The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 483 - Outrageous Request

"I don\'t want to waste Your Majesty\'s time, so you can send us where we rightfully belong now." The first elder smiled and said.

He had fully accepted his fate already, the same as those who were beside him. They knew that they wouldn\'t be able to escape from Jin Rou\'s grap no matter what. So they would save themselves the trouble of doing it. Furthermore, losing to their overlord wasn\'t a bad thing at all.

"Very well." Jin Rou nodded. This was his plan and it didn\'t change. He was just listening to the story of the other side of how things turned out this way, "I hope that when you have the chance to reincarnate, serve the family well."

The first elder smiled as an answer. But for Jin Rou, he already knew what the elder meant. Then, he moved the temporal space around him and delivered various slashes towards the council elders\' necks.

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash! Soon, five fountains of blood appeared out of the elders\' body as they fell down one by one. The scene was cruel, yet it was the fastest and most painless death Jin Rou could offer.

Jin Rou sighed after seeing this. The Court Council was no more after this. They would remain as a piece of history of this world wherein the Rou family reigns.

Jin Rou propped up his weakened grandmother and said, "Grandma, are you alright?"

He could sense that there were no energy left inside her, so she was greatly weakened that even standing up was extremely hard. He couldn\'t help but worry.

"This is nothing. I\'m okay." Yanlu Rou waves her hand to gesture that she\'s okay, "They just greatly consumed my state that\'s why I\'m like this. Anyway, I just need a few more minutes of rest and I\'ll be able to walk again."

Jin Rou nodded and said, "It seems the hatred between you and this council has run deep inside their veins."

"That\'s of course. That shallow brat can\'t wait for his turn and wanted to take things the forceful way. I have no choice but not to give him anything face. His partner, Fluid Master, was way more capable than him." Yanlu Rou snorted as she said this.

Fluid Master was also the founder of the council. But he created the council to support the celestial family, not to antagonize them. Unfortunately, he died way too young because of complications of his body that couldn\'t be healed.

"Why did he rush the time?" Jin Rou asked. He couldn\'t get it. As a powerful ancestor, why would he want to be stronger as soon as possible as if he was chasing something. Or perhaps he was being chased?

"Who knows? That brat is so secretive even until his death." Yanlu Rou said, "Anyway, it\'s not your problem to deal with. So stop thinking about it. Focus on training more although you are already the strongest."

"En. Grandma, I want to go to a certain place that I might need your help with." Jin Rou said.

Yanlu Rou had already recovered a bit and could stand now. She looked at Jin Rou and said, "A certain place? Jin\'er, looks like you are going to ask something outrageous."

Usually, Jin Rou didn\'t ask for anyone\'s help even with his family. After all, he was too independent to do that. However, now it feels like something big was about to happen.

"Indeed. It\'s an outrageous request." Jin Rou smiled and said, "Grandma, I want you to help me meet the creator."

"What?" Yanlu Rou was taken aback by so many levels. She had hunches about what Jin Rou would ask, but not to this level, "Are you nuts, Jin\'er? Do you think it\'s easy to meet that existence?"

The creator. That existence was the very one who created these five universes. It was the law and everything of this world. No one actually knew what does the creator look like. But one thing was for sure, that it was real. And only a very few had the knowledge of where it was located. One of the few was Yanlu Rou.

Now, Jin Rou wanted to meet it? It was a suicidal move since even universal laws died trying to meet that existence!

Remember, it was the creator of all.

"I know, Grandma." Jin Rou smiled and said, "That\'s why I\'m here asking you this outrageous request. I know you know the location of the creator. So, I want to test my luck and meet it."

It looked like nothing would change his mind right now.

"Are you aware that so many universal laws, way stronger than you, had died in that place?" Yanlu Rou said, "The universal laws existence are just mere ants in front of it, so going there will be suicidal. Thus, my answer is no."

"I know a bit about it. But my mind will not change. Even if you don\'t help me, I still can do something about it. Grandma, you know that I have so many resources and connections now. Outside and inside of this universe. So you decide, will you help me or not?" Jin Rou said with a calm tone, like everything was within his grasp right now.

"You little..." Yanlu Rou almost had a mini heart attack. This good grandson of hers was taking too much of her lifespan! Day by day, he was getting better with his words that even she couldn\'t refute.

"So will you help me or not, Grandma?" Jin Rou smiled. He knew how to deal with his grandmother now, so he didn\'t have to worry about what she would answer. After all, even if she really didn\'t want to help, Jin Rou still had many back up plans to boot.

"Let me breathe first or my heart can\'t take it. If I die here, I will haunt you for the rest of your lives." Yanlu Rou asked for a time out, "Jin\'er you... I won\'t die because of old age, perhaps I will die because of frustration from you."

Jin Rou smiled awkwardly after hearing this.

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