Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 87 Departure

After becoming a Vampire and discovering the true story about the tragic fall of his family, Rex became stuck between 2 places.

Then, he contemplated going to revenge his father\'s death immediately but, in the end, logic pushed him to stay in Obedin City with his friends.

Now, a similar situation came again but he had only 1 choice this time.

Rex would be damned if he let any of his friends die due to his family problems, he would rather leave them and face his fate alone. If his fate was death, he would face it alone like a man rather than implicate others.

Even if his fate was death, Rex was ready to give his all to defy it.

Having met the Scorpion once, Rex was pretty sure that one on one, he would be destroyed in less than a second by this powerful assassin.

This was why he did not contemplate leaving to get revenge immediately, his main reason for deciding to leave now was to get strong.

He wanted to get so strong that people won\'t have to fight for him again.

He wanted to get so strong that everything would be in his control next time.

He vowed not to be so helpless in his next encounter with the Holmes family.

He vowed to put up a struggle the next time that he went up against Scorpion, the Sting Assassin.

After making his decision, Rex stood up and went to the local Bowling Town church. The church was one of the few sturdy buildings in the town that was not completely leveled by the beasts\' rampage.

On his way there, Rex briefly recollected the information that Master Fixten revealed to him after he recovered from his heart injury.

Throughout the past 2 months in the army, Rex had seen multiple signs of it but he was never sure until he saw the battle between the 4 advanced mystic warriors. Rex finally knew that having multiple mystic abilities was common.

According to Master Fixten, becoming a basic mystic warrior was the basic requirement to awaken a mystic ability. Each subsequent breakthrough gives another chance to awaken another mystic ability.

This was why advanced mystic warriors had 3 mystic abilities.

The only problem with this explanation was that despite being just a basic mystic warrior then, Rex already awakened a 2nd mystic ability.

After thinking hard, Rex once again associated this anomaly with his upgrade mystic ability. This legendary mystic ability kept on showing him new facets of its numerous and unqualifiable abilities.

Once Rex got to the church, he pushed through the rubble on his path till he got to the sacred hall where the large clock and some other materials were kept.

His eyes narrowed on the massive atlas that was in the center.

Rex already matured after these past few months of living as a mystic warrior. He knew that to survive and evade his enemies, he needed to hide far away from their reach and he needed to go somewhere where he could grow fast.

Rex navigated through the atlas ball as fast as he could until he narrowed down on another small shelter that was far from the King Resistance Shelter.

Rex did not just intend to leave Obedin City, he intended to leave the King Resistance Shelter after seeing the strength that his enemies could amass.

Rex quickly pinpointed his target. "The Gundam Shelter".

Once Rex got his target, he removed everything else from his mind but he did not leave yet since he had another plan in his mind.

Becoming an intermediate mystic warrior did not just mean that he had a great leap in strength, it also meant that all his stat points already crossed the 400 mark and he could now use the Coffin of the Ancients.

Rex accessed his system inventory.


[Coffin of the Ancients!]

[Bonded Warrior: Rex Vector.]

[Quality: Upgradable!]

[Current Grade: Intermediate Grade!]

Rarity: Extremely Rare

Requirement: 400 Combined Stats

[Mystic Effects: Humanoid Transformation; Beast Transformation!]

[The Coffin of the Ancients was the deathbed where Orion Vector\'s body was laid to rest before the enemies took him. They took him, but the coffin was retrieved and it mutated.]

[Through the powers of the upgrade, the Coffin developed a strange transformation ability and thus became an heirloom of the Ancient Vector family.]

[Humanoid Transformation: When a recently dead or half-dead humanoid creature is placed inside the coffin and is supplied with mystic energy, the coffin can randomly transform them into pure bloodline humanoids.]

[Beast Transformation: When a recently dead or half-dead mystic beast is placed inside the coffin and is supplied with mystic energy, the coffin can randomly transform them into pure bloodline mystic beasts.]

[Transformation % is below 20%, and the difficulty of transformation increases with the rank of the target of transformation.]

[Mystic Stones can be offered to increase rate of transformation.]

[Current Humanoid Transformation Slot: 1]

[Current Beast Transformation Slot: 2]

[NOTE: All transformed creatures are always loyal to you!]


From Rex\'s perspective, this was one of the greatest boons of his breakthrough to become an intermediate mystic warrior. He could finally use this mystic treasure whose mystic abilities never failed to fascinate him.

His journey to the Gundam shelter would without doubt be filled with danger. With a loyal beast companion, Rex reasoned that his chances of survival would be higher which was why he set his sights on the Spider Swamp.

After all that the beasts did to him and his town, turning one of them into his loyal companion was the least that Rex could do to pay them back.

With this, Rex was ready, he left.

Of course, Rex felt bad when he thought of his friends and his master\'s reaction when they discovered that he was gone but he steeled his heart.

This was just one of the many sacrifices that he would give in his quest for power and revenge, he wanted to condition himself for them now.

After the beast invasion disaster, a lot of good soldiers died but a lot of other good soldiers among those that survived also benefited from the disaster.

Good soldiers were born in training, but great soldiers were born from wars.

Turan was among the great soldiers that were born from the beast invasion. After stalling in the basic mystic warrior realm for close to 2 years, the dam holding him back finally broke after the invasion.

Like Rex, Turan was now an intermediate mystic warrior.

Becoming an intermediate mystic warrior was a cause for celebration, and the Elliot family did celebrate their genius but Turan found it hard to celebrate.

The news that Rex also broke through at the same time hit him hard.

After the graduation tournament, he stopped looking down on Rex but he kept on being affected by him. He didn\'t want to admit it but he already saw Rex as a rival of his that he needed to surpass to validate himself.

Compared to Rex\'s achievement of becoming an intermediate mystic warrior in just 3 months, his achievement of doing the same in 2 years looked like trash.

Turan locked himself in his room as a lot of thoughts went through his mind.

"I am not improving fast enough!" He growled, reprimanding himself.

"How can I find mom if my growth is this slow?"

On mentioning his mom, he hit a limit as he broke down in tears. From the tender age of 3, Turan started living a life without a mother.

According to his father, she was kidnapped by a powerful marauding tribe and the Elliot family was not powerful enough to go after them to rescue her.

From a tender age, Turan worked extremely hard to become a mystic warrior for just 1 main purpose, to rescue and finally reunite with his mom.

He thought he was already improving fast enough but Rex\'s achievement showed him that he was still a slowpoke, he was frustrated.

Turan vented his emotions and thought so much throughout the day to the night that he arrived at one conclusion. "The Elliot family has nothing to offer me again, I\'ll forever be at the whims of father if I remain here".

"If I really want to rescue mom, I need to go out and seek power".

"Power will not come to me; I need to seek it to find it".

Instantly after he made his decision, the dilemma of where to seek power came but it didn\'t last long as the notorious shelter crossed his mind.

"If I really seek power, where else to get it than the chaotic and dangerous Gundam Shelter?"

That night as the celebrations continued, Turan sneaked out and departed the city.

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