Yin-Yang Harmony System

Chapter 115

"Because the first battle will be Duos Battle. Due to the high number of participants, each of them is teamed with another for the Duos Battle. If you succeed, you will move to the next round. If you lose, you will be disqualified."

"If it is possible, we need to find a suitable battle partner for you. In the middle of the battle, your partner is allowed to give up leaving you alone against two. Since many top families are participating, they will do everything to manipulate those people coming from the weak backgrounds."

"It would be easy if you face against the Duos with the weak background. But if you end up facing the Duos with strong background, you will be in trouble. If you can\'t find a suitable partner before the Emperor\'s announcement, your partner will be selected randomly." Mad Beast Emperor explained upon seeing his curiosity.

"That\'s exactly the reason why they want to meet you, master," Daniel spoke from the side as they entered the Elevator. As the elevator moved down, Mad Beast Emperor asked "Huh! Don\'t tell me both of the Fire Bird\'s disciples are participating?"

"Yes, Master!" Daniel smirked when heard Fire Emperor\'s nickname. It\'s not uncommon to see the nickname between two friends.

"So, that bastard Lewis got no choice but to join hands with my disciple." Mad Beast Emperor frowned a little and spoke in disgust. His expression was noticed by Mike. He didn\'t ask his master rather looked at Daniel.

Seeing Mike\'s gaze, Daniel thought for a while and finally decided to explain "Emperor Lewis is one of the ten emperors of King\'s Academy. He comes from Xavier Family. This family is very ruthless. Unlike other families, they quickly accepted the rules of the cultivation and trained their people cruelly."

"Seventeen years ago, Emperor Lewis had twins. Well, it would a happy occasion if it was a normal family. But for them, it was considered a curse. Both of them were daughters and more importantly, their innate abilities were shared."

"One of them awakened Berserk Innate Ability and another awakened Regeneration. When berserk is used, it slowly destroys your own body. If it was a single person with these two abilities which was supposed to be, then Berserk side effect could be negligent."

"But, they were born as twins. More importantly, both of these Innate Abilities were S-Rank. Emperor Lewis also has an S-Rank Innate Ability known as Laser Eyes. As it name suggests, he can shoot lasers beam from his eyes. Those lasers have the extraordinary destructive capability. It can bend as well. And, it can also tail his opponent."

"Normally, he would ignore twins since they didn\'t have much use in the family and produce others for inheriting his Xavier Family. But none of his other children succeed in inhering S-Rank Innate Ability. So, he was forced to train his daughter with Berserk Innate Ability ruthlessly for winning top ten."

"The final reward might give him another chance to have an heir that can inherit S-Rank Innate Ability. Although it is not confirmed, his daughter with Regeneration is ruthlessly tortured so that his other daughter will work hard."

"Even if the head is split, S-Rank Regeneration can grow a new head. To be tortured wouldn\'t be enough, she was killed on many occasions. Otherwise, do you think the berserk girl would have reached the thirteenth rank within two months?"

"Well, I am not comparing her with you. Since you are a complete freak to reach the thirteenth rank within a month, but it is still admirable. Master wanted to beat Emperor Lewis but other authorities don\'t allow them to fight without a proper conflict. And, Master is also not allowed to interfere in others\' family business."

"So, he might ask you to join her."

When Daniel finished speaking, Mike stood eyes brightened as he spoke "This tournament is like a festival."

"Huh? You didn\'t get it, do you? Most of the geniuses might be compelled to win due to their tough position. But no matter what, you can\'t let them soften your heart." Daniel was confused when Mike mentioned the festival.

He thought Mike was literally taking this as a festival, so he tried to convince Mike.

But Mike shook his head and answered "I completely understood. It\'s just you didn\'t understand me. For me, this is just a festival where you can buy one and get one for free."

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha!  Oh my god! That\'s my boy." Upon understanding the meaning behind his words, Mad Beast Emperor started laughing like a maniac and patted his shoulder, praising him.

"Huh!" Daniel who didn\'t understand his meaning kept looking at Master-Disciple laughing with joy. But slowly, his mind blew up as he understood everything.

\'Holy shit! This disciple is even more daring than his master.\' In an instant, his view of Mike changed to the same as the views of Mad Beast Emperor.


Forty seconds later,

The elevator stops and three of them walked out. Daniel guided them to their room. This building was a big hotel reserved for these participants. It was constructed with gold, silver, and higher quality construction materials.

There were several golden pillars and lots of well-furnished structures like statues, a hallway, and even lighting. Following Daniel, they reached in front of room no. \'303\'. As they walk in, Mike seems to have entered the rooms of a billionaire in his previous life.

Not only everything was high-tech, it even had perfectly crafted structures and materials such as a bed, lighting, extra chairs, and a table, a wardrobe, a TV. But these were just beginnings as Daniel walked forward and explained these room features to Mike.

"Young Master, your room is on the left side. It has B-Rank Virtual Space Creator where you can practice during this tournament. As long as you don\'t enter the General Realm, you can continue strengthening your strength."

"You can order food into your room or simply walk to the dining section with me or master. As for your entertainment, I don\'t think you might need any as hardworking as you are."

Mike\'s expression changed as he pointed the finger at himself and asked "Me? Young master?"

"Yes, Emperor is my master. But this relationship is not like your master-disciple relationship. I am his slave and he is my master. Through this relation, you are my young master." Daniel calmly explained without any signs of shame or willingness just like current Sunny.

  "Daniel, how many times do I have to tell you? You are not my slave just a subordinate." Mad Beast Emperor helplessly turned his head at Daniel and spoke.

"Master, it is my freedom to do what I want, right? A man shall never abandon his promise. When you saved my family that day and the whole city, I promised to be your slave." Daniel made a serious look on his face and spoke.

"Hey! Hey! Wait a freaking minute! I thought government and revolutions were protecting the world. How come you almost lost your family and the whole city?" Mike freaked out for a moment and asked with confusion.

Hearing his question, Mad Beast Emperor and Daniel looked at him with pity. They both sighed and Daniel spoke "Young master, since you have never traveled out of the state, you might not know this. And, I can\'t blame you either."

"After all, Ethen State is also one of the safest places on earth. But, not all states are in the same condition. Especially states of Europe and Australia. Yeah, Empire\'s Government and Revolution are strong. So what? Can they change every single person in the world?"

"While they are forcefully suppressing the arrogant, evil, and prideful side of the human until they are awakened, they are forgetting you can\'t suppress the beast for a long time. Humans do not possess any attribute from birth. They are born with nothing special."

"But that makes special. They can adapt to everything situation. Not all people are good, not all people are bad, even revolutions and governments are corrupted. Wars between states, alliance with Dark Raven Organization, and surrendering to the higher-level races for strength, humans are now divided into good and bad."

"Even Ethen State is a prime example. Otherwise, why do you think a war happens every year in your state?" Daniel gave him a deep look and ask.

Mike couldn\'t reply. He was unable to hold the shock of the information he gained.

"Ethen State is peaceful, not because it is protected by others. It\'s because Ravens wants to brew a lot of blood from those awakened teenagers. Soon, everyone will leave the Ethen State. And, it will be transformed into an abandoned state like states of some other continents."

"Every continent was supposed to have thirty states. But now, Australia has only ten states. Europe has fifteen. Asia and North America have twenty-five. South America has thirty. And the strongest Africa has all thirty-five states."

"With the blessing of God of Death Anubis and Sun God Re, Africa has retained its strength. Although other empires also pray to gods, many people can\'t seek god\'s protection. Some states of Europe have stained life even though Europe was heavily destroyed by Ravens, Traitors, and other evils people because they have some gods they could pray."

"Same goes for us. Even though it might be hard to believe but you can get the blessing of a god. Especially now when you have a clear chance to communicate with the gods. It\'s hard to believe that we will return to believing in gods after extending science and technology to this extent."

"Of course, they do not believe in god-like in past. Now, they believe in God because they believe they can also become one."

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