The Sage of Einar

Chapter 347 - The Power Of The Nordic State

The morning of the next day, the first thing Einar did was introduce little Norma to the whole family.

For this, he took enough time to be able to explain to them what had happened during the night as well as the sad story of the little girl.

Fortunately, none of his wives or children had any sign of disagreement with his decision, this because they fully trusted him.

Not to mention how little Norma quickly adjusted to her new brothers and sisters, also Einar\'s wives.

They took charge of taking care of her, following the instructions that she had given because he had to go personally to the town to look for those responsible.

For that, he would first meet with Eskol, with whom he would speak so that he could find out what results the night\'s investigation had yielded.

He had the priority of finishing that same day to be able to find the culprits, because the longer it will be, the more difficult it will be to find clues that will lead to the murderers or the murderer.

But before leaving, he went to the clinic where Bryce was staying. He planned to leave him the task of investigating all the plants that could be used to treat sweet urine or, better known as diabetes.

After a few minutes, he left the imperial palace to head towards the warriors\' barracks where Eskol had to be.

Upon reaching the barracks, he realized that there were numerous warriors from one side to the other carrying some materials with them.

It only suffices to review it from afar to be able to realize that they were documents about the island\'s population.

Eskol, who was quite awake and somewhat tired, was analyzing some documents which contained information about some suspects that he already had in mind.

The first group of suspects belonged to a group of French called the chosen ones. All of them had been sons of nobles, so they had a despicable behavior towards slaves.

The second group of suspects was a group of Norsemen who had belonged to the tribe since its origins. They did not like the command of the herald Einar.

But they did not have the courage or the strength to rebel. At the time, they had been able to join the rebellion that Ivar had made when he challenged Einar in a duel.

But when they saw that stupid Ivar lost in the most absurd way possible to Einar, they just kept a low profile.

Observing at all times the actions that Einar was committing, as they were looking for some error to be able to take advantage of it and present it in the assembly of the Thing.

Eskol had many doubts about that group because if someone could have threatened Minerva, it must have been someone from the Nordics.

This is because how Nordic can have some influence, so it would be easy to deceive a slave.

Not to mention that the house where the blood and others had been found belonged to some slaves that had been owned by a family that belongs to that group.

The last suspect was a slave man who had been a soldier who lately had tried to have a relationship with Minerva.

Although his attempts had not progressed, he was a confirmed alcoholic who had had problems before in the bars of the city.

When Einar entered the room, he started talking to Eskol and went through the three files. When he finished reading them, he looked seriously at Eskol.

"I want you to investigate The First Group and the drunken suspect, Odin\'s Eye, and the Imperial Guard, will take charge of treating the rebels\' cancer.

If I find out that they were the culprits of Minerva\'s death, blood will flow these days.

Keep me informed of all the things that happen with the investigation and prepare your warriors for possible uprisings in arms of a group of rats. "

After this, Einar left and headed towards the barracks of the eye of Odin.

Three days after the talk they had had in front of Einar, a 10-page file was found with all the members of the rebel group.

To Einar\'s surprise, they were a group of vermin that had lived under Ivar\'s protection, although he had previously cleaned some rats.

He realized that there were quite a few rats that had escaped from his network. That is why this time he would not allow failures in his execution plan.

To begin with, he would deliver an accurate blow to the 45 members of that group of rebels. He would apply the same tactic that King Philip IV of France used against the Knights Templar.

First, a raid would be carried out on all the houses of those involved. Later, Einar would personally take charge of torturing each one of them.

The truth will have to come to light, if at a certain moment Eskol informs you that the real culprit or culprits are other people.

Einar was willing to also punish them, as he would not allow a dissident group in his nation because it endangers his family.

Besides, it is not that they are protesters; it is a group of scum that seeks power and they have to do what they have to do to get it.

That same day, in the quiet streets of the city of Asgard, the soldiers of special forces dressed in green uniforms and armed with crossbows.

They began a raid on the city at the same time, while the warriors and imperial guard guarded the exits of the city wall.

The members of the special forces in charge of Drew were almost 500 soldiers trained in modern tactics that Einar had led in the Mexican army.

Although they had no firearms, Einar made sure they learn to use their melee weapons, crossbows, and explosives to the best of their ability.

The group of special forces went to the addresses of the traitors and in just minutes, they removed the 45 traitors from their homes.

They all put a black cloth bag over their heads and were taken to the warriors\' barracks, where there was a prison large enough to be interrogated.

The citizens and slaves of the city said nothing bad against Einar\'s actions, believing that he had done something good for them.

While the families of those arrested were simply informed that their husbands and children were being investigated for actions against the stability of the Nordic nation.

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