Epic of Bee

Chapter 97 Gravity Works In Strange Ways

Messia and I walked into the top level of the ship, and I was surprised by how empty it was. The last time I was up here, more people moved around, but everyone must Bee Buzzy.

"So glad that you came up to visit; I have a small invention that I have been keeping to myself. I am not trying to hide it to keep it from anyone, but I wanted you to be the first to see what I have come up with. I also have a water pump design ready to be manufactured, but we lack the facilities to do so," Gamble called over the moment he laid eyes on me.

,m I got a big smile and dragged Messia over to them; I liked how he seemed to have the speech rehearsed and prepared. As we passed by, the view on the map was of endless mountains and streams, but nothing that stood out worth giving extra thought to.

"Good to hear that you have devised something to move water between the Hex-Combs. Now, what are you so secretive about that you wanted to wait to show me first?" I asked with unrestrained curiosity.

Gamble got a big smile but then pointed at Pixie.

"As much as I would love to spill the beans on this, I was the helper on this project. The beautiful Miss Pixie here is the creator," Gamble said, and that made Pixie\'s cheeks go a couple shades darker than her long pink hair that was growing out.

I liked this pairing, and it made me feel less bad about Serria, but I would let them figure things out on their own. It was actually lovely to see another heterosexual couple, which reminded me that I should check up with Thiamon, Tita, and the rest of the council.

"Umm, I kind of stumbled on it when I was messing around with my abilities. I can create a hexagonal prism, but it can be stretched, and each hex is made up of smaller hexes," Pixie explained, but I was only partially following along.

I did not really understand what she was getting it from what I did get. Gamble seemed to notice my confusion and stepped over Pixie and offered her his hand, to my surprise.

Pixie took his hand and then looked up into his eyes and smiled. She then took in a deep breath before continuing as Gamble moved to the side, still holding her hand.

"Gamble has been messing around with the Gravity Bee, and he figured out how to isolate single Bees. He did it with a small device that uses a broken small piece of Levi-Stone that Xani charged for us to power a sound maker he built. I bumped into him one day when he was testing the device with one of my prisms… I was bouncing," Pixie said and then turned to bury her face in Gamble\'s shoulder.

Well, no pushing needed at all, but how did the two get so close so fast? I had to hear what happened next and where this story was going, and that was when Gamble finally stepped in to finish off the story.

"I found a way to make a device that can emit different frequencies, and I can attract a single one. If I turn the device off and turn it back on, it is a different one from the Gravity Bee; I marked them with paint. Regardless, they were able to make a small Gravity field, but it was far too weak. So when Pixie crashed into me, the hex prisms that she had just caught touched the device," Gamble explained.

During this explanation, Pixie had seemed like she was getting her emotions under control, but once Gamble got to the part about them colliding, her emotions spiked again. Now, Pixie was hiding behind him, and her face was beet red. Just what had happened between the two of them?

"Once the two things collided, both of us were instantly wrapped in the hex prism and forced together. Umm, during this time… HHHHA!" Gamble started to say something about what had happened, but Pixie stabbed her finger into his side, interrupting him.

"We had some alone time, and then we figured out how to get out," Pixie said in a tone that made that the end of that talk, but Gamble was slow on the uptake.

"Hey! I said that we should figure out how to get out first… DON\'T!" Gamble shouted after narrowly dodging another jab. "Stop that! You jumped me cause I wouldn\'t notice you, and now I have, and we are good! Stop being so embarrassed about it!"

During this time, Messia had moved behind me and had my tail between her legs and rubbing my shoulder. Today was a great day so far, and it looked like they had stumbled onto some type of personal shield, but right now, I was just enjoying watching the two of them flirt.

"Anyways," Gambles said as he stood behind Pixie and draped his arm over her shoulders to pin all four of her arms down and kissed her cheek. "We discovered what we are calling the HexSuit. You can still get hurt while wearing it, but you will only receive blunt damage. So far as we have tested, nothing has penetrated the shield, but that doesn\'t mean that it can\'t be. This just means that no one that we have tested it with had enough power; we don\'t know how it will stand up to Predators."

"Still, this is a remarkable discovery, and I will get a manufacturing facility for you right away. Also, I was just down at the Crystal Flower Hex-Comb, and they are harvesting right now, so I think that you and your team will be needed soon," I explained, and Pixie turned her head to meet Gamble\'s and gave him a kiss and nodded to me before separating from Gamble and flying off.

"I have a couple other things that I need to show you about the shield, but those can wait until you do what you need to with the ship," Gamble explained.

I nodded, and Messia let go of my shoulders and stopped riding me. Then the two of us headed over to my chair.

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