Seized by the System

Chapter 507: The Map is Still Locked

Chapter 507: The Map is Still Locked

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fang Ning was finally relieved. With the Spirit Bear supporting the sky, the moon would not fall onto Earth within foreseeable future, although it did feel a little weird.

After all, the current event did clash with general knowledge quite a bit. Anyone could claim to support the sky, but if it happened in real life, it was still difficult to accept.

Celestial bodies had always walked on their own paths. An innumerable number of Maxims and Principles had determined their tracks and changes, no one had ever been able to influence them to move otherwise.

This bear was the first being to break that rule.

Visually, it was enough to challenge most people’s worldview.

How could Earth’s crust support this gigantic bear?

Man-made train tracks were able to cover roughly forth thousand kilometers, but that was laid down on the ground. In most people’s imagination, a track that runs vertically would have been a train track to the Heavens, according to ancient civilizations…

“This bear would probably have its name changed to Skypass Bear, I think there will be plenty of people who wouldn’t mind taking a ride…” Fang Ning mused.

“They would probably ask to build a road on its torso. Tell me, I’m its big brother, can I collect the land acquisition fee? It would definitely stay here forever anyway, so it won’t need the money…” The System’s thought process switched really quickly.

“Sure, Sir. Great minds think alike, you and I. Remember to split half with me,” Fang Ning was agreeable to it, but he could not be as heartless as the System. “However, we still need to think of a way to make its work more comfortable. It wouldn’t have been nice if it went on strike in the future.”

“How do I do that? Bears are not meant to stand upright…” The System said spiritlessly.

“Hey, speaking of which, I have an idea. Have you heard of the tale about Nüwa Mends the Heavens (TN: A famous Chinese folklore)?”

“Of course. In the end, an old tortoise took the fall. It was entirely fine when the Heavens was broken open, but as soon as it was filled with the kaleidoscopic stones, it died… You wouldn’t be so cruel, would you?” The System said in surprise.

“I’m not an ancient god, how would I have the ability to do that?” Fang Ning quipped speechlessly.

“I meant the bear has four legs. If you make it lay down on the ground and hold the sky with those four legs, it would feel much better,” said Fang Ning as his wit struck again.

“Sss… Billionaire Host, you really are a genius at being lazy, a saint at feigning death. Even with an honorable task like holding up the sky, you could think of a way to loaf on the job…” The System was stunned. Evidently, Fang Ning’s clarity of mind was not the System had ever imagined.

“What do you know? Laziness is the foundational motivation for humanity’s progress. If humans are hardworking by nature, we wouldn’t have invented carriages, washing machines, or any of those automated tools to replace manual labor… My thought process was based on this powerful motivation.” Fang Ning replied indignantly.

“Uh… I don’t understand. I can only remind you this, where should the bear lay down on? Look at its size, it’s like a mountain no matter if it stands up or laying down, and that was after rounding its size down. If it laid down here, I’m guessing not even the Pacific Ocean could accommodate it. Axiom Daddy has yet to cause tsunami and floods to happen, so don’t you exacerbate the issue and destroy my name,” warned the System.

“Oh, this is a problem,” Fang said with a frown. “Ideas are easy to generate but difficult to execute. It’d be much easier if the bear knew how to shift its solid-ethereal states… Oh, right, we could dangle this metaphorical carrot in front of it…”

“Huh, even I don’t know the solid-ethereal state shift. With this bear’s intelligence, when would it learn to do this?” The System said disdainfully.

“Don’t underestimate the bear’s motivation to procrastinate…” Fang Ning said in deep introspection.

“Uh, that’s true. Just like you, isn’t it?” The System immediately relented.

Fang Ning was lazy to entertain the System, so he flew in front of the bear’s nose and hollered, “Misha…”

As Misha shifted its attention to Vigilante A, Fang Ning suggested a target for it—to fight for the right to sleep.

Misha was incredibly moved and said as it stifled a sniffle, “You’re really good to me and kept looking out for me. I must cultivate the hardest I can to acquire the ability to shift between the solid-ethereal states, and leave only my four legs to hold up the sky!”

“Mm, it’s good that you have this goal in mind. Even if you’re supporting the sky, you still need a balance of work and play, or you wouldn’t be able to do it for long.” Fang Ning nodded.

He was not heartless, unlike the System. Misha had helped tremendously, and will continue to help in the future, so he had to give it some benefits.

Fang Ning watched as Misha grew larger. After a while, he asked the System to fly onto the moon.

‘No matter what, I have to be the first man to land on it,’ he thought.

It was a distance of over forty thousand kilometers. Misha’s nose was already around thirty thousand kilometers above ground, as huge as any mythical bears, if not more.

At the beginning of the Era of Vitality, there were many events that challenged common sense, but none of those had completely broken the general knowledge of humans.

The System kept flying upwards, so Fang Ning took the chance to go online—not to play games, but to check the world’s status.

A cacophony of hurrahs had dominated the internet.

Fang Ning found a forum he frequented, Monsters Forum. The forum was widely spread around the world with several versions of it running concurrently. It was said to be supported by many legal organizations to promote knowledge.

In the Current Events, new threads keep popping up.

“Look at that bear, it’s holding up the sky!”

“Dragon God didn’t lie to us, he really did it!”

“That’s right. He said the sky wouldn’t collapse, the bear must’ve been summoned by him.”

“What actually happened is that the Russian totem of a bear had been civilized by the Eastern Pharos and had turned over a new leaf, no longer bullying the weak. It even found a new goal in life, which is to prevent the sky from collapsing. So at this very moment, it is fulfilling its promise to hold up the sky. The Eastern Pharos really does honor his words!”

“What a shame. Why didn’t the catastrophe happen? The sky should have fallen, and then I can dominate a region for my own. Damn those lowlifes for continuing to live…” Among the celebration, some trolls appeared.

“What are these people who hoped the crisis to happen? Don’t they know that if the nest turns, no eggs can survive?”

“What a troll. Just a bunch of frogs at the bottom of a well. The cataclysm that you talked about is just god-given opportunity for us!”

As usual, internet arguments happened, and some netizens were noticed by a certain someone who paid attention.

Fang Ning scrolled aimlessly, understanding that this internet phenomenon would not die down for days.

The fate of the newly accessible land in space would emerge as the next hot topic following that.

The predicted cataclysm was avoided and in its place was a divine opportunity. Whoever could seize the opportunity would be able to truly rise to the top in this Age of Vitality.

That was an entire land-in-space that was transformed from the moon!

The moon was long-coveted by humans as a resource. The invention of lunar roving vehicles was the best example of that.

However, due to technological and financial limitations, it was only in its exploration stage.

However, it seemed the Heavenly Axiom had provided a solution for humans.

From 380 thousand kilometers, the distance between the moon and Earth had reduced to forty thousand kilometers, which was just four thousand kilometers about the geosynchronous orbit, coincidentally or not.

If it was deliberate, it would mean that the Heavenly Axiom had evolved so quickly as they digest the technology of humankind. In addition, it was intentionally using physical laws to reduce the consumption of its supernatural energy.

Soon, Vigilante A had arrived at the piece of land.

As soon as it approaches the land, a misty yellow light appeared on its surface, blocking his way.

It looked like it could be broken through easily, but Fang Ning stopped the System from slashing at it.

“What is this? Is the map still locked?” Fang Ning asked in confusion.

“Who knew what the idiot Heavenly Axiom was up to? Say, do you think it’ll play humans until you are destroyed? I think we should make a decision soon. My power is not dependent on vitality as long as I have food to consume. Or, we could live on Mars for a while to avoid the brunt of this.” Seeing the situation, the System suggested earnestly.

“Uh, this suggestion is not bad, but things aren’t as bad as it looks, let’s wait for a bit,” said Fang Ning subconsciously.

“Dammit, you’re tricking me again. It must be you can’t go online on Mars…” said the System accusingly.

“How can you accuse me like that? I’m doing this for your own good. As a hero, if you run away so easily, how many heroic points would you lose?” Fang Ning retorted decisively.

“Even though you’re right, but I think you’re still tricking me. However, I shall entertain you by waiting for some time.” In the end, the System was still afraid that its heroic points would be lowered, so it relented and gave up on fleeing.

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