Epic of Bee

Chapter 160 The Time For Changes

I was pushed over to the stairs leading up to the platform, and I was starting to get nervous. It was like butterflies in my stomach, giving me the nervous but excited feeling of someone who is not really sure what will happen, but you hope that it is what you want.

"Once you are up top, you will be prompted to select eight Genes, but for you, it will be different than the others. The first two that you pick with me the main attribute of your evolution. The last six will be combined together, so keep that in mind when you are picking Genes," Beezli explained, and I nodded.

"You will also be given a Class, but it will not be like your subjects or wives. You will gain a Royal Class, and with it will learn new and fantastic abilities that will place you head and shoulders above the rest of your people," Pelleta explained to me, but I wasn\'t really sure what she meant by it, but I was about to find out.

"Thank you, I am still worried about this, but the longer I stand here worrying, the longer this will all take. Will I just go to sleep and wake back up?" I asked, looking back to Beezli, but she shook her head no.

"For your subject, yes, but not for you. I do not know what you will see, but I expect you to meet with one of the Timeduss. During this time, they will explain things about the world to you that we cannot tell you, and when you come out, you will be more learned of this world than any of us," Beezli explained.

I was going to have to meet with them again? I wonder if they would explain about the Fallen and why Trent was revived?

"The last thing that you need to be reminded of is the biggest change that you will be going through," Pelleta said as she came close with Serria, who took my hand.

"You mean the part where I am going to lose the last vestiges of me being male?" I asked with a sigh.

This part was the part that had me the most worried. I didn\'t really understand why I needed to lose the male part of me, but it was probably all part of the process.

"Can I have a moment, please?" I asked, turning to everyone, and they all nodded.

"Yes, we will all head back upstairs to the Navigation floor. You don\'t need us down here, and I understand that this part will be a lot for you to take in," Beezli said to me, and I nodded.

"Thank you, I just need some time to think about a couple things before I start, and I need to talk to my pet," I said, reaching up to my shoulders where they were all lying down.

The women all came and gave me one more hug and kiss before they all flew out and up, and then I was alone with my pets.

\'You seemed troubled about the changes that you are about to go through; why? Do you not want to grow stronger?!\' Thanos asked in my mind as I turned to sit on the steps leading up to the Evolution platform.

"I do want to get stronger; that isn\'t what is worrying me. I am not originally from this world, and I was a man before this. When I go through this evolution, Beezli told me that the last parts of my maleness will disappear from my mind. For me, that is terrifying, but only because I don\'t really know what that means," I explained out loud, and Tigra nuzzled up to me.

\'This is going to be a tremendous change for you. Though, from what I have seen, you have been going through many small changes every day. I know this is scary, but the three of us will be here waiting for you when you wake up,\' Tigra explained to me, and I stroked her soft blue fur, making her start to purr.

"Thank you, but you all have to make sure that you let the girls feed you while I am asleep. I don\'t want to have to worry while I am deep in this coma that you all aren\'t eating," I said to my pets, and they all gave me confirmation in my head that they would.

\'Do not worry about anything while you are inside. Your job now is to get stronger so you can come back and lead your people and yourself to greatness,\' Atom told me, and I nodded, but I still wanted a minute to think before I started the process.

I was a man; that was the way that I was born, the first time. Now I was in another body, in another world, and only barely holding on to that last part of me being a man.

It wasn\'t that I didn\'t want this; I was just worried about what the implications meant. Beezli said I would lose the last parts of me that held me in the idea that I was a man, but what did that actually mean?

"I am worried that when I do this, I am going to change drastically, but not just visually. I know that my body will go through some changes, but I am worried that when I wake up, I won\'t be me anymore," I said out loud, and I felt a little bit better to actually express my main concern.

"Can I come back down for a moment?" Messia called and nearly scared the life right out of me.

"Yes, please come down," I called up to her, and Messia flew down to join me.

"I am sorry, but I couldn\'t help but hear you just now, and I wanted to come down and talk to you," Messia said as she came over to sit by me on the steps.

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