Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e

Volume 5, 1: Sports Festival Begins Part 1

Volume 5, Chapter 1: Sports Festival Begins Part 1

As for the afternoon class, it has become a 2 hour long homeroom. When the instructor for Class D, Chabashira-sensei, arrived, she began to explain indifferently.

"From today the classes will resume again. However, in the 2nd semester, from September to the start of October for a period of one month, in anticipation for the sports festival, there will be increased physical education classes. Keep that in mind for the distribution of the new timetables. And also, along with the timetables, material regarding the sports festival will also be distributed. The students from the front will distribute the printouts to the back".

The moment they heard the word sports festival, screams rose up from a part of the class. Of course there are students who are anticipating the arrival of the event but there are also plenty of students who feel antipathy towards an event that is focused mainly on sports.

"Once again, the school\'s HP will be presenting the same details as the printouts. If necessary, remember to use it as reference".

"Sensei, is this also one of the special exams?".

As the class representative, after raising his hand, Hirata asked that question.

\'Obviously that\'s the case\' was the reply everyone had thought would come back but........

"You lot are free to interpret it however you want. Either way, there\'s no mistaking the fact that it will have a massive influence on each and every class".

Saying that, Chabashira-sensei opted for a vague answer that was neither an affirmation or a repudiation. From the unathletic students, a further scream arose. If this were a normal school, it would have been possible for them to hold back on or skip it entirely as they wish, but since this is an event on which the fate of the class rests even if they happened to be unathletic they simply avoid it.


On the other hand, a portion of students who had confidence in their athleticism like Sudou were in high spirits as though saying \'this is it\'. It could be said that for them, this is the first exam in which they can contribute to the class other than intellectually.

"Ayanokouji-kun, here---".

In the midst of the surroundings that were becoming restless, Horikita, who had been reading the material bit by bit, noticed something and pointed to the printout.

I too, turned over the page and checked that part. And when I did, what was written there was unexpectedly the examination system. It was only for a moment, but I felt as though Chabashira-sensei had looked at me.

"There are probably already those who have seen through it and noticed but this sports festival has adopted the method of dividing all school years into two separate groups and have them compete against each other. You lot in Class D have been assigned to the Red Team. And Class A too, will be competing in the same Red Team. For the duration of this sports festival, it means Class A will be your allies".

Class B and Class C were part of the White Team and the sports festival will be the Red Team vs. the White Team.

"Woah, seriously? It\'ll actually be something like that!?".

It couldn\'t be helped that Ike would be surprised. Regardless of whether it was a written exam or a special exam, the basic idea was that it was a fight between separate classes. He must have assumed this stance wouldn\'t break. By the way, what would a complete team battle be? It would be a different form of cooperation than the previous shipboard special exam. On top of that, it would be a cooperative battle that goes beyond school years. The dweller beside me was pretending to be calm, but inside, she must have been panicking.

Her brother, Horikita Manabu, belongs to Class A of the 3rd years. Depending on the circumstances, we may have to hold talks with him.

"At last it\'s an opportunity for you to make contact with him, huh?".

"......don\'t talk about that here".

Just by lightly touching on that, she got angry. Apparently, I made a verbal slip and Horikita glares at me. The sharp pencil glinting at the tip she\'s gripping in her hands is ominous so I\'d like her to stop it.

"First of all, look over the outcomes that can come of the sports festival. I don\'t feel like explaining many times over so make sure to listen up well this once".

Chabashira-sensei taps the printout while explaining the vital checkpoints.

Lending my ears to her, I simultaneously dropped my gaze down to the printout. What was written there is as follows.

(Rules and Groupings of the Sports Festival)

The sports festival\'s competitive system is built upon dividing all school years between the Red Team and the White Team.

The classification will be Class A and Class D in the Red Team. The White Team will consist of Class B and Class C.

? Allocation of points for all participants in the competitions (Individual Contests)

Depending on the results 1st place 15 points, 2nd place 12 points, 3rd place 10 points, 4th place 8 points will be allocated.

1 point each will be deducted for placing lower than 5th place. In the case of team competitions the winning team will be allocated 500 points.

? Allocation of points for participants of recommended competitions

Depending on the results 1st place 50 points, 2nd place 30 points, 3rd place 15 points, 4th place 10 points will be allocated.

2 points each will be deducted for placing lower than 5th place (The relay which will be the final contest will be awarding 3 times the points)

? The impact of the outcome of Red Team vs. White Team

From the totality of all the school years the losing team will have 100 points equally subtracted from their class points across all school years.

? The impact of separate ordering of school years

From the total count the class that takes 1st place will be awarded 50 class points.

From the total count the class that takes 2nd place will not have any change to their class points.

From the total count the class that takes 3rd place will have 50 class points subtracted.

From the total count the class that takes 4th place will have 100 class points subtracted.

"It\'s a simple matter, it means it\'s necessary to compete by going all out without letting your guard down. Because the penalty that the losing team incurs is by no means a light one".

Certainly to have 100 class points be subtracted is a huge matter, but there are several other points I\'m worried about too.

"Umm, sensei. How many points does the winning team get? There seems to be no mention of that".

In response to that simple questioning from Hirata, Chabashira-sensei utters a single, cruel word.

"Nothing. Only that there will be no minus to their points".

"Uge, are you serious? That doesn\'t sound good at all".

Pandemonium. It couldn\'t be helped that the class would become restless. Up until now, in exchange for the huge risks, there was also an unfathomable compensation that had been prepared. In this sports festival, that could barely be seen at all.

"Remember the class-specific points have also been properly calculated so keep that in mind too. Even if Class A leaps forward into action and the Red Team you lot belong to wins, in the case where the total count of Class D happens to be the lowest ranking, you will still be incurring a 100 point penalty".

In other words, even if we enjoy ourselves and our team happens to win, rather than make a profit we would in fact lose out. What this setup means is \'to fight with all of one\'s power and not let up\' and that is the emphasis here.

But even if we say that, even if Class D alone goes into action it\'s still pointless. Even if by separate school years we take 1st place and receive 50 points if we lose to the White Team it will still mean a 100 point loss. On top of losing, if we end up placing 4th place then in total it would be a penalty of 200 points. On the premise that the Red Team will win, Class D must also contribute majorly. Looking at it like this, it can be seen that it\'s far stricter than the other exams but at least something like a special bonus is also within sight.

? Individual Competition Rewards (May be used in the next midterm exam)

For students placing 1st in the individual competitions 5000 private points or the equivalent of 3 marks in a written exam will be awarded (in the case that the marks are chosen endowing another individual with them will not be permitted).

For students placing 2nd in the individual competitions 3000 private points or the equivalent of 2 marks in a written exam will be awarded (in the case that the marks are chosen endowing another individual with them will not be permitted).

For students placing 3rd in the individual competitions 1000 private points or the equivalent of 1 mark in a written exam will be awarded (in the case that the marks are chosen endowing another individual with them will not be permitted).

For students ranking the lowest in the individual competitions 1000 private points will be subtracted. (In the case that the points in the student\'s possession are lower than 1000 they will incur a loss of 1 mark in a written exam instead).

? Regarding Foul Play

Remember to comply with the rules of each competition on top of perusing the rules. The violators will be treated in the same manner as disqualification.

Those acting with malicious intent may be withdrawn. The expropriation of points acquired by those individuals up until then will be considered as well.

? Best Performing Student Reward

For the student who receives the highest score across all competitions 100,000 private points will be awarded.

? Best Performing Student Reward For Individual Classes

For the 3 students of each school year who have received the highest scores across all competitions will receive 10,000 private points individually.

Although it is unfavorable compared to the previous exams until now, a broad range of privileges have been properly prepared from the difficult ones to the easier ones. And what needs to be paid particular attention to are the merits and demerits of the reward for the individual competitions. Information that we have never heard up until now have been added to them.

"S-Sensei! These privileges you get when you come in at 1st place and 2nd place! What do you mean you can receive marks for written exams with them!?".

Right away, Ike requests an explanation of the details from Chabashira-sensei at the front.

Perhaps that was strange but Chabashira-sensei unusually lets out a slight laugh.

"It\'s exactly what you think it is, Ike. From the prizes you win at the sports festival, you can acquire marks you can use to supplement your written exams. In particular, you\'re bad at English and Mathematics, right? It means the marks you\'ve acquired can be used in any way you like. For each mark you acquire it just means it\'ll be incredibly useful for your next test".

It couldn\'t be helped if they became restless from that but for those students whose sole speciality happens to be sports, screams of delight also rose up. If they spring into action in the sports festival and acquire marks, they can use them to supplement their scores in the case that they get failing grades later. In other words, it means the possibility of them evading expulsion had risen.

Looking at it from the perspective of students who are skirting the failing grade, it could truly be described as a situation they have been waiting for.

It isn\'t a huge blessing for honor students like Hirata and the others but for that, even if unnecessary they can still simply acquire private points. Ultimately, either way there\'s no mistaking the fact that it\'s a reward to be grateful for.

Even leaving the 3 Idiots aside, there are more than a few students who feel anxious regarding their academic abilities. Since in regards to the written exams, the ultimate penalty of expulsion awaits, it seems they cannot afford to let their guard down at all.

However, for such a nice story obviously there is a flip side to it.

? After completion of all competitions, within a school year a total count of all points will be conducted and the bottom 10 individuals will be penalized

Since the penalties will differ based on each school year remember to confirm with the instructor in charge.

Such troublesome contents were also written at the bottom of it.

"Sensei, what kind of penalty is this going to be?".

"For you 1st years the penalty imposed will be a score deduction on your next written exam. The bottom 10 students score-wise will be receiving a deduction of 10 marks so beware of that. As for how the deduction of scores will be applied, that will be explained as the next written exam draws near so I won\'t be taking any questions on that here. Again, the announcement of the bottom 10 will be conducted similarly and will be announced on the occasion of the explanation regarding the written exam".

"Geeeeh!?!? Seriously!?".

In other words, if Ike happened to place at the bottom of his school year then on the next written exam it would mean that he would have a further 10 marks deducted from him on top of skirting the failing grade. It would probably mean he has to face a considerably difficult exam.

Having received a brief explanation on that matter, next up would be checking the details of the competitions coming up in the sports festival.

In dividing up the events that will be held during the sports festival into categories they can be split up between \'Universal Participation\' and \'Recommended Only Participation\'. Universal Participation is, literally, an event where all the students of a class participate.

The individual 100 meter sprint is also like that, and group competitions such as tug of war also fall under this category.

On the other hand, Recommended Only Participation means a competition where only the students selected from their respective classes participate. They say \'recommendation\' but as long as the class can come to an agreement even a self-recommendation will suffice. It won\'t matter even if a single individual participates in multiple Recommended Only Participation contests.

The point is, it\'s an event that\'s decided through discussion. The contents of this are the scavenger hunt, the mixed gender three-legged race and the 1200 meter relay.

It can be expected that the most eminent and talented individuals will be participating. In this sports festival, since the rise and fall of the points will be determined purely by the results the rules are also overwhelmingly simple.

However, the composite nature of the points for the team competitions and the individual competitions is unusually troublesome. Being cautious of the enemies here, Class B and Class C, is obvious but in addition, it is also necessary to keep an eye on the ally, Class A, too.

In theory we\'ll be helping each other out but in order to come out on top in the total count of each school year\'s points, it is necessary to ensure one\'s own class can occupy the top spots in each competition as much as possible. The uninhabited island and the shipboard cases both, too, were set up so that it would not be possible to complete them simply.

"The events that will be held during the sports festival and their details are all exactly as described on the printouts. There will be no changes at all to them".

"Ugege, this is really hard! It\'s nothing like middle school!".

? Universal Participation Events

100 meter dash

Hurdle race

Capture-the-flag (Boys Only)

Ball-toss game (Girls Only)

Tug of war divided by gender

Obstacle course race

Three-legged race

Cavalry battle

200 meter dash

? Recommended Only Participation Events

Scavenger hunt

Omnidirectional tug of war

Mixed gender three-legged race

3 school years mixed 1200 meter relay

A grand lineup of 13 competitions. The numbering indicates in which order the competitions will be held. Apparently the dissatisfaction is due to the large number of Universal Participation events being held.

"Normally it should only be 3 or 4 events, that a single person does! More importantly, is it even possible to do them in a single day?".

"I\'m grateful for your concern but the school side has also naturally taken it into consideration. There will be no cheerleading or dancing or coordinated group gymnastics amongst the events. At the very most, in the sports festival you will only be competing in terms of stamina and athleticism".

The resistance of the unathletic students also proved fruitless as they were simply dealt with like that.

"And also of utmost importance is the fact that there is something called a participation table here. On the participation table the details of all events are described. You lot will be using this participation table to decide amongst yourselves in which order you will be participating and record it down and an outsider, that is me, will submit it for you. Since I believe no middle school has adopted a system like this, I\'d like you to be careful so as to not make a mistake".

"To decide what order on our own, how far can we decide......?".

A question from Hirata that is an obvious one. Since it was obvious, the response from Chabashira-sensei was also quick.

"Everything. All the competitions that will be held on the day of the sports festival, up to who runs in which group, all of it will be decided by you lot through discussion. After the deadline for decisions, no matter what the reason, any further changes will not be permitted. That is the vital rule of the sports festival. The submission window will be between 1 week prior to the sports festival and 5 pm of the day before the festival. If you end up exceeding the submission time limit then in that case, you will be randomly allocated so be cautious".

So it means it\'s a sports festival where we have to think up the strategies ourselves, think and win. It\'s clear that when it comes to the sports festival, the existence of the participation table might as well be called the lifeline of the class itself.

"I have a question to ask, would be that fine, Chabashira-sensei?".

Having silently listened up until now, Horikita raised her hand.

"Ask away as much as you want. Now is the time, after all".

Looking on at that, Chabashira-sensei lightly laughs. Both Hirata and Horikita, to a certain extent, understand the mechanism behind this school. It\'s because they understand that asking questions to the utmost of their ability here will be for future\'s sake. Especially because it\'s now, while there is still presently no effect on the points, that all existing doubts should be resolved.

It\'s because there is a possibility that on the day of the sports festival itself, if we ask questions about this and that, she might be unable to answer anymore or it might already be too late.

"There is the fact that once the decided participation table has been accepted, no further changes will be permitted but on that day of the festival, if there is an absentee what should we do? If it happened to be an individual competition then in accordance with the description it will be treated as an absence but for group particular, for the cavalry battle and three-legged race that will be taking place with multiple people, if even only a single person were to be missing then the competition itself won\'t work".

"Regarding the Universal Participation contests, in the case that you fall short of the bare minimum amount of people necessary and vacancies appear, you will be marked as unfit to continue and you will be disqualified. In the cavalry battle you mentioned, it would mean you would be unable to form 1 horse. As a result, you will have to have your showdown under the condition of having one horseman missing. The three-legged race is the same too. It would be wise of you to choose a healthy and strong student as your partner".

Shared destiny. It\'s vital to choose a student who excels in athletics, and in the same vein, it\'s also precious to ensure you team up with a comrade who\'s healthy and uninjured.

"However, there are exemptions in place as relief measures. In regards to the main star of the sports festival, the Recommended Only Participation events, it is permitted to utilize a substitute. However, if you go around choosing substitutes freely then the participation table itself will become meaningless and in the most extreme cases, you\'ll end up using lies to prepare your own substitutes. As a result, we have established special conditions. In exchange for setting up a substitute, it has been decided that you will be paying points as compensation".

So they mean to have us pay a price to prevent acts of cheating.

"Adding onto that I\'d like to ask but even if your health breaks down or you sustain a heavy injury, if the person in question themselves wishes for it they could be allowed to continue without being substituted? Or would it mean having to see the doctor?".

"Basically we leave that up to the students to autonomously decide on their own. Because self-management will become indispensable once you enter society. On the day of a vital conference, just because you have a fever doesn\'t mean you can simply take a break. It may become necessary to struggle and keep up the appearance of being fine".

Basically the point seems to be that even if we end up sick, in the name of self-responsibility we cannot simply stop participating.

"But even so, if your condition gets to the point you cannot even be a spectator then you would have no choice but to stop though".

"I understand. Then, for that substitute, how many points would be necessary?".

"100,000 private points per competition. You\'re free to see it as expensive or cheap as you wish".

".....I see. Thank you".

It\'s not an amount we cannot afford but neither is it a cheap one.

However, depending on the circumstances, we must take into consideration that a substitute may become necessary.

"If there are no more questions forthcoming then I\'ll be ending this talk".

She looks around the classroom. A number of students looked as though they were feeling doubtful and glancing at each other as well as talking in hushed tones but they did not move to ask Chabashira-sensei.

"The next period will be moved to the first gymnasium and you will be meeting students from different classes and different school years. That is all".

Checking the time, Chabashira-sensei mentioned that there is still time left for the homeroom.

"There is still 20 minutes of study time remaining, you are free to use that remaining time as you wish. You\'re free to either chat away or have a serious discussion".

Since with the authority of the teacher, permission had been given, the suppressed silence exploded all at once. Individual groups formed up and they began to talk about the sports festival on their own. Gathered under Horikita was Sudou as well as Ike and Yamauchi.

"Horikita. Let\'s talk about how we\'ll overcome the sports festival".

"I agree, I agree. Let\'s think about a way to snatch 1st place~".

Horikita, who was watching the men swarming around her like it was somebody else\'s business, sighed deeply .

"I wonder why only people like this come to me.......".

"It\'s a sad reality, isn\'t it?".

\'Absolutely right\', even as Horikita said that it seems she\'s intent on thinking about it seriously as she opened up her notebook.

"Fine. First of all, I\'ll hear out your opinions".

"Ok, ok!".

The one who enthusiastically raised his hands right away was Ike. Horikita pointed the tip of her pen at him and urged him to speak.

"I\'d like to have fun and win!".

"I cannot acknowledge that as an opinion. Do you mind cutting out the low-level remarks?".

She cuts him off short. Well, it couldn\'t be helped even if Ike\'s hopes were cut short.

"There is a way for Class D to win".

The one who confidently opened his mouth was Sudou.

"I\'m not expecting anything but I\'ll hear you out".

"I don\'t know about Universal Participation but you know, I\'ll be participating in every recommended only contest. If I do that, we\'ll win".

Sudou, who had more confidence than anyone else when it comes to athletics, insisted on that.

"The level of the remark itself was on the same level as Ike-kun\'s but while simple, it\'s a surefire way. Even within the class, you stand out as someone who excels in athletics after all. It\'s not a bad idea for you to participate in all recommended only contests. Even if the same individual participates multiple times there\'s no problem as far as the rules are concerned".

I also agreed, but it seems Ike and Yamauchi were dissatisfied with it as they voiced their criticisms.

"We also want our own chances. I mean, if we place within the first 3 places then we can get points that way".

"Are you saying you\'ll do that even if it lowers the chances of the class winning?".

"No, I mean that\'s true but.....we want lots of chances or how should I put it......".

"When it comes to recommended only contests usually the athletic people are the ones who participate. It\'s impossible for you, Kanji".

"You don\'t know that, right? There\'s also such a thing as coincidence, you know. It should be fair".

"From now on, discussion regarding the class is unnecessary I suppose.....".

Even if she was able to argue down Ike here, anticipating that there would be more students within the class who think similarly to Ike, Horikita said that. However, this time around, it seems that remark got Sudou all fired up.

"The athletic ones will participate as many times as they want. That\'s first priority, right? You\'re being naive, Suzune".

I understand well what Sudou wishes to say. Horikita is also not rejecting it. Even from the perspective of honor students who are simply good at their studies, a student like Sudou taking action in the sports festival would be ideal.

If a student like Sudou who is in constant risk of receiving a failing grade manages to acquire a bonus here there\'d be no problem. However, if you ask if the entire class will reach a consensus then it\'s not that simple of a matter. Because the privilege acquired from winning a prize here would be all the more attractive to students with low academic ability. For those students who are constantly at risk of being expelled, they would want it so badly hands would leap out of their throats.

"I\'m intending on supporting your desire to participate in all events. However, that doesn\'t mean that I will unreservedly back your participation in all contests".

"What do you mean?"

"Stamina is not an unlimited resource. If you consecutively participate then naturally it will be exhausted. Consecutive victories are a difficult thing".

"But even so it\'s still better than leaving it to unathletic people, right? Even if I\'m tired, I can still perform better than those guys".

Looking at the boys, including me, with a glance, Sudou laughs scornfully. Ike and the others seem frustrated but they cannot argue against it.

"Even if we continue this discussion here an answer won\'t be forthcoming. Let\'s decide it at the next homeroom".

Horikita, having determined that further progress won\'t be happening here, said that as she quickly ended the discussion.

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