the lethality of this weapon, our target is that big tree 350+ meters away from us . All the preparations are made, Fire at the count of five . "

"5 . . .

4 . . .

3 . .

2 .

1 . "

Tornwall roared his order to the soldier after the preparations were made, "Fire . "

After the first shot, there were a lot of exclamations from the crowd,

Marquis Ray was full of excitement as he watched this weapon live in action, "It seems we are really onto something new and great this time around . I didn’t think we could see a weapon that could be on par with magicians . It was good that we followed your decision to travel here, I am quite sure your father would be regretting his actions if he watches this weapon live . From the looks of it your son had good instincts when he decided to invest in John before however, I don’t know how this weapon would fare as it could be a piece of hot iron which could be too hot for them if they aren’t prepared . "

Frank said "It looks like Joseph’s instincts were right from the onset, It’s good that I was not biased as I knew he wouldn’t joke when it comes to important matters . The very fact that John has decided to deploy this weapon on Joseph’s fleet is good enough and it would be very useful against pirates and our northern trade route .

Previously I was worried that if Duke Laguna too starts his raids then it would be very costly for us and we would have to keep a distance from Joseph since it would be catastrophic for us in regards to sailors or fleet if the losses outweighed the gains, this very distance of 350 meters would be a game changer in naval warfare for our fleet . "

Prince Lukav meanwhile laid out his hypothesis to Duncan, "I guess this weapon was also one of the reason’s why John precisely bought the best archers at pearl city since he had already made those weapons . I just get chills wondering how further back his plans went if he already possessed such a weapon from such a long time when he was only making soaps . I guess he was quite happy buying a domain without any time or military exploits as it was such a hot potato . What do you think Duncan?"

Duncan spoke a smile on his face, "Indeed, his purchase of slaves confirmed me one thing, he possessed this weapon a long time before he bought those slaves or he possesses a weapon that is much more lethal than this current weapon called Ballista and it seems he is preparing something big as a lot of Lords in the north are recently gathering up to target him as he is making a lot of profits recently from soap, restaurant, tourism and paper businesses . That very declaration of his laws earlier was very challenging to the royal family though he didn’t violate any rules as he found out a lot of loopholes which he can use to exploit for his own goals and benefits, I don’t think a lot of people will be happy with that . I wonder your brother Hector would react to this situation 5 days later . "

Lukav rebuked as he mentioned Duke Fjord as he laid out his thoughts,"The very reason Duke Fjord sent Evans was so that he could get a pie in his business by offering him protection and investment as it is no wonder a lot of people are eyeing John’s businesses or he hoped Evan fucks something up and he gets a chance to loot Morgan family legally in the seas . I am just wondering how he would react after his previous declaration on making John pay if he knows about this weapon . "

Duncan spoke, "I guess he only wanted a reason to launch attacks on Morgan family fleet previously, I am very sure, now he would try to ally with Blackwolf if he wants to keep his face and he might also be worried about his losses if he tries to engage them in seas . Though they have a great fleet and great men however this weapon would exponentially change how battles on water would play out from now on . "

Lukav saw Dearil and his men and commented, "From the looks of those men, I guess they already knew about this weapon as they aren’t showing any shocked expressions . I wonder how is he doing nowadays . "

Duncan sighed as he heard about the word master, "Lord, he still doesn’t consider you as his friend or anyone, he only considers you someone who he met on his Journey and passed some techniques . "

Duncan saw Lukav’s scary face as he tried to change the topic, "Okay, Okay I won’t babble more on that . from the looks of it, it seems Duke southern forest also sent some of his men here to watch this event, from the looks they weren’t interested at first so I think they were only here to witness the new Laws . "

Lukav spoke in a cussing tone when he mentioned both of them, "I am more concerned about those bastards from Royal family that is the ambassador and that Bishop from Radiant family conspiring together something . "

Duncan saw the ambassador, "I don’t think we have to be worried that much since both The Royal family and Radiant church has different aspirations and goals so both of them allying is definitely Impossible . "

Lukav had a serious face as he laid his thoughts, "However, they can still make agreements on certain matters . Maybe the royal family doesn’t want paper and printing as much as the Radiant church so I always feel they might always conspire something . Well, it’s good that we still have our spies on both sides, Just increase our observation on the Royal Family’s side for now because I am sure they will strike last but very lethally at a perfect time . "

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