The Sage of Einar

Chapter 32 - Creating Paper

Ibssen and Gerd looked proudly at the strange wooden machine that appeared to be a press.

"Ibssen, according to Einar\'s plan, you know how this machine is going to be used."

Ibssen frowned. "Maybe it has something to do with the large amount of lime-boiled tree bark that Einar boiled two weeks ago.

I think he had mentioned that when the bark of wood is boiled with water and lime, it can be softened, and with it, what he called paper is made.

Although that does not explain where this wood press comes in, but look on the good side, we have managed to finish this assignment, and now we only need to make the pools to dry the seawater.

And then we will be able to finish these big orders, although we will have to continue supervising the assembly of the Crossbow and the production of the Atlatl. "

Gerd laughed and patted Ibssen on the shoulder. "See the bright side; thanks to our friendship with Kassia, we now have a close place with Einar.

Otherwise, we would be working tirelessly like Seren and the rest of the Craftsmen\'s guild. "

Ibssen also started laughing, "Come help me get this tool to Kassia\'s house along with some of the pots with boiled tree bark."

When the two men were about to arrive at the house, they heard some suggestive noises, so they ended up seeing.

"Einar\'s youth in full swing, I think we should wait a bit far from here.

I don\'t think it\'s a perfect idea to interrupt your happy time, but how lucky Einar is. "

Gerd just exhaled. "We had our moment too, don\'t make me remind you of that merchant\'s daughter, now let\'s get out of here."

While this was happening outside the house, inside it, Max was massaging Kassia and Helmi\'s feet.

But because Max knew how to squeeze in the right places, you must, from time to time, the two women made some moans.

After finishing, Max cleaned his hands with alcohol. "How do they feel."

Kassia, who was already falling asleep, just smiled; Helmi, who was a little more awake, looked fondly at Einar and indicated with her finger that he will need to come closer.

Max approached, and Helmi greeted him with a kiss while resting her head on his "Thanks for the massage."

Max stroked Helmi\'s cheek. "It is my duty as your future husband; anyway, every three days, I will give you two a foot massage.

Although I am not an expert, massage can help you avoid retaining fluids, not to mention that the more your belly grows, it will also help reduce the swelling of your feet. "

Helmi blushed and asked something in Einar\'s ear.

At the end of listening, Einar just caresses Helmi\'s cheek. "We can continue having relationships, but they must be calm and not violent as it can be dangerous for our children.

Either way, just let your husband take care of everything; we have some time before the craftsmen and slaves I hired come along. "

After waiting for some time, Gerd and Ibssen were able to see that some craftsmen and slaves began to climb the hill taking with them a large number of materials.

"Wow, it seems that the rumors that Einar spent a thousand silver coins to build a fortress were not false."

Gerd stroked his beard. "But if that rumor is true, then so is the fact that Kassia and Helmi are pregnant."

Ibssen got up off the ground and shook the earth on his pants. "I guess we\'re going to have a big wedding in the next few days.

Although I can\'t be sure as Einar is quite unpredictable, it is best to confirm him directly.

I just hope that when we get there, they are done. "

Max got up from his bed and began dressing while looking at Kassia and Helmi\'s naked bodies.

When he finished dressing, Max left the house and could see the craftsmen and slaves he had hired coming up the hill.

How also, Gerd and Ibssen seemed to carry a wooden press and some earthenware vases.

Max thought for a moment until he remembered the paper machine he had drawn some time ago.

"Haha, it was about time they finished that machine.

At last, there will be a steady supply of paper; now, this opens up another question.

What language should I use for writing from now on? "

Max started walking toward Gerd and Ibssen. \'It is not viable for me to use the runic language because my knowledge of it is null, and creating a script using the Latin alphabet could take me a lifetime.

Nor is it very convenient to use Latin because this is the Viking age and I am in an area completely isolated from the Christian nucleus.

So it can only be English or German, although I am not an expert in either of the two languages.

I can educate the village children, and perhaps in my children\'s age, the language will be entirely assimilated by our people. \'

When Max arrived with Gerd and Ibssen, he helped them load the press; on the way, none of them mentioned that they had arrived earlier.

When we reached the outskirts of the house, Max left the press outside. "Here, we will leave the press, Gerd, help me get a fist of the bark fiber from the clay pots they brought; I will teach you what to do."

Max received the bark from Gerd\'s hand and began to arrange the fiber filaments into a grid.

After this, Max used the wood press to crush the fiber, which came together and ended up like a wet sheet.

"This thing that looks like mush is a sheet of paper, so now that it\'s done, you need to carefully peel it off and place it near the fire.

It can be on a clean stone but do not put them on the dirty floor as the paper will be damaged.

Ibssen prepares a small fire, so I can dry the paper I just made. "

Ibssen nodded and began to build a fire; Gerd began cleaning some rocks near the fire that Ibssen was about to make.

Max let the two craftsmen work while Gisli received a bricklayer and craftsman in charge of supervising the fortress\'s construction.

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