The Sage of Einar

Chapter 272 - First Glass Factory

In a rather large brick building where the new glass factory was, Einar prepared to enter with Seren to oversee the last details of the factory.

One guard opened the wooden door, letting in Einar and Seren, who could see two impressive machines.

To begin with, there were a couple of glass furnaces, because they had not found a way to make transparent glass.

All the glass that was manufactured was green, however each furnace supplied the gear machines that received its energy.

From a sterling engine that was in the back of the factory, which gave the characteristic aroma of cooked meat to the place.

The first machinery they planned to review was the automatic blowing machine, for which a group of slaves.

They lit the first furnace and melted a specially calculated mixture to correctly form the glass.

When the materials were melted, they activated a lever which moved some gears that activated a pulley system.

With which specially protected chains were moved inside the furnace that moved some stone gears with which the stone container.

It leaned in, allowing the glass inside them to trickle out onto a stone slide, where it flowed into a gutter.

Where the slaves, using iron tools, broke it as if it were plasticine.

Later they accommodate it inside some stone molds that were composed of two parts supported by steel latches.

Where they moved with tweezers to the glass creation area, where the stone mold was placed and at that moment a lever was activated.

That caused the stone mold to rise to a wooden pivot where air was injected from a specially constructed bellows.

After this they lowered the mold using the lever and with tweezers, they left it on a stone roller conveyor belt.

Which led them to an area where slaves opened the steel latches to let the mold separate.

From inside they took out beautiful, flawless bottles, which were taken with tweezers, to be placed in a closed place where they would cool naturally.

For the sample only one blower was occupied, but the machine had 10 stone pivots connected to bellows.

"I see that the machinery is working very well, that so much seal fat has to be used per day."

Einar asked the factory foreman for a craftsman recommended by Seren, who was involved in creating the gears for the machinery.

"If all the pivots are activated, we can make 500 glass bottles a day or 1000 glass glasses or 400 jars a day.

In terms of artisan production, we can only manufacture 100 glass plates per day because they do not require an advanced blowing process.

We use 50 kg of seal fat at day."

Einar nodded "Remember to write down everything that can be improved or substituted to increase production.

Although I can tell you with great pride that no one in the world can produce this amount of glassware in such a short time.

But for us this is just a small step, we have to keep increasing production to fully squeeze the traders.

They will pay for each crystal thing in gold or rather in labor.

For the construction of the dynamite factory on the mountain, I need at least 500 people, and we need another 500 people for the construction of the dye factory and the houses inside the palace fort.

With the purple dye that I can make, it will be our greatest way of making money.

Each purple linen cloth will sell for 100 gold coins. It may sound expensive but the cost of natural snail purple is ten times more expensive.

Not to mention, what noble wouldn\'t want to wear the mythical purple color of royalty.

But we don\'t just have purple, we have blue, yellow, red, black, brown, and green.

Although those are just the base, there will be more colors in the future, but with just red, green and blue we can make any color range.

However, there is no point that I was excited about the future.

Now show me the second machine in operation I want to see the process of creating the glass panels. "

The foreman nodded and gave the order to light the furnace where the tin would melt like the second furnace where the glass-making mixture would melt.

Following the same process, a lever was activated, and the glass could flow down a stone slide where unlike the first time.

The glass flowed into a tin pool where it floated, forming the characteristic rectangular shape that panes of glass must have.

When the glass was about to fill the tin pool completely, two slaves using forceps, pulled the glass onto a stone roller conveyor.

Which carried the gigantic glass panel to a hot stone platform where it rested for a moment.

So that later a slave will begin to turn a crank with which a mechanical press began to lower.

Which had steel blades with which the large glass panel was cut into smaller glass panels.

After this, the slave turned the crank again to raise the press with which the glass was cut.

When the press was raised in a safe place, a group of slaves with tools that appeared to be spatulas raised the glass panels.

To be able to place them in a dark place where they could cool down naturally.

"How many glass panels can we make and did the steel tools work to cut the glass panels?"

The foreman pointed out to the machine, "We can manufacture 100 glass panels per day. Although we could do more, the cutting and harvesting process is not complete.

As for glass cutting tools. "

With a wave of his hand, the foreman made a slave approach them, carrying a pane of glass.

The panel measured 50x50 centimeters in a perfect square shape.

Once the slave arrived, he placed the panel on the ground and, using a ruler and charcoal pencil, made four lines at the corners.

When he was done, he took out a tool that looked like a scalpel and began to cut the corners of the glass along the lines he had drawn on the glass.

When he finished, he lifted the glass panel and with gentle movements began to move the corners, which came off, leaving the square as an octagon.

Einar then smiled "Very good job. I want you to work entirely on making glass.

In two days, it will be the inauguration of the factory. Remember to teach more slaves to cut glass because I will begin the construction of the first greenhouse of the tribe.

In it we will be able to sow many of the seeds that the Inuit brought and that need a special climate.

By the way, the project I asked you to do, have they finished? "

The foreman nodded and walked towards his office. So Seren and Einar followed him.

"Seren remembers increasing vigilance on the slaves, although they do not know the methods of glass production.

They must be guarded. When the craftsmen\'s district is built, they will be able to be in a fully guarded area. "

Seren looked at Einar seriously. "We are working with the Eye of Odin organization to create an effective spy ring.

But there should be no problems with new or old slaves. "

Einar smiled. "That\'s good, but you never have enough research when it comes to state security.

They must deepen the spy network even more. I want to know what each slave thinks; I want to know their needs or their tastes.

It is important to make a profile of each one of them to be able to know if they are responsible or if they will stab us in the back.

By the time the slaves outnumbered our population, we have to be careful to be able to fully absorb all of them into our society.

But this is not the time to talk about these issues. Tomorrow, we will have a meeting to review the weekly report. "

Upon reaching the foreman\'s office, he opened the door and allowed them to enter before closing the door.

After this, he walked to the table where he took from his desk two wooden boxes, which he placed in front of Einar.

Einar opened the two boxes and could see two thermometers. The first was a long glass tube that had a steel base in the shape of an elongated bulb.

The glass tube was numbered from 0 to 100 with a red color while blue were the numbers from -1 to -50 and 101 to 150.

This was done intentionally by Einar because the boiling water on the shore will usually be 100 degrees Celsius, while the freezing temperature of the water will always be 0 degrees Celsius.

With these two data, the thermometer was calibrated by dividing between 0 and 100, taking that into account and following the same divisions. The numbers were made in blue.

Although it was not a perfectly calibrated thermometer, much less in the blue zones, it was fully functional for a primitive society.

Lacking modern tools to be able to make more accurate thermometers, however, the thermometer was planned to be used to measure the temperature of the human body.

The second thermometer was a long glass tube on a wooden plate, unlike the first the steel bulb was much larger.

This is because the thermometer measures the temperature of the environment, although Einar wanted to make an alcohol thermometer.

The technology to make a small diameter capillary in glass and steel was impossible to come by with the tools he had.

"I\'ll take these two thermometers, but I want you to make more of these thermometers.

They are indispensable tools for the health and safety of the tribe, although I would like to stay longer.

I have to continue with the writing of the constitution. "

The foreman and Seren nodded as they watched as Einar got up and carried the wooden boxes with him.

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