World Development System

Chapter 164

The Imperial Capital,

Currently, there was a meeting going on between several ministers from all the domains in the Justice Administration department of the Palace, It was specially made for special cases where there was a dispute between multiple lords .

There were a lot of people present here today, Including Minister Justin of Black Wolf’s Domain .

Jonas representing Duke Fjord presented his case to everyone present, "Dear Ministers and your majesty Lionheart, I think all of you are aware of Count John’s various activities by now . In the previous battle as well he had slaughtered 3000+ knights of our domain when in fact they had surrendered already . I hope there are severe punishments taken against Count John . The noble etiquette demands that soldiers who surrender should be treated as prisoners of war and given a fair trial instead of completely slaughtering them . "

One of the Judges from the Justice department furrowed his brows as he heard about his hypocrisy and asked Jonas, "Well, it is war, what do you expect Minister Jonas? You can’t expect the drums to roll your way all the time . Please talk and present your case with tact . "

Jonas nodded and gave his justifications, "Had that been the only case then I wouldn’t have come here with this petty matter but the matter of the fact is that Count John has defied a lot of norms and has employed a pirate as his navy admiral . I am sure you are aware of the notorious pirate Blake, right? Most of Blake’s men are working under him . He is quite notorious and wanted by the Royal family for raiding their ships in the past . Even if the situation was only that I would have still remained quiet . I am sure all of you know about the recent events, right? A lot of the merchant ships in the east were raided by that pirate and bought back at the eastern port . Most of the officials can confirm you that . If it was only the vessels which belonged to us then I wouldn’t have complained but they have also targeted a lot of vessels belonging to other people which includes the Radiant Church and Duke Norman . "

The Judged furrowed his brows and asked, "Aren’t the Radiant Church affiliated with you guys so why is there any surprise?"

Jonas was ready for as he handed over some documents and spoke, "Nope, it is completely a transactional relationship . We were simply offered loans for this war which we will repay to them later on . Here is the deed of agreement with Pope David . Who knows if that Count might target even the royal family if you ever decide to give a loan to us and they decide to target you for giving us a loan . "

King Lionheart smiled as he heard Jonas . He thought, ’I guess I can start acting against that count now that we have a legitimate reason . ’

The judge looked towards lionheart and later spoke to Jonas, "It seems your complaints are reasonable . However, didn’t Duke Fjord claim the same thing about raiding any ships in the eastern domain . "

Jonas was quite a good influencer and gave their justification, "I understand that Milord but Talking and taking action are two different things . We haven’t taken any sort of that action which was proclaimed earlier . And if you notice Duke was only in rage when he proclaimed that publicly . He retracted about it after he thought calmly . We are only targeting ships that belong to Count John’s Domain . Additionally, that Count hasn’t sent even one of his men to defend himself or present his case in the court here today, isn’t it clear disrespect for the authority of the royal family and our rules?"

One of the baron’s present here today thought as he heard Joans, ’Hmph, you think people don’t know that you guys simply take it to your different ports and have the mercenaries take over the ships . I guess Count John is either naive or intentionally doing this as he expected the Royal family to support him as he provided the ballistas . ’

This time King Lionheart stopped the Judge and gave his judgment,

"You are quite correct Minister Jonas, The very fact Count John did not send a single man for today’s case is very insulting the Royal family and add on the fact that he has employed a pirate who is wanted by us for a very long time . Instead of handing him over to us when he caught him previously, he decided to employ him in his fleet as an admiral which is very insulting to the royal family and all the other nobles who were previously robbed by him . This very much goes against the noble etiquette and honor . This not only brings shame to nobles but it also brings humiliation to nobles for being associated with him because of his position . "

A lot of ministers saw King Lionheart’s tone and understood what was going to happen . Meanwhile, Eanred had a premonition that this would be bad for them . However, it was too late as Lionheart proceeded to give his judgment without waiting for anyone .

Jonas smiled as he saw King Lionheart’s tone and understood that he had decided to act against John, He spoke to Grim, "I guess it is time . We got much in return unlike what we expected previously . From the looks of it, King Lionheart is going to take action against him . I guess it was good that I gave him the information about Elves’ journey to the North-frontier domain previously . Additionally, he too is annoyed by people complaining about the Royal cuisines as that count is declining to share a lot of things which includes those recipes and cement for the construction industry . "

Grim had a smile on his face after watching the court, "Yes, The Royal Family has their own interests and motivations and it was good that we got to know about Rose’s Journey over to south because of our spying over preparations for the last battle . I guess we gained a lot after our last operation . It was not fully dud . "

Jonas nodded and agreed, "Yes, Milord . "

For the first time, Defense Minister Plato saw that something was amiss when Count John didn’t send any of his men, He thought, ’That count isn’t that stupid, Even a stupid man would know to send a man to represent him in this dispute between two lords . it seems he is intentionally doing this so that he can get sanctioned by the Royal Family . From the looks of it, it seems that Eanred was right when he said that this count seems dangerous, Why are my instincts saying the same thing . From the looks of it, that count really isn’t afraid of anything right now . ’

King Lionheart proclaimed with vigor and unmatched aura that was only leaking authority, "Count John’s domain will be sanctioned with an increase in tariffs for all the luxury goods they export by 20 percent in all the domains controlled by the royal family directly until he hands over that Pirate Blake and apologizes to the Royal family . However, I also hope that both the sides show restraint and try to resolve their difference through dialogue . These Tariffs can increase in the future if Count John remains defiant on protecting that Pirate . "

Jonas neither agreed nor disagreed with King Lionheart as he spoke, "Yes, Milord . We only hope that Count John hands over the culprit who killed Lord Evan as this will be the best measure to normalize the situation and bring peace in both the domains . "

King Lionheart nodded as ordered everyone, "Okay, everyone is dismissed . The sanctions will be implemented starting tomorrow . Is everyone clear?"

All the Ministers answered immediately after hearing the King, "Yes, Milord"

A lot of people were shocked after hearing King Lionheart’s decision and understood a lot of meanings behind this decision .

The Baron spoke after hearing the conclusion of the dispute, "It seems King Lionheart is pissed at the fact that Count John is interacting with the Elves and he has started accumulating a lot of food supplies for his domain . From this, it looks like Count John isn’t trusting the Royal Family and preparing for the worst . "

The Viscount from the capital spoke, "Yes, it seems the Royal family isn’t too happy with the actions of Count John . I guess this was to be expected . I wonder what would Count John do now that even the royal family has abandoned them . I guess he was stupid when he decided to hand over those blueprints of ballistae to the Royal Family . "

The Baron rebuked and spoke, "Hmph . . . What can he do? He only has power in the seas . Now he will understand what it means for defying and earning too much . Additionally, The Royal family has an army which is 100 times bigger than his army . He will only succumb eventually and share some of his technology to the royal family . This exactly seems like the time when the Lorr family was targetted by the Royal family but at that time the Royal Family was quite cautious when they acted against the Lorr family . However, the Royal family is quite brazen this time around . "

The Viscount sighed and agreed, "I guess it is because they already got the Ballistas which they wanted . However, I hope this doesn’t go out of control and that count provides those ballistas to the Dwarves or the Demons . "

Another Count came in and spoke after hearing them, "He won’t provide it to them as the Dwarves are quite close to the Fjords and this would only backfire him . As for the demons, you can’t trust them . And do you think the royal family isn’t prepared when they took action against them? Additionally, knowing the personality of that Count, he is someone who is quite stubborn and won’t give those to anyone easily . And he isn’t as strong as the Lorr where other powers would consider him as an equal . "

Viscount thought and spoke, "Yes, this is true as well . I wonder how long would this count last . However, I have heard from the inner circles of the ministers that King Lionheart has a grudge against that Count because of his relations with Prince Lukavv or else the Judge wouldn’t have been surprised after King Lionheart took action personally . I don’t think he would have given such a harsh punishment against Count John . "

The Count nodded as he thought that something was different when the judge looked at King Lionheart as it seemed out of instructions, "Yes, This can’t be ignored as I heard the same . I guess he should blame his relations with Prince Lukavv from the actions of King Lionheart today . And today was the day King decided to act against him . Additionally, the ministers weren’t surprised and quite composed as they seemed to have a plan against that Count . So it seems that they already had made their plans against that Count . "

The Baron added, "I guess the reason may be as they already the blueprints of those Ballistas . I am curious how that arrogant count acts now that he is between a cliff and a well . "

Everyone dispersed as the news hit everywhere .

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