My Demon Pet System

Chapter 99 - Bite

Fortunately, the snake attack lasted only a few moments. In its trajectory, the side structure next to the observation tower was wiped out.

Walking hundreds of meters along the beach and cutting the sandy soil as if it were made of plastic, the dark ray barely touched Yoichi\'s foot. ​​

Having predicted a ranged attack, the young tamer managed to jump just before the dark beam, which crossed the entire coastal stretch in less than two seconds.

After exhausting the energy, the Hebigure shut its jaws, swallowing the rest of the dark gas. Unlike any demon encountered so far, that giant snake demon had managed to revive after a fatal headshot and had enhanced its body, strengthening its outer structure.

Although only for a few seconds, Enatsu succeeded to communicate his impressions: the merchant had seen other Hebigures in the past, but none of them was of that size, nor had ever fired a ray of dark energy.

Yoichi got up from the ground, opening his hand and freeing Kenji. The young Nightblades tamer had used his body as a human shield, protecting his Nekage.

With his arms still enhanced by the black scales, he quickly charged on his knees and began to run towards the enemy. Enatsu had moved away, intent on helping out.

After realizing that even the fearful merchant intended to contribute to that battle using his utility skill, Shioko began to run, too. Yoichi travelled a wide curve to the right; the red-haired girl went to the left.

At the same time, Enatsu activated the power of his winged Oracle. Swapping his view with Sora\'s, he took wing into the night sky, flying over the giant purple-eyed snake.

"Watch out!" he yelled. "This monster is preparing to counter your attacks!" – enjoying a privileged view, Enatsu guided his friends from above. As the Hebigure\'s stomach emitted strange guttural verses, digesting that obscure substance, Sora\'s clear sight caught a glimpse of something weird.

The snake\'s eyes were pointed at Shioko, knowing that, shortly before, she threw it a mortal blow. Nobu\'s light illuminated the area along with the moonlight, the reflection of which bounced off the surface of the calm sea.

"Aaargh!" Yoichi yelled during the charge, clenching his fists and pumping his forearms. His eyes framed the snake\'s face while the gas kept caming out of its large, sharp-cornered nostrils.

Enatsu flew using Sora\'s body, looking at the enemy from above. The giant demon\'s tail began to writhe, and the bone spikes at that precise spot stretched out slightly.

It was as if they reacted to the tension of the muscles of that sturdy and long body, which pushed them out as it pleased. "Don\'t get too close. It\'s a trap! It\'s about to hit you using its tail!" Enatsu yelled, alerting his companions.

Encouraged by the fact that they had a leading voice, Shioko and Yoichi continued their advance, attacking the Hebigure from both the right and the left. Having started her run before Yoichi, Shioko reached the dark demon before her comrade, activating Nobu\'s power.

As her hand pulled another magic arrow out of the quiver, the Hebigure opened its eyes and jaws wide, performing the attack foretold moments earlier by the attentive Enatsu.

A sudden twist of the neck forced the whole body to follow that motion. Lifting a huge amount of sand and moving like a predator sure to grab its prey, it lashed its tail in the direction of Shioko.

A much larger spike than the others was soaked in dark energy and was directed right towards the red-haired tamer\'s chest. Seeing the scene from the other side, Yoichi screamed in despair, "Shioko!" accelerating the pace in the hope of saving her once again.

Showing almost inhuman reflexes, she jumped towards the spike, spinning on herself. Like a gymnast training on a bar, she coordinated the dodge of the blow with a counterattack, loading the light arrow on the bow.

The snake, sure that the tail strike would redirect its prey towards the mouth, opened its jaws, ready to devour her. "Take this, mother fucker!" she roared, firing the arrow right in front of her.

Like a shooting star, the white light arrow created by Nobu entered the Hebigure\'s mouth, pierced its throat and flooded its oesophagus with splashes of thick blood.

Under the incredulous gaze of Yoichi and Enatsu, the warrior girl continued her flight forward. Despite being more powerful and precise than the previous one, the blow had not diverted the huge demon, stationary in the same position.

Perceiving with its reptile senses that, remaining open-mouthed, it would catch its prey, the Hebigure bore the pain. The splashes of red blood shone under the moonlight, blinding poor Shioko and forcing her to cover her eyes.

Just then, the enemy shut its jaws, biting her arm forcefully. "Aaaargh!" Shioko screamed in pain, dropping her bow and freezing near the serpent\'s mouth.

"Fuck, fuck!" Enatsu trembled, not knowing what to do. Not far from him, Nobu suddenly stopped flapping its wings and ended fell to the ground, rolling on the sand because of the acute pain felt by its tamer.

Partially blinded by its own blood, the snake violently raised its neck, waving Shioko\'s body like a lifeless puppet. The young woman\'s screams rumbled through the ruins of Blackborough.

"Piece of shit!" Yoichi grunted, reaching the target, even if too late. He jumped forward and clung to the scales of the snake\'s body, busy devouring his companion. "Let her go! Leave her, you cunt!" the young tamer repeated, trying to stay in balance.

"Grroooaargh!" – clutching Shioko\'s arm between its jaws, the demon once again waved its neck. Losing grip on the reptile\'s wet scales, Yoichi was thrown into the air, several meters above its head.

The flight was so high that the little Sora, controlled by Enatsu, flew beside him. During that moment, as Yoichi crosses his gaze with that of his friend in the eyes of his Waromu, he realized that he has one last chance.

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