The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 843 Killing

Schemas had two categories. One was a schema which had a \'watcher\' to oversee it and the other was hidden schema, which wasn\'t controlled by the watchers. Meaning, only residents or challengers could activate the hidden schema. Of course, the rewards would be different based to the difficulty of the schema.

And now, Jin Rou just triggered a hidden schema, \'The Road of Killing\'.

Sylvianna was flabbergasted, "Kill the one nearest to you?"

The clear requirements of the schema was to kill the living thing nearest to you. Unless you did, you wouldn\'t be able to clear it and be trapped here forever.

"That\'s why we\'re here." Jin Rou said. He didn\'t bother explaining.

"Don\'t tell me it\'s me?" Sylvianna was about to back off when the sand below them moved. She sensed something and immediately dodged.

A pair of scissor-like clips appeared from below.

By this, Sylvianna had already understood Jin Rou\'s intention.

"Back off." Jin Rou commanded, "I\'ll handle this."

Since the scheme was triggered by Jin Rou, he had to do the killing or else it wouldn\'t be cleared. It\'s an additional trouble he didn\'t want to create.

Soon, a giant scorpion appeared. Its towering body was enough to trample half of this schema\'s total vastness.

"A cute scorpy." Jin Rou chuckled as he charged his fist, "Don\'t worry, you\'ll die faster than you could imagine."

"Boom!" Jin Rou threw his punch and the giant scorpion couldn\'t even scream before it turned into dust. His punch was so powerful that it was felt by the entire Cabin 3.

[Congratulations for clearing the Hidden Schema! Rewards will be distributed now, please receive it]

Jin Rou saw a pouch flying over and falling down to his palm. It was a small pouch but it seemed to contain heavy things inside.

Han Li\'s calculations were right. Jin Rou couldn\'t help but be amazed when he saw the contents of the pouch. Han Li\'s estimation and guesses were almost on the spot, if not outright correct. Remember, Han Li had never been on to the Dark Train yet he already schemed so many things for this trip.

Of course, Han Li had to spend too much resources just to make a near spot-on guesses.

"What\'s inside the pouch?" Sylvianna couldn\'t contain her curiosity.

"Nothing important." Jin Rou stashed the item away and left the area. The red transparent walls had disappeared so they were free to move again.

After they left, two persons appeared out of nowhere. They were wearing the same mask, a mask with a 5 stars on it.

"Time is getting tighter for us." The woman with a mask spoke. There was a hint of worry in her tone, "The Hidden Schema which we have been saving up until now has been cleared by an unknown person."

"That person is no ordinary." The man with a mask said, "He must be the Particularity that the rumors stated."

It wasn\'t difficult to deduce this. After all, there was no active movements of abnormalities except for this. The Cabin 3 had been too peaceful now for years.

"Shall we hunt him down?" The woman with a mask asked. Her \'eminence\' was bursting forth as she spoke.

In this world filled with prospects, eminence was the show of energy of a certain individual. It was the first basis whether the individual was powerful or not.

,m "Calm down. He is a Particularity, so he must be difficulty to deal with." The masked man shook his head, "If there\'s anything, we shall prepare for the upcoming Grand Scheme of that certain cabin."

"The Grand Scheme..." The woman with the mask murmured. Truly, that matter was more important than this one.

"We have prepared enough for the Grand Scheme now, it\'s time to reap the harvest there." The man said. There was his tone of determination and confidence.

The Grand Scheme was the highest state of a schema. Meaning, it was the largest scale schema that appear once in a blue moon. Once it appeared, everyone would be crazy to participate it. After all, the rewards for that were more than one could imagine.

"The Titles to obtain..." The woman murmured once again.

In the world of prospects, Titles were the very foundation of power. If outside, it\'s the dao, here is all about Titles. Of course, the Titles also had different categories based on the difficulty of the said schema.

"Yes, the Titles. Remember that our family cannot lose this Grand Scheme." The man said. There\'s a solemnity in his tone.


Jin Rou and Sylvianna had finally reached the borders of Cabin 3 going to Cabin 4. Since Jin Rou had already accomplished his goal here, there\'s no reason to stay any longer.

"So what\'s the plan?" Before hopping over to the Cabin Warp, Sylvianna asked. She didn\'t like it that she was being kept in the dark.

Jin Rou could sense the animosity of the other party and answered, "To Cabin 4. I\'m going to get a Title which would make me eligible to participate in a Grand Scheme."

"Participating in a Grand Scheme?" Sylvianna almost choked. She knew a thing or two about the Grand Schemes, and it was rumored to be a bloody war between powerhouses.

"Yes, if we want to get out of here, we have to collect a few to several Grand Titles. Those big players up above are existences with such Titles. How could we compete with them if not like this?" Jin Rou smirked.

"And you think the Authority will let you do what you please?" Sylvianna said, "Remember, you are already in their eyes."

Being a Particularity, the eyes of those above began observing Jin Rou\'s action. The latter didn\'t even need to do something to sense that eyes were looking at him. Nevertheless, he ignored it. After all, they couldn\'t harm him unless they were not afraid of the Possibility of Prospect.

"And you think I\'m afraid of them?" Jin Rou chuckled, "Just decent players at best in my eyes, nothing much."

That\'s true. Han Li had encountered beings much terrifying than those people.

After saying that, Jin Rou entered the warp without hesitation. Sylvianna had no choice but to follow through, afraid that the warp suddenly close.

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