The Sage of Einar

Chapter 378 - A Change In The Nordic Nation

Two days later, in the central square, Einar was standing on a podium, while in front of him was a large iron megaphone.

Which he would use so that his voice could be heard throughout the place. Einar, upon seeing the vast majority of citizens gathered, began his speech.

"Today, July 17, 832, I have to tell you that a great threat is approaching our home.

All life that we know is in danger because there is a group of bandits sheltered by the corrupt church of Rome who are on their way.

It is a holy war that they waged against us. I as the messiah of God and the herald of Odin, can only say that they are going to lose.

But just as Moses freed the Jews from the yoke of Pharaoh today, I have decreed the project for the integration of slaves.

As of today, any slave will obtain his freedom on the island, only those slaves for crimes will have to continue serving their sentences.. "

All the slaves shouted slogans of joy because they had obtained their freedom. When the spirits relaxed, a little Einar continued speaking.

"Now that we are all citizens of the same nation, only we can fight an enemy that has a larger fleet.

To begin, all non-essential constructions will be paralyzed and priority will be given to building fortresses, factories and watchtowers.

All of us, as citizens, must comply with a quota system. The government will give free food during this period of time.

But the effort will be focused on producing weapons, ammunition and everything that can guarantee our safety.

Village committees will be established, and they will have the task of supervising the construction of all the buildings that are required.

It will also open the possibility of recruitment for the army, both men and women.

All citizens, by obligation, will have to learn to shoot a crossbow and use a melee weapon.

Children who can read and write will be helpers throughout the nation\'s resource management.

The elderly who cannot work in demanding places will help with simple tasks, pregnant women will also help with simple tasks.

As of today, the state of total war comes into effect in the constitution, so every citizen will have to work twice as many shifts if necessary.

They will all be paid in war bonds, which will be paid off over the next few years after the war.

I want you to know that not only will you be working, I will personally be developing weapons and everything necessary to win this war.

You can be sure that we will win and we will not let those rapists, murderers, and fanatics come to end our lives.

All of them consider us servants of the devil, pagans who do not know the love of God.

That gives them enough justification to attack us and commit atrocities. Here, I ask you if you are willing to let your children be sold and your wives raped.

While a priest of the church of Rome calls you sinners and hits you with a whip! "

They all yelled with hatred, "No!"

"So brothers and sisters, you are willing to give your life to defend our nation from the enemy."

Everyone raised their hands "Yes!"

Einar looked proudly at the faces of all his citizens, as there were even children among those who shouted.

"So be it, from today until the arrival of the enemies, we will prepare the sacred defense of our island and the Nordic nation.

Why the homeland is first and cursed whoever dares to attack it, because its people will be in charge of bringing a punishment against the invader.

Because no one will enter our sacred land without first suffering great punishments, you can be sure that I will make weapons so terrifying that it will leave a mark on those enemies. "

After this, Einar made a sign of his hand and the children of the orchestra began to play the song of the national anthem.

Everyone then began to sing in unison.

\'Holy Land.


Children of the land of ice, raise your weapons.


To fight the enemies of the nation.


May our children live in peace while our enemies paint the ground with their blood.


All of us children of Odin have a duty to guard our land and traditions from any enemy.


United as brothers, we will forge a land free from oppression, and with our boots, we will eliminate the enemy.


Sacred land and eternal freedom.


Together, we will achieve the final victory. May the gods have mercy on our enemies because our soul will be in Valhalla.


Children of the land of ice. Our story is just beginning. May our children and grandchildren speak of our greatness.


All united, we will never be defeated. May our weapons protect our families.


The time for unity is now. We will fight if necessary.


To defend our families from any aggression.


Children of the land of ice, the gods are with us.


Sacred land and eternal freedom.


The time of our people has come. \'


When the hymn reached the end, everyone prepared so that they could receive orders about what to do.

Einar, for his part, was in charge of coordinating everything he could do in the capital in order to make it easier for the new citizens to work without problems.

At night Einar lay down on his bed, quite tired. At that moment, Kassia hugged his arm.

"These months will be quite difficult, but I am sure we will succeed.

But it would have been a good idea to free the slaves. Most of them have not raised a family, which will prevent them from deserting to the enemy "

Einar smiled and caressed Kassia\'s beautiful face. "Our enemy is stupid for using holy war against us, this because they will not accept deserters in their troops.

They come with the intention of conquering and destroying, in the name of God.

Fortunately, I am considered a messiah by them, not to mention that the Nordic Christian religion is completely different from what they knew.

They have tasted the fruit of freedom and they will not let it go, sooner or later they would be free. The only thing I did was to advance time so that they could be free.

In addition, according to the last census I carried out, there are 134,782 people on the island, so I believe that I can form an effective army of 30,000 troops and with adequate training, each woman, child and adult will be able to defend their homeland.

This is not about a war is the defense of life against fanatics and opportunists, that under the command of a madman.

They want to destroy a place that has nothing to do with them and everything because that damn son of a bitch Ludovico thinks you want his throne.

If something happens to you, Kassia, I would not forgive myself. You are someone important to me.

But I can tell you that if you die, I will not rest until I have Ludovico in front of me, because that would already be a personal revenge. "

Kassia kissed Einar. "I\'m sure you will, but I will not die. I\'m not going to leave you alone with the children.

That I can promise you. "

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