Alien Evolution System

Chapter 144 - Celebration

The three elites had taken to foreign genetic samples remarkably well, even exceeding the Collector\'s calculations by a nigh inconceivable 40%.

The Collector could not calculate the strength boost the elites would receive adequately because it was still experimenting with Higher Calling, and this was the first time it had truly melded together its own adaptations with magic.

Partly, the Collector had not expected too much due to how Cluster Drones functioned originally.

Cluster drones, as their name suggested, were meant to be used in clusters. They were individually extremely weak relative to the Collector, making up for such weakness with numbers.

In the Collector\'s original form, at the height of its powers, it could field ten thousand cluster drones and expend biomass to continuously produce them.

They would fly from gaps in the Collector\'s carapace and flesh as an immense swarm, washing over smaller warships when their shielding was down, finding cracks in their armor, and wreaking havoc.

Infestor-strain Collectors produced the strongest cluster drones and almost solely relied on them for combative capability, fielding hundreds of thousands of drones, but the Collector, as a Warrior-strain, could not create drones in the same number or strength, and thus used them instead to cull the weak.

The Collector\'s drones fanned out and slaughtered tiny tinkerers in their powersuits or plasmacoil tanks or any starship below the Mammoth class.

This left the Collector to deal with powerful individual threats as it was adapted to, to revel in the battle that was worthy for it.

But now, combined with Higher Calling and incorporated into stronger base specimen, the cluster drones were no longer simply meant to fan out the weak. They were truly potent units that could reliably engage in combat with the Collector.

Or, as the twin elites had stated, to protect the Collector with their lives.

"Truly, this is the flesh blessing of Gob," said the elder as he raised a trembling hand towards the three reborn elites, assessing their magical energy. His eyes widened. "Their mana levels are extraordinary. Two, no, three times higher than before."

"To be precise, their total mana levels have increased by a magnitude of 2.66 times," said the Collector. "However, they must adjust to their newfound capacity and abilities. Judging from the mental processing I have observed from each specimen, I calculate that the one known as \'Thragg\' will take fourteen days to acclimate.

The one known as \'Kandak\' will take five days. As would his twin specimen \'Goromir\'."

"Your judgement is keen and infallible as always, Sovnar," said the elder.

"Not infallible," corrected the Collector. "My processing systems possess a density of neurons and synaptic connections that render the simple systems of your brains nigh obsolete, but there is never a certain calculation.

Probability cannot be absolute. Discrepancies in my calculations rise even further when I do not lack necessary knowledge.

As I have said before, this swarm operates with independence such that in times of need, they make make their own judgements.

Do not be fearful of correcting any calculations I craft as well, for as part of my swarm, I consider your contributions as extensions of my own calculative ability."

"Understood, great Sovnar," said the elder. "That you regard us so highly is heartening to hear."

The Collector clicked its mandibles and then clenched its fists together, swirling out magical energy that funneled into its new drones. The magical energy came out in three separate threads of blue that latched on to the elites\' hearts, granting them magical energy with which to stabilize with.

The blue colored mana of Unity. This, the Collector had adapted and figured out how to utilize when it tapped into the Jotnar core, for its affinity was that of Unity.

Now there were but two mana affinities for the Collector to observe and utilize properly.

That being Root and Void.

The Collector could already understand how to utilize Root based mana, for it was in essence affinity to concentrate mana in single points at high densities.  Highly complementary with techniques such as [Guard], though the Collector would have to see more techniques in action in order to fully begin its own experimentations with it.

Void, however, was still a mystery, and there were none around the Collector that knew of what it could accomplish. Even the female daemon specimen had thought it an aberration of low probability.

The three evolved elites in front of the Collector groaned in unison as they gained greater control of themselves, their consciousnesses finally getting used to their new bodies. They tentatively moved their limbs, looking at themselves with palpable surprise.

Then, Goromir smiled, his helmet of carapace sheathing back to reveal his face fully.

"What strength!" He clenched his fist and surged out his magical energy, green tides of power rippling around him in an intensity that he had never exhibited before. "With this might, I would never have fallen in the Shattering."

"Agreed, brother," said Kandak as he too loosed magical energy, though his was painted red.

Together, they made the dungeon tremble, shuddering at the waves of magical energy they unleashed.

"Enough boasting, you two," said Thragg. He, despite his physical prowess and the tendency for goblin kind to fixate on it, was far more reflective than the rest. Introspective. "It is only due to the Sovar we have this power, and it is through the purpose he gives us that we use it."

"You are right, young one," said Goromir. "To think a goblin of this new age could be so well spoken."

"We are all the same people still," said Thragg. "Do not belittle us for we share the same threads of blood."

"I apologize," nodded Goromir. "Old habits. When I walked across the realms, the kingdom of Gob culled all imperfect bloodlines, so it is easy for me to see others of Gob in terms of being lesser. But all of you are my brothers and sisters in not only life, but also death, united by the Sovnar."

"United, but soon to part ways," said Thragg. "Sovnar, from how you order us to avoid the humans, I believe you too wish to evade them. It cannot be that you desire to remain long here. Do you wish to move now?"

"If the three of you are adapted to your new forms enough and the swarm is prepared," said the Collector.

"A moment, Sovnar," said Goromir.

"Speak," replied the Collector.

"There is still much meat left to eat, and the goblins that remained here still do not know us too well," said Goromir. "Let us all sit in peace and quiet, to eat and make merry and come to know the other, for moments like these will become all too rare."

Goromir smiled to the rest of the goblins that had died and risen with him. "And we will be the first among all bloodlines of Gob to ever celebrate not simply our lives, but our deaths as well. I cannot pass up a chance like that."

"You desire to create a moment of rest among the swarm so that they may cultivate greater cohesion among you through extended social interaction." The Collector analyzed this suggestion. It knew by now that the goblins were a highly social species, becoming more and more interactive the more they evolved.

The Collector itself had little conception of this social interaction, but it knew that it was useful in creating a stronger sense of collective unity among the swarm, especially as it was comprised of individuals and not mindless drones.

And, as the Collector had noted before, it was here to take suggestions for calculations it could not compute properly. The realm of social interaction being one of them. This, the Collector trusted the elite specimen on.

"Agreeable, then," said the Collector. "Ensure that this period of socialization does not last more than six hours, however."

"Many thanks, O Sovnar," said Goromir with a deep bow, his fist over his heart.

Then, Goromir spun around and raised his fists in the air. He went into the middle of the swarm, and with a shout, said, "Come on then! The Sovnar grants us time to make merry. And we shall make merry in the way of our peoples!

All you men of this tribe, those that dare, at least, come forwards and fight me! Women, too, for might is blind."

Goromir\'s words roused the swarm, and they began to circle around the elite, passing around chunks of meat among themselves to watch as competitors against Goromir came up to him to spar, testing out their own newfound physical abilities with the Breath of Life.

When Goromir triumphed over a champion, the swarm reacted, talking among themselves, wondering how the champion could have done better or marveling at Goromir\'s moves or, if one of the goblins had stayed behind in the dungeon, talking to exchange experiences on what had occurred.

The Collector remained aloof, recharging its mana and producing purifying light blades to arm the goblins with, but it observed nonetheless, watching as the emotions coursed around the swarm and analyzing how they worked.

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