Epic of Bee

Chapter 76 Genuinely Puzzling

During the trip over to the Raccoon village, I was able to get a little bit of rest for a couple of hours rest. Only after I had some more fun with my evil little striped kitten that I had given a good licking to but I had the favor returned as well.

After that, I had gone back up top and let Miasma rest more, but I was the buzzy Bee, not her, and I still needed to pick the last two spots. A Crystal Flower Farm was a given, and I think that the Clinic will be the best option.

With the Predator running around, there was a good chance that we could run into some injured or wounded people, so Clinic would be ideal. Thinking of the Predator made me turn around as soon as I got to the top level and head back to the bottom level.

When I got to the Hive level, Riza and Joni were waiting for me.

"Did you have a good, erhm, sleep?" Riza asked me with a grin.

"Oh, have you and Leah and any, erhm, good sleep yet?" I shot back, making Riza turn beet red and turned away. "That\'s what I thought! Watch how you waggle that long tongue of yours; I\'m a quick one! So, let\'s go see the Predators!"

I was still flying, and the girls lifted up to join me, and then I waited for them to go, and then I followed. I was excited, but I had not heard any word on what was happening with the bodies, so I thought that it was better to be careful.

Heading down into the bottom chamber of the Hive, I could see the thirteen bodies that were covered up. There was a black cloth over each of the bodies, but there was something weird about them.

"My Queen, I am happy to see that you have come down to see, but there is not much to see. I do know that the bodies are almost completely unrecognizable," Leah came over and explained to me.

I noticed that Riza took up the rear guard with Joni up beside me and me between her and Leah. I knew that Leah liked her, so maybe when we had more time, and there was less danger, I could push them closer.

"That\'s fine; I am not afraid of a little gore," Is what I said, but when the first sheet was pulled back, I had to look away.

I took a moment to collect myself from what I had just seen. All the bonding covered looked strange because the Predators were missing their heads, and that would have been fine, but that wasn\'t all, not even close.

I turned my head back, and Joni handed me a cloth to put on my nose and mouth, and that made it a bit easier to take. There was nothing left of the bodies, and only two silver pins were left in the bodies.

"What happened to them?" I asked in revulsion. "There is no way the drones did this. The flesh is all burned, and chunks are blown off like… did this happen inside of the bodies?"

Moved closer to one of the bodies still staying, and all the guards moved with me almost in sync. That alone was impressive; getting a group to move coordinated like that is half the battle.

,m "How did you know that from way over there?" Leah asked as we got closer.

"All the big damage has the flesh flung out and burned. The gruesome holes in the bodies will be from the spikes; the bodies are very badly burned. The heads were removed as well, and all the fur and skin were burned off. That means that we have no way of identifying the body, right?" I asked, and Leah nodded at me.

I looked around the large chamber and then spotted what I was looking for.

"Can someone bring me two cloaks? One of them on them turned inside out," I asked, hoping someone would do it, and I was surprised, but who offered.

"Most certainly, my most Queenliest of Queens!" Tag said while jogging over to the pile with Sig.

The two had grown and been a lot more built muscularly, but they weren\'t the only ones. All the Weasels and Ferrets were looking a lot more solid. I would really have to give Leah a reward, but then again, maybe I wouldn\'t have to.

I had a special jar of Riza\'s Royal Honey, and while Hilda had told me that it wasn\'t as potent as mine, it would still do roughly the same thing. In the end, it all mattered about the person and the genes I pumped into them.

Plus, having it coming from Riza and not me would mean a lot more to Leah, and this could be that little push that they needed. I needed to get my mind off that now; Tag and Sig were on their way back now.

"Sorry, my Queen, these robes are of excellent quality and almost impossible, but with Tag\'s help, we were able to be excellent!" Sig said proudly as he held up a burn black mangled robe up to me.

It was as it had assumed, there was something on the inside of them that was very flammable, and there was all of it. On the other robe, there were soot marks where they had been pierced, but there weren\'t any actual burns.

"These guys don\'t make any sense. First, they seem calculated, but more of a pack of wolves, but then they rush us, and you say they do this often to the Racoons? They must be losing people, and that makes them seem like they are just some power freaks, but now they seem like the calculated warrior assassin that only dreams of getting strong, and this is only done by giving your name and everything that is dear to you, your life," I said.

This was genuinely puzzling, but now I had some questions.

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