Everything will be my way!

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

«Holy shit…» – Kyon muttered in disbelief. This girl is a real anomaly! He greatly underestimated Juno, or rather, her willpower, able to resist the influence of the Synergy of intermediate Bachelor. How could he have known that the puppet on the strings of Synergy would suddenly rebel? This is as absurd as the desire of a car to kill its owner, as if it would suddenly turn itself towards a cliff at full speed.         

Juno\'s will was so strong that she seemed to shine from within: «Your Synergy won\'t work on me anymore! From now on, I\'m not your obedient doll! I know that you are Dick. In that duel for the mastery of combat, you put the formation on me to move your Synergy, and on the same night you stole a billion that I earned with honest work. Give it back to me or I\'ll ruin your life!» – she threatened.     

The surprise on Lovr\'s face was replaced by icy composure. He suddenly abruptly appeared next to Juno and firmly grabbed her by the long thin neck: «Are you sure that you have enough qualifications to threaten me, the direct disciple? You do realize that I can wring your neck with impunity, right?»     

Kyon acted cruelly and decisively, wanting to intimidate the girl. To allow such a dangerous person to dictate her terms to him? He\'s not that stupid! Moreover, pride will not allow him to bend under her again. And if she continues to stand her ground, openly threatening him, he will have no choice: he will have to get rid of the threat…     

The blonde grabbed his hand and tried to loosen his grip, but to no avail. The physical strength of his hand was so high that he could break her neck with one light movement of his fingers.     

Juno\'s beautiful face flushed with tension, but there was still a spark of unbending perseverance in the blonde\'s eyes when she grunted with difficulty: «You won\'t kill me… You won\'t stoop so low after what you\'ve done to me… You\'re not like that.»     

«Yah?» – Kyon raised an eyebrow and quickly told the naive girl the truth. – «I will easily kill even a friend if he starts threatening my freedom or safety, so I will definitely do it, an unsuccessful murderer. I\'m sorry, but I value my life much more than two rapes, a billion and short-term physical and moral bullying…» – he explained mercilessly, but clearly.     

«I saved your life several times…» – hissed Juno with a face turning blue from lack of air.     

«You were guided by selfishness, so it doesn\'t count.»     

«Then… Then kill me!» – the blonde blurted desperately, closing her eyes tightly. – «And may my messages ruin your life… You deserve it. Because you are a monster!»     

«What messages?» – Kyon sharply loosened his grip, but the girl did not answer.     

{Delayed messages? Is she bluffing? No… Definitely not!} – Lovr suddenly realized that his sister was one step ahead. She really made up some messages that will be sent without her knowledge, if she does not personally prevent it.     

«That\'s smart… But not so much. You know about needle torture, right? Five minutes of pain, which is worse than death, no matter how stubborn you are, will be enough to subdue you.» – Kyon said calmly. He must not let Juno take the initiative. You never know what will come into the head of this vindictive sadist! She can order him to castrate himself, and what to do then? She has enough reasons to yearn to make his life hell.     

Juno looked up at the scoundrel: «Are you really willing to cause me pain that is worse than death? Will you torture me mercilessly after what you\'ve done to me? I\'m not asking the impossible of you… I\'m just asking you to return the stolen billion to me! And you… You are so… Why did I fall in love with you…» – the girl\'s eyes filled with bitter tears. She released his hand, completely ceasing to resist. Now the blonde lady seemed especially charming, so much that an ordinary person would do anything in the world for her.     

The strongest emotions came from the blonde\'s soul: regret, resentment, grief, disappointment, hatred and, paradoxically, love, which was at the forefront.     

Something painfully pricked Kyon in the heart, so much that he even took his hand off her fragile neck, came out of the state of darkness and retreated two steps, as if he saw himself from the outside.     

Enslavement, numerous beatings and psychological abuse, the attempt to defame in the palace of the Grands, the theft of a billion, the substitution of the spouse during the wedding night and two ruthless rapes, and now the threat of murder and torture… Why doesn\'t she try to scratch out his eyes for all these atrocities? Why isn\'t all her hatred manifested in any way now, although it is clearly felt? Where did her sadistic vindictive nature go? And why does she still radiate love so warmly, even though he clearly explained to her that Lovr remained in the past, and he is a different person!     

No matter how you look at it, the girl in love just wants to get back the stolen money she earned by honest work… She didn\'t exude danger. She probably left her delayed messages for emergencies only, not intending to send them.     

Even if his cruel attitude now is mostly a bluff, from the outside, his savage behavior looks terribly flawed, so much that he may even lose confidence in his rightness. He felt disgusting, like the very monster that the girl calls him… But this is completely absurd, because she is a hateful demon!     

Suddenly Kyon remembered something and, frowning, objected: «But you said I wouldn\'t evade responsibility… What is this, if not a threat to take revenge on me for everything I\'ve done?»     

For the first time in more than two years, Juno felt the emotions emanating from Kyon, and his sincere puzzlement forced her to explain, even though she no longer wanted to have anything to do with this scoundrel.     

«By responsibility, I meant that you would consider me, and not use me as an empty-headed puppet and a sex toy…» – saying this in a trembling voice, she hugged her shoulders and lowered her eyes, wet from tears. She would give a lot to forget about this ruthless tyrant once and for all. In his character and behavior, there is hardly anything in common with Lovr, whom she loves. However, the girl was convinced that it was him. Remembering their first meeting in the mansion, she saw exactly Lovr… He became this terrifying Kyon only after her heartless attitude.     

{No signs of lying… Oh, shit. How did this pest in a skirt manage to get through to my conscience? Unthinkable… And when did I get so attached to her?} – Kyon was confused. This is not the Juno he knew, not the vindictive selfish sadist. Maybe she changed after the illusory world? No… The illusory world created by Synergy is not able to change character, it is like a vivid dream. To give some knowledge - yes. To change a person completely - no. It seems that over the past 2 years, under the influence of feelings for Lovr, she has rethought a lot.     

Kyon asked: «So you only want that billion from me?»     

Juno nodded meekly without looking up.     

Lovr sighed noisily and concluded cheerfully: «You\'ve won, Juno… I will take you into account and will not control or force you to do anything. And I will give you your billion in the coming days. I swear. In exchange, you will not put a spoke in my wheel and generally interfere with my plans in any way.»         

Kyon told the truth. One billion is not worth much to him, considering that in the near future he will borrow a huge amount of money from the Golden Pig guild.     

Of course he could have resorted to torture. Three or four needles would definitely be enough. But he did not want to cause pain to the girl, the pain that is countless times worse than death. It is better to do otherwise: to give away the ill-fated billion, thereby concluding a temporary truce, and in the future to find a way to change the frequency of vibrations of her soul and take away the development. Of course, he wouldn\'t leave her just like that. Eternal youth and the role of a concubine is more than a worthy fate for the one who essentially finished him off.     

Kyon added: «Also, you will give me the details of the messages you mentioned right away. By the way, if they do reach the empress, the end will be bad… This woman will destroy anyone who keeps knowledge of what no one should know.»     

Juno reluctantly looked up: «Will you deceive me?»     

«I swore…»     

After hesitating, the girl gave all the information necessary to cancel the sending of delayed letters to the empress and the Clintons.     

Kyon had no doubt that she told the truth, so he finally calmed down. He would not want Lanatelle to find out about his ability to purify the keys, which, of course, Zosimos also had.     

When all the issues were settled and his safety was no longer in danger, Lovr allowed himself to relax. The sight of the beautiful girl silently examining her knees was fascinating. Yielding to an impulse, he took her by the sharp chin and forced her to look at him, but met a sudden fiery resistance.     

«Don\'t touch me, you damned rapist!» – the blonde snapped furiously, pushing his hand away. – «You threatened to strangle and torture me, and now you think I\'ll just forget about it?! Should I put it out of my head like a forgiving bunny?! Fuck you!»     

Lovr was surprised, then smiled knowingly: «Silly, if I were a ruthless monster, do you think I would exchange a billion for five minutes of torture? You would have been dead a long time ago, because you know too much about me! However, you\'re still alive… Think about it, maybe you\'ll draw the right conclusions.»     

Kyon said this to get Juno to change her attitude to him as soon as possible, in order to help the vulgar flower to convince her to have sex with him as soon as possible. Besides, the darkness can no longer be pumped out of her, and they seem to have an alliance, which also makes hatred meaningless.     

{Huh?} – Juno fluttered her lush eyelashes in puzzlement. So was she right in her judgment when she said he wouldn\'t stoop that low? Was she right in assuming he was bluffing? And indeed, if he were a ruthless machine, why would he give away the ill-fated billion when the whole issue is solved with 5 minutes of torture… And he will gather darkness into his body at the same time. It turns out that there is much more from Lovr in him than it seems?     

The blonde could not know that she was still alive because of the flower in her soul, as well as her incredible beauty, coupled with the sympathy that she aroused in him. If she were ugly, she would probably already be in the grave. This is the cruel truth.     

Kyon wanted to test the waters, so he approached his sister again, but she swung her hand at him… However, he deftly grabbed her hands, pulled them over her head, thereby knocking the lady down on the bed. A sweet floral fragrance emanated from the beauty\'s body, capable of stupefying anyone.     

Lovr approached her ear and purred: «I really enjoyed spending time with you… When it becomes unbearable, let me know. I\'ll take you in the guise of Lovr… You\'ll like it.»     

A shiver went through the blonde\'s body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes because of his words. It seemed that the evil insidious demon was tempting her, taking advantage of her weaknesses. The girl reflexively tucked her legs. The beauty was filled with rage and hatred, but she could only bite her lip in helplessness and quietly growl: «What a freak you are…»     

Kyon got off the bed, threw Roman over his shoulder like a bag of flour, and left, being very pleased with this outcome. He not only revealed his identity to Juno by concluding the truce, but also tested the waters… All he has to do is just wait for the vulgar flower to do its job, and she will invite him to her place. No doubt, the next sex with her will be divine.     

Lovr returned Clinton to his room, leaving three empty bottles of wine there. In the morning, he will wake up with a piercing headache and nausea, completely imitating the state of a hangover. Everything is set up in such a way that he came to Juno at the invitation, where the girl told him everything she thinks about him, and he allegedly got drunk out of grief to unconsciousness… The situation is silly, but plausible.     

After finishing with Roman, Kyon went to the treasury in order to study the assortment of ingredients and count the loan amount necessary for the implementation of the plan. At this time, his subordinates had already canceled the sending of Juno\'s messages.     

At the entrance to the basement, the young man, already in the guise of Dick, was met by guards in gray masks and, after checking his formation, one of them escorted the fat man to the treasury with ingredients. The guard did not leave. His task was to follow the direct disciple.     

Kyon\'s eyes widened at the sight before them. The giant hall had thousands of shelves, cells and racks with boxes and caskets, which contained a variety of ingredients: herbs, powders, body parts of various insects and animals, including supreme ones. Some of them were preserved in jars with solutions.     

There were 10 times more ingredients than in the Feruzs\' treasury, but the main thing was different: they were all much more valuable! This means that if he could absorb all the medicine here now, he would fill his core with elements by about 50%.     

{Wait… Why so little?} – Kyon crossed his arms in displeasure. This is not the treasury of the Clintons, for example, but the Russells – the imperial family! Why is there medicine at best for 100 billion, and not, say, for 1 trillion?     

Lovr\'s mood worsened. But that was just the beginning.     

After a few hours of studying the assortment, he concluded that among all the available medicine, at best, 20% would be suitable for experiments.         

{Damn it… Too little! I\'ll have to borrow just an obscene amount…}     

Alchemists who know how to make medicine of transformation into the 9th phase of high quality are cherished by the great families in Saturn like the apple of the eye, because to acquire this skill, dozens and even hundreds of unsuccessful attempts are needed, each of which costs billions, which in the end can result in a sum, equal to several trillion spheres.     

Kyon\'s budget is ten times more modest, and he will have to learn how to prepare the medicine without the recipe, knowing only the ingredients of which it consists, which is a hundred times more difficult. And not of high (3), but of excellent (4) quality.     

{This skill will be useful to me in the future.} – only this thought comforted Lovr. He will experience unbearable difficulties on his long journey of becoming the ruler of the world without this skill. In addition, the benefits of connection with the Golden Pig trade guild should be used as early as possible, because in 5 years it will lose its relevance.     

Kyon decided to go to the guild tomorrow, because it was too late. Before going to bed, he phoned Gusteau - the head of the trade guild in Rosarrio - and made an appointment. What a pity that he no longer has the bodyguards, Eve and Leila… He missed them.     

In the morning, when Lovr cleaned himself up, suddenly a message came from Elsa with an offer to meet right now. The reason for the invitation was unknown.     

{Why did she invite me? Does she want to confess her love to me?} – Kyon had a silly smile on his face. Surely he was right.     

If only he knew how wrong he was…     

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