The Sage of Einar

Chapter 317 - Training Of New Boxing Prospects

In a specially built gymnasium in the Greek soldiers\' barracks, a group of 20 slaves was gathered.

All of them were the slaves chosen to take part in the first boxing championship of the nation.

"Welcome regional champions. All of you were chosen because you showed that you are the best among your teammates.

You are all true warriors. That is why you will train the rules of Nordic boxing and learn the training.

It will be complicated and I am sure you will cry in training, but you will be the first boxers in the country and not only that.

You will be the representatives of their own groups, the winner of the tournament will receive a champion belt, you will be released and they will receive a house for their families.

Also, as members of the first boxing committee, you will have certain privileges because your job will be exclusively to train you and the new recruits.

You will have to learn everything that I taught them and not only that, You will have to create your own techniques, always respecting the rules that are imposed.

I am sure they will be remembered in the future as the 20 founding members of boxing.

People will remember them fondly because they are the pioneers in this sport. I just created the sport and the path, you will have to show that you can follow the path.

Now let\'s move on to the first thing they should know about what protective gear they should be wearing. "

Einar then showed them a table where there was a head guard, gloves, and a wooden mouth guard.

"I know that many of you enjoy fighting only using your fists or, failing that, bandages on your hands to be able to hit each other.

But there is one major difference between what they did and what they are going to learn now.

It is that they will practice a sport. In this case, it is important to win, but you must not kill or seriously injure their opponent.

That\'s the difference between a sport and a battle royale. I hope you understand now I want one of you to come forward to show you how to use the equipment. "

One of the slaves stepped forward. He had a thin complexion but with marked muscles. He also had red hair.

"I am Braian, Konungar Einar.

I am willing to participate as a volunteer to show how boxing equipment is used. "

Einar nodded and, with a wave of his hand, invited him to come forward.

"The head protector is extremely important and should never be absent because they should know that blows to the head can be lethal or can cause long-term problems.

The mouth guard is used to prevent you from losing teeth or accidentally biting your tongue if you get hit on the chin.

Finally, the gloves are specially constructed so that they can hit without having to worry about the consequences of their blows.

These three tools will be the most valuable to you, but to begin with, you have to learn how to bandage your hands. "

Einar took Brian\'s hand and, using a woolen bandage, he began to make a correct tie so that the fingers and the hand would not suffer damage.

When he finished tying the bandage, he went to the next hand and returned the same procedure. When he finished, he put on the leather gloves.

When they were already on, he tied them to his hands using a specially prepared leather strap, after which he gave Brian a few minor blows on the hands.

"Does it hurt or do you feel any discomfort?"

Brian shook his head, so Einar nodded and put the mouth guard on him. After that, he put on his leather helmet and looked at him with a smile.

"This is the way you should look, but the clothes are wrong. The boxing uniform will be shorts only and some special boots that I made for you.

But since this is a test, I want you to see how the equipment is used correctly. "

After saying those words, Einar put on protective equipment, as well as gloves.

When he was ready, he looked at everyone.

"The best way to train is for you to feel the training with your bodies. For the moment, I am a demonstration.

Well, under no circumstances should you practice a workout without first warming up, as the body can end up damaged.

Brian comes with me to the ring that I had specially made. "

The two walked to a square wooden platform with a cloth covering that had four posts covered in leather and cotton.

The whole structure had ropes around it and they also had a kind of sinks in the two corners of the ring.

Einar pointed to the ring "The fight can only be done in this place, because time is very short. You will only do two rounds in the tournament.

Each round will last for 10 minutes, in which you will have to fight. Each hit they give will give them points they will earn if they knock out the opponent or make more points than the opponent.

If you wonder about the sinks in the corners, it is to rinse the mouth, as there may be blood in the mouth even when wearing the mouth guard.

But let\'s have a little round of fighting Brian. Get in the ring. The red corner is yours and mine is the blue.

Just normal punches, no kicks or blows behind the head. "

When the two got into the ring, Einar put on his mouth guard and made a signal with his hand to indicate that the fight could start.

Brian, who had experienced fighting since he had been fighting for bread since he was a child, was surprised when Einar began to beat him in a strange way.

Unlike their undisciplined fight, Einar\'s punches were orderly and when he tried to hit him, he blocked his punches.

For 5 minutes, Brian was beaten relentlessly until Einar decided to stop when he saw that Brian was already losing consciousness because of the constant punching.

Taking off his gloves, he approached Brian and patted him on the face "Stay with me Brian, it was just training but you must learn to block punches.

It won\'t be easy, but I\'m sure you will learn. "

Gesturing to a soldier who brought a glass container of water, Einar removed the protection from Brian\'s head and wet his face.

Because of this he reacted and looked at Einar in surprise as he took off his mouthguard "Is the training finished?"

Einar laughed and patted him on the shoulder as he handed him the bowl of water "You did well but you have a lot to learn."

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